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Everything posted by MadDog

  1. Is there any alternatives? Everyone on that pitch for both sides were shite.
  2. That was never a pen for Juve. He literally had his hand resting on him, he didn't have hold of his shirt. He went down looking for it.
  3. So happy Barca won. Very well deserved, they were easily the best team on the day. I just had no doubts they'd get the win in the end even after Juve scored.
  4. I'd say Dead Space aswell. It's shorter than the rest, and should be good for a few days.
  5. 1.05 is up on GOG. Downloading all 289mb now.
  6. Thanks guys. This game is just so huge. I put off going to Skellige for ages, because i wanted to do most of Velen first. I still have about 25 secondary quests and contracts to do in Velen, but i wanted to progress the main story more. It's a very, very special game.
  7. Once i got to Skellige, am i able to freely travel back to Velen when i wish?
  8. Got to level 4 and I'm pretty underwhelmed. The shooting just feels poor to me. It's quite good fun, maybe I'll like it abit more when I've unlocked some more weapons.
  9. Finally get round to playing this and I get a communication error first game. Add me so I have people to play with. :p MadDog91UK
  10. You can auto ride Roach? What.
  11. Brilliant that he's going, hopefully someone can start cleaning fifa of corruption.
  12. Whey! It's worth buying a PS4 just for those two games, nevermind the other great titles. Fantastic price aswell. 😊
  13. The price will have certainly helped Splatoon sales. I guess many people were like me and thought it was worth a punt at such a good price.
  14. A prestigious honour that Jamie Vardy cherishes I'm sure.
  15. It was in a cup final, it wasn't a pointless league game where the other team might roll over. He's done stuff like that against the best teams in the world, consistently.
  16. All I want is a zero suit samus, wonder when they'll be available. They're no way Nintendo are doing all the can. How can something like this happen to a company as big as Nintendo? Baffles me.
  17. Elsa? :p I'd say Yennefer is the most attractive. Or maybe Triss. It's hard. Not in that way.
  18. How is it not a proper league though? The Spanish teams do well in Europe, especially in the europa league.
  19. Torres, Aguero, Michael Owen and many more did the opposite. It's all about the style of football, it's different therefore it can not suit players.
  20. You could actually buy Bloodborne with blood. :p
  21. I assume you're joking. Right?
  22. He's never scored against Hartlepool, either. :p
  23. He's so one dimensional. Look at him cutting inside AGAIN.
  24. I can kinda see why it's on sky. I mean, they have a channel dedicated to the sport, which is awesome for the fans that do have a sky sub. They definitely offer alot.
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