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Everything posted by Katie

  1. http://www.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,30000-13507653,00.html What do you think of this? I'm not sure I like the sound of it, there would surely be crazy side effects. I like my sleep too much, 2 hours can't be enough.
  2. Well ofcourse if you ask for plain dairy milk you'll get milk chocolate, it's what you've asked for. You're just describing what you want there though, plain chocolate is still dark chocolate. Like Bourneville.
  3. There's only 3 types of chocolate - White, milk and dark/plain are the same This has raised a debate between me and Fierce_LiNk, he thinks milk chocolate is plain chocolate. He's wrong isn't he?
  4. I got stuck on that one too, I don't think I ever got past it. You spend so long shooting those arrows then still can't do it. I've started the missions on WWP now, I love single player.
  5. I always used to stay up late playing Armageddon online in the holidays. Me Dabooker ViPeR and Smiffy have been playing WWP a lot recently, it's great. Watching booker kill himself never gets old.
  6. I don't know if this has already been posted but for anyone who hasn't seen it: http://gametrailers.com/player.php?id=9249&type=wmv
  7. I'd probably send it back, as long as they sent a stamp addressed envelope. A couple of weeks ago I bought 2 sandwiches in Sainsburys that came to £4, and paid with a £5 note. The cashier gave me £4 change so I said err the sandwiches cost £4. She quickly took the money back and said sorry, then she handed me £9! I still just took the £1 though.
  8. You don't need help with your theory, you just need help.
  9. I did a couple of those tests, I got 84WPM on Shorty's and 76WPM on Eevils. I should really use the shift key for caps rather than capslock but I can't help it anymore.
  10. I love that money box Sparko, where did it come from?
  11. Happy Birthday Jim! You can play them games now
  12. Yes it is, it says Mario Kart Double Dash on the other side, I have 2 I won them in a little tourny.
  13. I couldn't find everything I've got but here's most of it.
  14. I'm Ryu Hayabusa
  15. I have that Well not your one, or is it... I have Mario & Link pez dispensers and some other bits but I can't think.
  16. I love purple nik naks and wheat crunchies. I haven't had any in ages, better get some tomorrow.
  17. Coffee, I really hate tea. I hardly ever drank coffee until I started my job, now I have it all the time, I have to have one if I'm on the phones in the mornings or I start to lose my voice.
  18. Heh actually Animal Crossing took me away from Mario Kart, it's a vicious circle. Still I'm not addicted to them like I was WoW and they don't take £8.99 a month from me.
  19. I have cheese toasties if anything, I don't like too much cheese in it though. I used to love melted cheese on crackers.
  20. Yea that was my addiction for about 5 months, then I got Mario Kart DS and never went back. It set me free.
  21. My sister has a tropical fish tank, I noticed the other day that everytime I put my finger up to the glass they all swarm to me even though they've just been fed. I'm sure the angel fish doesn't get bored, he's too busy chasing the little fish.
  22. I forgot about this, I would have given it a watch otherwise. When is it on ?
  23. Nooooo! That was great Owario, nice job. I'm bound to like reading about myself though :wink:
  24. I'll take excessive gambler.
  25. Just don't bother it's not worth it. Why take time away from other subjects you care about to do something so pointless. I did food tech but didn't care about it so I didn't put that much effort in with the work (and we didn't do anywhere near 30 A3 pages) I got a D in the end but I can't say I care, I just took the course because I had to.
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