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Everything posted by Katie

  1. I can't stand the UK version either, it just makes me cringe. Like Replika said, why does he try to make the show exactly the same and copy X? Did anyone see where he called a half pipe a half tube? The USA version is pretty good, I loved it when the car owner said about rims "I can't believe I own these" then one of the guys said "you don't own them... they're yours!" It still makes me laugh.
  2. Or have the whole one and a half hour for Corrie I was half watching this, I didn't really think anything of it at the time but I see what you mean. Why are they giving us all these statistics when there isn't a threat?
  3. I'm a Lvl 30 human Mage on Emerald Dream. I wish they hadn't changed the Battle Ground level ranges, I wanted to be the top for longer. Has anyone got into the Arathi BG yet? Doesn't seem like anyone goes on there.
  4. I'd love a Macaw Jo, do you have a supplier lined up? I'd also love a Conure, they are so cute. I have two budgies at the moment, but no pictures to show, I'm sure I'll find one soon.
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