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Everything posted by Patch

  1. Haha. In Round 1, I used to post pics and they'd be guessed within seconds. It's nice to have one that takes longer than 60 minutes to identify. I'll post some more at lunchtime, if no-one posts any in the meantime.
  2. Weird. I was sure this would be easy now. Goaferboy, please put everyone out of their misery. I'm sure you're not the first person here to use Google to find the answer!
  3. Some good guesses so far, but not right. Here's a pic of the original game: [ATTACH]2630[/ATTACH] I'm thinking surely this will be easy now, but who knows?
  4. Exactly what I was thinking. Where have you been all this time?
  5. Yep, he's got the hat for it. He jumps about a lot. The original game is considered a classic. It took place on a single screen. This sequel shunned that design and went for more of a JetSet Willy feel. For some reason. OK, that's probably enough clues for now!
  6. Hey Nando. Good try, keep guessing.
  7. Perhaps bots are yet another feature they would have liked to include but didn't because of time constraints. I prefer the Nintendo approach of delaying it, and delaying it some more, until it's ready and near-perfect. I'm probably in the minority here though. I am sooo hyped for ConTWOit right now.
  8. 4. [ATTACH]2629[/ATTACH] Here's a clue: It's a sequel. Look closely at the central character. Have you seen him in another, more famous game?
  9. Heh, that's what I was wondering with my 11 points. Recount! Pitfall - not a million miles away. It was possibly the same era.
  10. Yep, Dragon Force and Maniac Mansion are correct.
  11. Crocodile Dundee?! LOL! Always worth a guess! By the way, there are ladders on that screenshot, though they're a bit dark for some reason. The Last Ninja is the only one you got right.
  12. Round 2 I think we can safely (and belatedly) say that Zechs was the winner of the previous round! Was it his supreme knowledge, his vast age, or simply being on these boards 24/7, waiting to pounce as soon as the screenshots were posted? Well done Zechs. Well, here we go again. Anyone can post screenshots, but to avoid confusion, please wait until all previous screenshots have been guessed correctly. Name that game! 1. [ATTACH]2622[/ATTACH] 2. [ATTACH]2623[/ATTACH] 3. [ATTACH]2624[/ATTACH] 4. [ATTACH]2625[/ATTACH]
  13. Yes! I remember this being given 70% scores. Because of that, I was really torn about whether I should get it or not, given that I was a huge Star Wars fan back then. Eventually I caved and bought it. Thankfully I fell in love with it like a chimp who loves slightly-too-small T-shirts (er...). It was easy to see the faults, but you're right - the atmosphere and music were spot on. Great memories. The name 'Dash Rendar' still creases me.
  14. Perhaps the study was performed by measuring dust thickness. I keep mine in a cabinet - dust problem sorted.
  15. I read one 'explanation' for this statistic which went something like this: For families at any rate, the Wii is more likely to be situated in the living room (which was Nintendo's aim). The less sociable consoles are more often found in children's bedrooms. Therefore the Wii is less accessible, due to other family members using the living room TV. Does anyone here live with parents and have a PS3 / XBOX 360 in their living room? You can also turn that statistic on its head by considering which console is played the most, not hours per unit console, but total hours per console brand.
  16. Well, in my defense, I wasn't expecting a lawnmowing game as such. Rather, a collection of 'exciting' minigames, one of which involves mowing a lawn. Could have been Mario Party. Talk about disappointment.
  17. Patch

    Wii Fit

    Great idea. I would definitely use that feature. Some fast techno would be ideal for beating high scores! It would be cool if you could listen to instructional tapes too, somehow. Learning Spanish while jogging would exercise the brain as well as the body. Although the exertion may well kill a few people I suppose.
  18. Patch

    Wii Fit

    I've been training for about half an hour every couple of days, to ease me back in. Last year I was on it every day for about an hour, which was perhaps too much. I intend to take it a bit easier this time. I've lost a pound since I started at the end of March.
  19. I've been to Moscow and St. Petersburg. There's plenty to do in both places, though I preferred St. Petersburg. If you intend to do some solo-travelling, then here are some tips: If you have a tan, you will stand out. You might be stopped by the police who will expect you to be able to produce a passport and maybe your visa. Take these with you at all times and keep them safe. Police often carry automatic guns as a matter of course. Do not photograph military installations. Be watchful for pickpockets, especially on the tube in Moscow. In our case, there was a rather obvious collection of young gypsy women who spotted us foreigners a mile away. Apparently this is quite common. Don't smoke on the tube (you can get a fine). Take a credit card for most purchases and for ATMs. For cash, take either Euros or US Dollars, to exchange into Rubles at verified exchange centres only (hotels / banks etc...). Have a great time!
  20. Patch

    Wii Fit

    You went to America and lost weight? Impressive. Congrats to Nicktendo also.
  21. Patch

    Wii Fit

    Oi! . . . Yeah... you're right. Time for one of them punishing regime things then... It did pull an April Fool's-type thing yesterday where the Piggy 'thought' I was a different user. Oh the hilarity...
  22. Patch

    Wii Fit

    So a couple of New Year's resolutions and then a whole load of nothing for 2009. I started it again yesterday and I plan to keep going for a few weeks. It was apparently 280 days since my last weigh-in and I've put on 6lb, unsurprisingly.
  23. So this totally scientific experiment proves that this will do better than MadWorld. Nearly two-fold in fact. I may have to come back to this thread one day and update it with actual sales comparisons, just to see how accurate we were!
  24. So many fond memories of arcade game addictions, usually during holidays. Earliest (and vaguest) memory was of a tabletop Space Invaders arcade game in Tenerife. Completely flat and smooth, you could put your drinks on it. Super Mario Bros was probably my first proper addiction to an arcade game. Played some Streetfighter II during school. StreetFighter Alpha II and House of the Dead were my university favourites. There were too many wasted afternoons to count in those years. Other honourable mentions: SplatterHouse, Pang Some of these are already on the Virtual Console, and some I own in some other form, so I'm not too dissatisfied.
  25. Nice. I'm glad there's something in there for the perfectionists. I look forward to seeing perfect runs on Youtube. As for the much-touted Mighty Sales Prediction Experiment of 2009, I can only apologise for the downtime experienced at N-Europe whilst everyone cast their vote, accounting for an unprecedented volume of traffic. Thank you to everyone that voted. The results are now in (including the descriptive vote from '...'). The Conduit will sell twice as many copies as MadWorld! So about 200 copies then.
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