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Everything posted by Katie

  1. You seem to post about long shifts everyday Chris, are they giving you any days off? My Ipod is annoying me. Why can't I make a playlist from the songs on it, why do they have to be in Itunes? I haven't got any on there at the moment so I can't make a playlist. Grrr.
  2. I just ordered Dexter Season 2. I had been renting from Lovefilm but I decided I might as well cancel that and buy myself the boxset. Oh and I got some shoes for work in the Next sale tday, £20 down from £40. It was mad in there though, I didn't have a proper look around because there were just people everywhere grabbing at clothes.
  3. I wouldn't, I'm 99% sure they will be fakes, a lot of people don't notice. Plus there's new feedback from today saying they are fake Don't pay them that price for copies, I would just buy the ones you want and hopefully they will be official (then again I think there are a lot of fake Pokemon games in circulation now, pretty sure I've got a leaf green one).
  4. That post was very different this morning Good luck anyway.
  5. Try to Negotiate? I would think with your retail experience you would be able to haggle a bit? If they did offer you the job they might be willing to offer you more to get you. I managed to get a bit higher for my current job, I nearly didn't ask but the first offer was just too low.
  6. Haha! What made you say/remember that? I don't think I've even got it anymore!

  7. Congrats Dyson! Now enjoy the time you have free before starting work!
  8. I wonder if someone made her think she shouldn't accept it? Anyway.. pics? Not that I'm in a position to be buying £55 necklaces but interested to see what it looks like! I can understand what you mean not wanting to give it to someone else when you had bought it especially for her. Ebay is probably a good bet, if you bought it from a brand name store make sure you put it in the listing title as there's so much jewellery on ebay it's the only way anyone will find it.
  9. I remember you moaning about that Glad to hear you're feeling better. Went to my sisters yesterday as it was her husband's birthday. We had some drinkies, played a random star trek board game then Family Guy Monopoly, then some sing star, pretty fun night. Back to work tomorrow, quite looking forward to it though instead of the old 'oh no not work again' feeling.
  10. Haha. I had another good day at work. Found out my old boss put in a good word for me which is probably why I got my new job, so I'm thankful to him. Went into Manchester after work with my sister for cocktails (2 for 1 until 9pm it's so great) and then to Café Rouge for a nice meal (Tesco vouchers = half price!) Looking forward to a weekend off after a whole 5 days of employment :p
  11. I think you're probably worrying to much about the complaint situation, one guy isn't going to get a whole team fired is he? Surely the most you'd get is a warning if even that is justifiable. Did you apply for that other job you mentioned? How many hours are you working now? I'm thinking about starting another Open Uni course next year which says 16 hours study a week, I'm hoping it's exaggerating as I don't plan on leaving my full time job.
  12. Oh ok, I was gonna say, my actual redundancy was only 1.5 weeks pay (because I was only 20 and they shafted me letting me go a day before I made 4 years!)
  13. Your redundancy is extremely generous isn't it, didn't you say you'd only been there 2 years?
  14. Only a girl could say she needs "new brown sandals" as if they're as compulsory as a toothbrush I do need some new shoes for work though. One of my pairs are a bit too big and cut my ankles. The other pair are a bit too high for wearing everyday. Ok I have lots of pairs but I want some more.
  15. Those suits freak me out a bit, how can they breathe! I need a new phone. I've got a u600 because it was cheap (and pink) but it's crap. It has to be on vodafone and not stupid expensive. Hmm.
  16. Congrats! Will you do something about the outrageous popcorn prices? Me too, my three options are Night at the Museum, Fight Club, Tropic Thunder. I'll probably end up watching none of them, I'm having trouble getting through my love film rentals. I've had a good first two days at work, everyone seems really nice and it's been good bumping into people I used to work with. The work is completely different but I like to learn stuff and the day goes really quick.
  17. Looking for Eric I went to see it on Sunday, it's a really great film. I didn't really know what it was about before going, it's basically about a depressed man getting his life back together, with the guidance of Cantona his hero. Very thought provoking, sad and funny.
  18. No way are you paying him £70. You're not responsible for him taking the wrong jacket home. If no one had taken his jacket, but he had realised he had yours, he'd still have given yours back and been without his. So the fact he almost got it back doesn't really matter. It must be pretty infuriating that someone gave his jacket to charity but he should have looked after it better. Completely back out from the situation, you were doing HIM a favour by going round with the jacket, but he wasn't there so you took it back to Cerys who claimed it when she left that night. If he wants to ask her to pay that's his business.
  19. Thanks and congrats to you as well Haden. Sorry to hear that Jimbob, I guess it's just a standard letter they didn't bother to think about before issuing?
  20. Thanks you two, I was getting a bit worried when they hadn't called by 5 but she rang just after. I'm glad it's a job in my town so I can walk to work, I hated the thought to travelling for hours everday! And Jim it's Katémon!
  21. I got the job I start Monday. Bit sad to be getting paid so much less than before but I can get a lot of experience and I like the sound of it, the people seem really nice too.
  22. My interview was very friendly and relaxed today (where I used to work but different department) no nasty interview questions. They've only interviewed 3 people including me, one of which I used to work with. They're letting us know later today so fingers crossed...
  23. Aw that sucks, some people are just useless at remembering birthdays though. Haven't you been hinting! Congrats gettting 3 replies the day after applying for jobs is great in the current climate! Good luck with the interviews. This course they've got you doing sounds like a load of crap. Why do you have to do it? The job centre seem to waste a lot of time on programs that help no one. My day was great, it's my brother's birthday so we went into Manchester for lunch, then an afternoon of 2 for 1 cocktails and then dinner. On my 20th birthday he got me humiliated at a comedy club (because it was my bday) and so today was pay back time. After seeing someone else do it I got the waiters to sing happy birthday to him, it was a lot of fun secretly doing it (I'm usually too shy but cocktails helped) however he did catch me and the waiter signally to each other when I was reminding him, but that was really funny too.
  24. Thanks for letting me know, I can't get season 5 from anywhere though so there's no way for me to catch up :sad: I just keep checking on demand in case they update the episodes they have available.

  25. Nip tuck yes yes, but I haven't even seen the rest of season 5 yet, is 6 starting?

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