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Everything posted by Katie

  1. I'll join MK DS.
  2. Get off your high horse Jordan he wasn't suggesting he chooses the mood of the board.
  3. It's well unfair that Ashlyne loses the one person she chooses to keep in, Johnathan or Spiral I think.
  4. Scammers. The amount of fraud on the internet now is just disgusting, not that any is acceptable. I can't stand the thought of all these people that choose to make their living from conning.
  5. She could be a Katie :awesome: Anna is quite nice too (nothing to do with my middle name being Ann). I always find it hard to think of girls names but I think Bethany and Leanne are nice.
  6. Why do you hate Mr_Odwin's baby, stop suggesting such horrible names.
  7. Congratulations Mr_Odwin, that hat looks a little big on her(?) You could have atleast dressed the baby in pink or blue so we could guess the sex.
  8. We played Manhunt but we were only about 11 so didn't play at night. It involved a lot of running across the main road to get back to base but it was so much fun. I loved sneaking towards the base then being noticed and having to run as fast as you can. Being the catching team wasn't much fun though.
  9. I think I prefer our version of Bulldog. Sticky Toffee was another good one, oh and peep behind the curtain.
  10. That solves the mystery then Meik. I never really thought about why it was called ginger at the time, it just was.
  11. I editted my post because I realised I'd just repeated what you said. Don't worry Ramar I'm sure it was just you and me that knew about it! British Bulldog is the one where there is one person on in the middle of the (car pack in my case) and the rest have to run to the other side without being caught. That's how we played it anyway. We'd sit at the other end of the car park and say lets have a cup of tea thinking we were hilarious. Me and my friend introducted it to school and we had 2 years playing it boys v girls, it was awesome.
  12. We had a similar game called "Block". The only differences were one person was on and the rest hid. We were only allowed in my street, but it was a big square with loads of places to hide so it was pretty good. I think you had to say something but can't remember. Block 1 2 3 maybe.
  13. "It" all the way. Had? He? What's that all about.
  14. I only know of the south east as that's where I've picked it up, it's probably a lot of places.
  15. So to clarify... Knock a door run is acceptable Knock down ginger is acceptable No one has ever heard of knock up ginger.
  16. Where are the south eastians! Edit: That's more like it.
  17. Well its knock a door beg throw eggs and run on Halloween then.
  18. You don't run on Halloween Where are you from Ormingstoke?
  19. The only one that makes sense is Knock Down Ginger, you're all crazy.
  20. Yes my prize would be a form of compensation.
  21. Do I get a prize for being completely robbed?
  22. He's gone on holiday we'll have to await his return to hear the tale. Sorry to hear that CFMan, some people are such scum.
  23. Queen was easier
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