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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. Hitch Hikers Guide To The Galaxy Bit short and the romantic side of things was drab but I had a lot of fun while watching this all the same. I've never read the book so have nothing to compare it to. Also Zooey Deschannel 7/10 Moulin Rouge Fantastic. 8/10
  2. I like disguised presents. Buying stuff for people that you would want yourself. You have to be subtle in your actions though as there is a fine line. They have to like it as well. OH HO HO. Crafty Coolness. tee hee.
  3. Why no Buzzlight Year? I wanted one sooooooo badly when I was six. I also miss my DS Phat.
  4. Last two weeks: Advance Wars Days of Ruin The Road ALSO Christmas Presents.
  5. I use it to speak to my family while I'm up here at Uni.
  6. Is that from Jimmy Carr? my answer to that is not again. (someone else answer it properly I just got excited as I thought I knew where it was from) Coolness out.
  7. The song is marvellous. The video is odd, i like it. Congratulations. A Fine Frenzy is one of my favourite singers ever and she still speaks to me on a level far greater than any other. I like the fact that One Cell In The Sea represents how I was in 2007 and Bomb In A Birdcage is how i am now. It's like she is following me. One Cell In The Sea is special to me. I like Owl City but my friend has done a cover of them and sounds creepily the same so that freaks me out. I was listening to the song Fireflies the other day though as I like that!
  8. When I get home I'm going to dance round my christmas tree. Well not so much round it more I'm going to wobble into my christmas tree and end up entangled in the lights
  9. I like it when they are back for the 9th time and THIS time they really think they've got it right then Maury is like "Dillon...you... ARE NOT THE FATHER!" *Woman runs off crying backstage* and then comesback for number 10!
  10. I've added The Proposal to the list as I'm a massive girl and have poor taste in comedy. Also saw it in HMV I got too excited when I saw it so I guess I liked the film? :p
  11. Possibly! My friend liked it but could relate to the situations more! Admittedly I've only watched two or three episodes of it anyway as my brain couldn't handle the stupidity of it all but I'll give it another chance sometime. I could see how you like it but it just isn't for me. It doesn't appeal to my type of humour, which intelligent humour btw ololololololol.:p OH WAIT Hannah Montana. If I didn't watch that I'd have a platform to mock you from but alas... /joke. I don't have a superiority complex. *tries to get off his high horse* As for Gossip Girl It is more than that. I cannot explain though with out using broad terms which essentially mean nothing and are probably on the back of the DVD blurb. I'll leave to someone else as I've not watched enough.
  12. Gossip Girl Season One Episodes 1-4 I've wanted to start this for so long it's ridiculous. I think I've seen episode 1 about 3 times now! Anyway managed to get past that and I'm now about to watch episode 5. I am enoying it thus far.
  13. SINTERKLAAS!!! SNELL NAAR DE APPEL GROT. I'd so forgotten about Sinterklaas. :p Thanks for reminding me Ine! Best part of christmas is TURRRRRRRRKEY. It ain't christmas without Turkey! YOu kids are fooling yourself if you think it is. So yeah christmas dinner is what I wait for all year! yummyummuyummy. Also time with the family etc. My mum is usually busy and it's nice just to see her sit back and have a relaxing day! (accept cooking the dinner!) BUT I've got her an awesome present so s'all good! I my mum.
  14. The title for this film is hilarious.
  15. Thanks Fresh! That has cleared things up for me. Didn't realise it was more complex than just straight, bi or gay.
  16. I did a psychological experiment the other day and they asked for my sexuality and one of the options was: I am predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual What does that mean? Does it mean I'll hug a man on the sofa while watching Deseperate housewives* but draw the line at having a penis put up my bum? :p *I realise this is a highly stereotypical view. There were many more options that I didn't even realise existed. I went with straight and got the hell out of there I was already being turned on by moving dots!
  17. I agree that balding man in the background is sexual. :p (of course y'all look lovely)
  18. ...you're not getting away that easy! My apologies of course it is Sports Candy.
  19. Birthday. Birthday. Birthday.
  20. Even Slippy? Pffft, so do I. :p Lazytown is awesome. What other programme shows you how to make a Castle out of apples?
  21. He looks sexier.
  22. pink haired lazytown girl.
  23. I've asked for this because my mum wanted a list for my Uncle to get me something.
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