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Everything posted by Katie

  1. I'm definitely getting it, my code is 4167-4501-1400 No idea about a town name yet. Looking forward to being completely addicted to AC again!
  2. Haha, no I think our orders will be prioritised, especially now that Amazon have experienced the persistence/demands of the likes of @david\.dakota
  3. Hooray glad to hear you got it sorted in the end! I think Amazon are good but the couriers sometimes let them down, when we ordered the Wii it was dispatched but the courier didn't deliver it on time. I'm hoping now that I'm a Prime customer I'll get it on launch day.
  4. Just don't mention my name then
  5. How did it go? It was a bit weird how they tried to brush me off a few times then when I again mentioned it was a pre-order she quickly said yes. I thought she was just lying to get rid of me at first.
  6. Nope the premium one My boyfriend had already placed a new order for the premium one at the higher price, so I called up and asked them to honour the price quoted in June. It took a while as she had to check with a manager, and she did try telling me prices are only guaranteed for 7 days, but once I mentioned their pre-order price promise she quite quickly changed her tune and said yes they will honour it. Our order has now been updated showing the premium console at £199.99. This was a week or so ago but it should be the same for everyone that placed the original order.
  7. Do you think that's why they chose the 4 player set up, to remove the more deadly weapons? Anyway good luck Fused, it sounds great! Remind us of the prizes again?
  8. This might have already been discussed but if it has I can't find it. For anyone that pre-ordered the black Wii-U from Amazon back in June for £199 then had it cancelled, get onto Amazon and they should honour the price for your new order!
  9. Happy belated birthday!
  10. Looks good Jim! Really pleased for you both, I can't believe you've been together 3 years already.
  11. I've added you both back.
  12. I'm a bit late to this thread but am going to start adding people now, my code is: 4167-4501-1400 Let me know if you add me and I'll make sure I've got you too.
  13. I'll always return for a MK release
  14. I think I'll get this pre-ordered from Shopto, £29.86 at the moment. Looking forward to some N-E Mario Kart games!
  15. I've just checked mine and they all say United Kingdom, England. Looking at the settings the other options are just Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. It would be good if they had more specific locations on there.
  16. That is pretty cute I might have to get it. A Wonderful Life was the first Harvest Moon game I played and it probably is my favourite (although I can't quite remember which others I've played). I was actually reading up on all the DS versions the other day trying to decide whether to buy one but the reviews put me off a bit. I think they keep adding extras which just make the game more repetitve and less enjoyable to play. You might be right about the use of chapters being key, at least then you can see yourself progressing and the story developing. Maybe I just gave up too soon on the other versions but I think I'll wait for the 3DS title to start again.
  17. I got 5 hits on Streetpass in Manchester today! I managed to get 2 new puzzle panels and my boyfriend got a third. He got 4 hits and 3 of the people were different to mine, so I think it must be because you can only connect to one DS at a time like someone said before.
  18. I've completed all 4 of the puzzles available to me now I was pretty impressed with the images, it's the best 3D I've seen so far on the DS.
  19. It sounds like they're just too big for you, I always buy a size smaller in flats and they're usually ok. I have got a pair that cut my heels, I did try those heel grips but they just fell out after a while.
  20. I can't run and I can't kick. Wussa matta babe? Are you feeling sick?

  21. I see dead people.

  22. Does anyone have or know where I can get The Sun man of the match for each game without having to buy the paper? I need to know to see how I'm doing in my fantasy league!
  23. Happy Birthday Bluey. I've got a friend who loves blue and stitch, how weird.
  24. I can't keep up with this thread now I'm working it moves too fast. Can't believe I've been there 3 weeks now it's going so fast. I'm going to Italy for a few days in October now that's cool. I'm annoyed at Blender as he appears to have suggested I'm a thief for having a netbook for sale.
  25. If you can imagine the amount of calls being made about Swine flu I can't imagine everyone picking up the phone is going to be a nurse, I'm sure they'll get training. Well done Chris.
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