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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. In Time Great concept, carried out averagely. Surprisingly not crap though. Reservoir Dogs Great. You can tell it's Quentin Tarintinos Debut but I enjoyed its crudeness.
  2. Congratulations Magnus, you slacker.
  3. Carcassonne is a game for winners. It's all about the cheeky farmers.
  4. I'm not listening. :p
  5. I had this and it was really frustrating because I used to be immense at that game plus there is one cup in the entire game I never got gold on and it really annoys me that I haven't but I can't now as it is definitely slippery. :p (and not my own fault)
  6. Plants VS Zombies DS This is more addictive than I thought it would be. Been playing this most of the evening. Freakyforms your creations, alive! 3DS Ware
  7. Yes! I've been waiting all day for Nintendo to put this up! So I popped out for a bit and when I got back it was up. Been playing it so far I've already managed to create the creepiest Formee. xD It's called Jacobs, his catchphrase is Figs!! and I set his voice to old and low which makes for a hilarious all be it terrifying combination. :p SO RAPEY. I love this game and I'm not even sure what I'm playing. Currently I'm making FUNKY trees.
  8. Man tried to kill himself with carbon monoxide, turns out he bought helium.
  9. I don't know what that means. Nick and Norah's infinite playlist Kat Dennings. The rest was just bad, It couldn't decide what film it wanted to be so failed to be anything interesting.
  10. I like Cher Lloyd because she's got a hard shell but the middle's so YUMMEH! /creeper.
  11. Yes! Finally my life has meaning again. For the record I'd go with Apolleo.
  12. American Werewolf In London This can't have ever of been good? Silly and very dated now. The Orphanage cute. It avoid a lot of horror pitfalls and was actually rather compelling. Monsterwolf This can't be real, I refuse to believe what I saw was a film. :p That said it's the hardest I have laughed in a good while and I recommend everyone to watch it!
  13. ...and the wiping of the hand on his sleeve afterwards?
  14. I want a remake of Link: The Faces of Evil my favourite CD-i game. That in 3D would be epic.
  15. I have an exam tomorrow. YAY! I will probably fail as I normally do.
  16. 6) ANYTHING he is a slut for the avatars.
  17. Haha, YOU SNEAKY MOM! Ukrainian newscaster caught mid fap:
  18. Curious: What dating websites are you who are using them use?
  19. ...to display them for the photo, I think the disc art is cool. That isn't actually where I keep my blurays. They are back in their boxes now. SAFE. So no need to panic.
  20. Die Another day is so amusing. Man I love it because its so unapologetic in its ridiculousness. It's like screw you we are making whatever crap we like up and by the end you are left completely baffled about what has just transpired. At least it's fun! unlike the Daniel Craig bond films. :p
  21. I took pictures of this stray cat the other day: It started following me and everything. I played with it for a good 15 minutes.
  22. My most recent purchases in the past few weeks. Kill Bill Volumes 1 and 2 Die Another Day Summer Wars + A Girl Who Leapt Through time Boxset Akira Tetris 3DS
  23. This chimp seems very odd to me.
  24. So far I have: Dark Void - I really recommend this it has an awesome retro feel to it whilst still feeling modern. Super Mario Land - I hadn't played half of it before which is only a few levels since it is short but still a fun little game. Super Mario Land 2 - Actually contains super nostalgia for me so yeah I absolutely adore this game. Mario March of the Minis again - A solid DsiWare outing with a lot of levels on offer it feels like a fully fleshed out game rather than an aside. Kirby's Dreamland - cute. I am getting Freaky Forms when it comes out as that looks awesome.
  25. I have this. If anyone else does I'm up for some games!
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