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Everything posted by Patch

  1. Anyone notice that pic of the guy playing a DS while holding it like a book? That in itself is something new I haven't seen before, but the guy playing it has electrodes stuck into his head! Maybe this is the next revolutionary feature!! :wink:
  2. LOL! I totally agree with you. Great post. My reasoning for SSBM's phenomenal success is down to its universal appeal. For hardcore gamers, there is plenty to learn, lots of modes and trophy collecting. For non-hardcore gamers, it has a very simple pick-up-and-play appeal to it. My five year old cousin can have a whale of time by pressing A for the whole match. Unfortunately it's very difficult to create a single game that caters to these two groups that have very different needs. The next best thing is to create an environment for which both types of games (hardcore and casual) can be made easily. I think this is why the DS has been so successful and why Revolution has the potential to be.
  3. Patch

    Mario 128

    Oooo, so negative... I would say it's a very good example of a game that has platforming elements which works in a first-person view. But you're right, it doesn't lend itself to accuracy thanks to not being able to see your feet too easily. Having said that, the rev controller might change all that. Imagine Metroid Prime controls (Control stick moves Mario), but you use the wand to move your view. That way if there was a Goomba in the distance, you would tilt forward on the Control stick to approach it. When you're near enough, you would press A on the wand to jump, then while in the air, you would point the wand downwards to see what was below you (or around you if you wanted), then use the Control stick to make fine adjustments so that the Goomba is in the centre of your view i.e. directly below you. I'm sure the dev teams will have presented this and many other control schemes before deciding on the direction the game will take.
  4. *Agrees with Cassiel*
  5. That article was posted on 29th December last year. Nearly a month has passed and I haven't seen this news anywhere else. Don't get your hopes up.
  6. Yes, but if you think about it, the angling of your wrist is totally different. With a handgun, your wrist is pretty much relaxed (funnily enough, real handguns have been designed to be the way they are for this very reason). If you held a controller in the same way as you would a gun, it would point at the ceiling. To point the controller at the TV, you have to angle your wrist downwards.
  7. I can safely say without shadow of a doubt that that blog is utterly and absolutely 100% fake.
  8. Cool. Nice touch with the (slight) sword thrust in the Zelda one.
  9. Of course they will. Do you think Nintendo regularly say "No, your game is too violent for our sweet little console. You are hereby banned from releasing it"? The GC version of BMX XXX was the least censored of the three and as someone pointed out, the Gamecube has Resident Evil 4, Killer 7. The reason for there being few mature games on Nintendo consoles is not directly because of Nintendo - it is because most third parties see a bigger audience for mature games on the PS2 and XBOX.
  10. It is not imaginary It will be available in at least one colour It's name, for the moment, is Revolution
  11. I'd like to see a level similar to Pokefloats, but it takes place around Shiggsy's body. You'd start off battling on the end of his foot, then he'd rotate so you have to climb a steep incline of his leg. You'd later encounter a choppy section when the level scrolls to and zooms in on his fingers. And the coup de grace - fighting atop the forest that is the top of Shiggsy's head, while watching his pained reaction to the smash attacks and bomb explosions.
  12. "Duh, du-du-duh...DUH DUH, Can't lift this"
  13. Haha! That's something that's really been missing from the console market - homemade softcore titillation. You can find plenty for the PC. Er, so I've been told.
  14. Absolutely. Forget intelligent discussion and bring on the insults! That's just the breath of fresh air the Internet needs. :bah:
  15. Excellent article! It has good knowledge of the industry, nice prose and convincing stats. One of the best I have read. Here's an exerpt I liked: Consider this tidbit. The Xbox, which focuses on highly mature genres catering to hardcore gamers has production costs of $1.82 million a title. The Gamecube costs half as much at $822,000 a title. The real kicker is that the Nintendo DS only costs $338, 286 a title to develop for, even less than the Gameboy. Some of these costs have to do with the hardware and development kits, but for the most part they are derived from the scope of the projects. Being able to develop successful titles at 1/5th the cost of your competitors is a major boost to your bottom line. Thus, Nintendo’s profitability and need to innovate go hand in hand. They need those new genres because the old ones quickly become too competitive and too expensive.
  16. I was initially surprised at his comments. Imagine if the Ferrari team started saying what a great car the Porsche was. Or if Sainsbury's publicly complimented Tesco's low prices. Nintendo are attempting to widen the videogame audience with a simplified controller. This will bring more money into the videogame industry in general. People who wouldn't normally think of buying a console may now be tempted. And if they're tempted by the Revolution, then they're one step closer to buying an XBOX 360 or PS3. So its really in everyone's interests to increase the size of the gaming market and there's still plenty of room for growth. That is why I think he's so positive. Though it's still surprising nonetheless!
  17. I'm pleased at the mostly positive responses to the controller. That is saying something considering everyone's first impressions of it are accompanied by a stony silence. But once you have time to think about the new directions that it will take videogaming, you can't help but get excited. And what an incredible move by Nintendo to push back the boundaries of conventional gamesplaying AND allow us to play Nintendo games of yesteryear. It's like they've covered the past, present and future of videogames into one console. Fantastic!
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