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Everything posted by Rowan

  1. Fortunately the youth players generally had high form so they never really needed extra training. Just noticed that the old team has vanished from the "Teams in the Past" section on my profile page. Is it gone for good?
  2. I was in the Super League. Took over a team in the 8th division 11 seasons ago which was in desperate need of stability. Before I joined the team were having 1-3 new managers a season. Won a couple of divisions during that time but also a couple relegation including this season where we have just been relegated from division 6. My reluctance to use the econs available but instead develop youth probably stunted our development as a club. Think when I joined we had around 10 Million, and having just resigned the new manager is going to have 33 million. Hoping to start up a new team from scratch in the League of Champs.
  3. Relegated with my Xpert League team. Set for relegation with Silverdale. I am the Steve Kean of the Xpert 11.
  4. Tight match; unlucky to lose 1-0. Having a moody defender may come back to bite me.
  5. Just heard about the trilogy and I'm tempted too. Never played the series but I have a few other games I need to find the time to complete too. Still got MGSHD still shrinkwrapped begging to be played. How much of an issue is it without the DLC? And how much is the DLC?
  6. Recent splurge: Daft Punk Discovery - 99p thanks to current Amazon MP3 promotion Pre-ordered the new Ellie Goulding album. £8.50 ish thanks to Student card. Was thinking of going for the signed copy from Play.com but didn't really think it was worth it. PES 2013 steelbook pre-ordered. Hopefully here Friday. 30 Rock Season 5. £4.75 ish from Amazon with student discount. Watched the first 4 episodes so far and they have been fantastic and back to its best after the below par season 4. Limiting myself to 1 episode a day. NUS Student Discount. £12 valid for 13 months. Thought might as well as its probably the last year of getting student discounts.
  7. What can I expect from the MGS HD collection? I've never played the series before but I've won a copy of it and have heard the series is great.
  8. Beta codes are being handed out as I got one today. Would seem reasonable they'll invite PS+ members too. I just downloaded it and managed to play 1 game. In the beta you can only play online, but it looks like you can have up to four people playing on 1 console. Available characters are apparently: * Kratos (God of War) * PaRappa the Rapper * Fat Princess * Sweet Tooth (Twisted Metal) * Radec (Killzone) and Sly Cooper. But I don't remember seeing them all up for selection yet. This is all coming from the 1 match I played so I'll probably give it another go to give a more reliable feedback if anyones interested but the game was smooth and seemingly lag free, though I couldnt switch off other peoples mics. There was also no option to customise the controls (though should be in full game) so it was a bit weird using x to jump and not the control stick. (as well as R2 to activiate special move) There didn't seem to be any sort of charging technique, just attacks attached to square, triangle, circle along with the control stick. I used Fat Princess and I really had no idea whether the moves I was doing were having an effect but I did manage to come second in the game. Hard to notice when items were appearing and whether or not they were being activated. Played on this stage: http://image.gamespotcdn.net/gamespot/images/misc/movies/gsm_169_e32012_stage_demo_playstation_allstars_060712_4000_640.jpg Wasn't too dynamic, admittedly I dont know which franchaise its from the the monster didn't attack that much, and there was a platform that moved around (though I kept trying to do the Smash Bros thing of trying to go down through the platform which you cant do). Didn't have too much fun playing the match but that could be because a) its just a Beta, b) they've done a really poor job or explaining the controls and objectives, c) I'm too used to Smash Bros. Happy to give it a couple more goes to see more of the game, but I'm not that impressed by it.
  9. Been watching trailers and clips from the American conference over at GT and this game looks actually quite fun. Can't believe what a poor show they did with it at E3.
  10. Tekken for Wii U currently at £28 over at Zavvi. Not looked at other sites but seems a decent price for those interested. http://www.zavvi.com/10481350.html
  11. So I just watched it after I came home, mixed feelings. Firstly - walked past a GAME store at round 5pm and noticed they already had info about a midnight launch for 30th November. Good on them getting the news out quickly, initially I just thought it was them guessing the date but pleasantly surprised when I watched the video. I'm most impressed by the 3rd party support (which I think outshines Nintendo's own launch day releases) the console looks to be getting in the near future, there's something to cater all audiences. Zombi U isn't my sort of game but it looks fun and innovative. Rayman looks great. Kudos to Ubisoft. The Lego game looks hilarious too The multiple SKUs annoys me but I can see why they've done it; regardless of whether you go for a 8GB/32GB hard drive if you're serious about going digital only you're still going to have to invest in a portable hard drive of 500GB-1TB. Especially since a disc has a max capacity of 25GB. Though I suppose going digital only means you sacrifice the ability to take the game to play round a friends house. (I presume you can't take the hard drive to their Wii U?) Which is a shame as I'm feeling ready to ditch discs. Sad that Pikmin didn't make it this year. Nintendo Land or NSMBU doesn't interest me unfortunately. I would have loved a Super Mario Galaxy 3. So while watching I'm definitely hyped, thinking I'm going to get one on launch....then I enter the Wii U price check thread and decide it's just too much money for me to invest in So I'm going to hold out for a cheaper deal.
  12. Lucky draw. Getting worried about the future of my defence.
  13. Not too disappointed by the defeat. Thought we played well considering I played a younger looking defence.
  14. http://www.xperteleven.com/xpertdaily.aspx?DartID=4501&S=3〈=EN Trophy room is good. (Click your user profile then the trophies tab). Doesn't seem to show all of my trophies even though the 2 teams I've stuff with has existed for years. Good idea for going forward though.
  15. Ended Eights and Madpools unbeaten run. Next I'll end Inter's.
  16. Trophies are nice things to aim for while enjoying the main game and I'll try to get some of them for extra replay value after completing the main plot. Online trophies are typically a grind so I doubt I'll ever achieve them all for that specified game. Trophies are not a necessity for me, the ingame rewards whether it's an unlockable mode/item or just knowing the ending is enough satisfaction. Equally, I wouldn't buy and play a game purely for gaining its trophies.
  17. We (Silverdale) are still looking for middle league and lower league alliance remembers. Maybe if we set a deadline of having your alliance confirmed to Haden by kick off on Friday then it'll be sorted out.
  18. SSX Blur - felt a bit cheap just rehashing the same courses from SSX3 / On Tour and by making them more cartoony and colourful the tracks were kinda garish. The controls were too difficult to perform tricks and to navigate down the mountain - perhaps Wii M+ would have helped. Didn't like the cartoony characters which had 0 voice over. Menu loading times were loooong. Quite disappointed as was a big fan of the series and I'm sure I played over £30 for this game at a time when I had to save up money to make purchases.
  19. What's your thoughts on all the microtransactions ND doing? Basically you can use real cash to buy stuff like taunts, custom items for skins as well as the special modded weapons instead of grinding for treasures. Not a huge fan of it as some might have spent hours trying to unlock a special weapon or skin only for it to be available for 99p. Seems like ND are just trying to milk more money.
  20. Argh. We were all foreplay no penetration.
  21. Tag/quote me for alliance if you're in the middle or lower league. Great 1st post Haden. Maybe should add who's been cup winners over the years Looking forward to Peeps reports !
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