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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. I genuinely love them. Yeah, I enjoyed Jizz In My Pants and that was that. But then I was reintroduced to Natalie's Rap and then was stunned. They have duds, but it's all fun. I love Motherlover so much. I was singing it in class today. And Jack Sparrow is good. I Just Has Sex was stunning to hear in a club, but otherwise eh. When will Joanna Newsom feature on their songs!? She's fucking Andy Samberg?! It's such a ripe opportunity for her to tell jokes.
  2. I just love how this is the second time I've included Loud-era Rihanna in academic work this year. To celebrate:
  3. "Oh, lighten up, faggot." don't worry it's a quote from JIZ - the best thing every in the universe. Go watch it.
  4. Bugs coming back to town now it's summer. Hates it. Been a few tiny flying things in my room last 2 days, and I think I found 2 ants.
  5. Well technically the module is called 'Art History' but this term/last term was Post-Modernism, and I chose a question abut youth cultures affecting design and taste. So basically not art. :p But I talk at the end about how though punk is dead, his influence led to the acceptance of the 'perverse' in the mainstream, as punk became as much a commodity/sellable brand as any other subculture before it. (unfortunately for punks) In particular stage costume for performers, and then mentioned how S&M was a no.1 hit by a young female singer - perhaps this was only possible due to punk opening the floodgates of indecency blah blah. I also mention Ke$ha in the conclusion. Lel.
  6. I feel like you live inside an indie-pop song. Perhaps a Noah & The Whale ditty.
  7. I managed to get a brief analysis (of sorts) of "S&M" by Rihanna into my "art history" essay. I'm the bestbestbestbest
  8. Like you can tell the difference, of all people.
  9. I wish I, you and he were eradicated.
  10. I don't understand why they don't just...put good people with good songs on it. If they made the decision to have one person represent the country in terms of quality or whatever. I could imagine Adele being chosen for the Uk or something. She seems quintessentially british but really beloved/popular.
  11. Jedward are just very disturbing. I'm not sure if that song was meant to assert their masculinity or what...the fact they keep being placed face to face in those cgi hearts is just creepy. Twin incest. I don't like it.
  12. I love how you're 22, when it would make so much more sense if you were like...26. Have one on me.
  13. Not feeling so fresh? Feminine odour or itching got'choo doune?
  14. I would like my voucher PLZ!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Not sure. There was that one where like...months past in a single issue while he got better or something. After they fought a few Viltrumites. Maybe that was the last one.
  16. No I read the first few of Viltrumite war and haven't since. (not for any reason, just that I haven't kept up with anything since last october) I need X-Men more in my life than Super Dinosaur.
  17. Yeah her accent is annoying since she does English way better/the accent is nicer on her, but then I'm so aware of stereotypes in film these days and having an English "villain" is too steretypical for me. So it that sense her accent added a joke twist.
  18. I need like an overview of what I need. Started Ultimate Avengers 3, but only like one issue (art was horrible, but I will finish it and deal). And only got up to like 15 with Spidey. And now there's Ultimate Avengers vs. New Ultimates. I think I'll wait till I finish term (end of may).
  19. Cate Blanchett's face is life. Arguably my favourite face in cinema. Queen of face posters.
  20. Started getting back on comics. By finishing off New Ultimates. (lel) I just love the Jeph Loeb Ultimate joke. Really bad. Yet great if you accept the badness and move into appreciating other areas. I hate how the joke of the team roster is no longer though. Like..it was my favourite line-up. Captain America, Iron Man, Hawkeye, Zarda/Power Princess (yes!!), Valkyrie, Ka-Zar, Shanna the She-Devil and Black Panther. YESSSSSSSS. I don't think Ka-Zar or Shanna actually did anything in the entire series. I can't remember though. I know I'm literally 8 months late, but I will catch up one day.
  21. I want to draw one! I wish I was dead. Yeah, I originally was gonna do a joke poster making it look like a rom-com, then that fizzled away, leaving me with this non-event.
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