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Everything posted by MadDog

  1. It's hilarious the people saying he's too old. Ronaldo is 30, is he too old?
  2. vote: nobody Has anyone ever been lynched first day?
  3. I agree @Ronnie. Replaying content over and over to progress is silly, in my opinion.
  4. MadDog

    Just Cause 3

    The second one was by no means a brilliant game, but it's honestly some of the most fun you can have with a video game. It's like fast and furious films. They're way over the top and abit shit but it's just all about the action and fun.
  5. I doubt anyone would hold it against you. :p
  6. You could buy a nice brand new car for that. You wouldn't actually buy them would you? :p
  7. You post saying you're back in the bad stuff thread? Is this place that bad? :p
  8. You lucky bastard. I'd love to have an excuse to go see Taylor Swift without looking like a weirdo. :p
  9. Ok, let's stop butchering this thread.
  10. Only Spam? Or are other meats allowed?
  11. Just delete the Nintendo Gaming board. Problem solved. :p
  12. I really think the Williams had the pace to win, but they never seem to get everything together at the right time. Obviously the changing conditions doesn't seem to suit them at all, but in the dry they're right up there on certain circuits.
  13. How you getting on @drahkon? I'm thinking about buying my first camera so will be interesting to hear some thoughts from a fellow noobie.
  14. It's seems weird that you can preorder on things like Steam, as it's not going out of stock. Especially with how broken games can be. The new Steam refund system has kinda removed any risk now I guess.
  15. When do you plan on starting it @Jonnas?
  16. I'd definitely say Ronnie has been guilty of harassment many times.
  17. I don't get all the doom and gloom, people saying Leicester will certainly go down now. It's not like he's the best manager in the world. He's 100% replaceable.
  18. MadDog


    My Star Wars shelf is a little overcrowded now. General Grievous is a personal favourite.
  19. Why do you always try and point score? It's not a competition, (well it kinda is...), but you get my point. Just because somebody doesn't like something Nintendo does, doesn't mean that you HAVE to bring up something you don't like about other consoles. It's just sad.
  20. Arsenal are signing someone who can't kick the ball. @Ramar
  21. I'm ok waiting. Looking forward to starting a new team.
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