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Everything posted by Frank

  1. 90's kid I really want to show a picture but I can't find it anywhere. Does anyone remember those chocolate "biscuits" from the 90's. They were actually more like crackers and had chocolate inside them. The cracker was also cut in a way that made it look like it was smiling...anyone?
  2. Wow Pancake. You must have quite a nice amount of money to spend if you're buying PS3's on a whim :p Also, if you don't mind, how long have you known the guy? And do you meet up in person or anything like that or is it just restricted to MSN? I'm just fascinated by the fact that he made you so upset.
  3. I can't be bothered with hovering even over public toilets. I can see why people do it at public bathrooms though. I just put toilet paper on the seat. I don't get your reasoning though for hovering at home. Rubbing your backside against your Mother's backside is a completely different thing than both using the same toilet seat...unless you both go at the same time...
  4. Thank God someone explained what folding and scrunching was. When I first read it, I thought it had something to do with how your poo comes out using different techniques (i.e. scrunching and folding). It's just the toilet paper, phew!
  5. I like to watch and enjoy America's Next Top Model...but none of that Canada/Australian/Britain silly stuff :p Sometimes admitting that I like Lady Gaga makes me feel a little ashamed. No matter how much you think that she is mainstream I often get funny looks regardless.
  6. Tough one! I guess Allison Harvard (she was on America's Next Top Model...*rushes to guilty pleasures thread*) Fiona Apple Lady Gaga (*returns to guilty pleasure thread*) Yeah, people who are bi can't play :p EDIT: I'll put pics because I got annoyed putting all the names into google
  7. O.O Don't just stop there! Tell us more! :p
  8. Ai! I feel so silly. I just don't get all that American politics :S
  9. I think Mr. Bean doing karate is so much better :p Jim Carey just annoys me most of the time.
  10. God, I'm ignorant! Would ye mind explaining what Halloween Horror Night is? Is it just going to a haunted house on Halloween? :p One of the comments above reminded me of this so I'll post it How can one complain?
  11. Alan Carr is always top of my list. Lee Evans never fails putting a smile on my face either! The only person though to rival Alan Carr, for me anyway, is Jo Brand. Her dry, sarcastic humour is absolutely amazing. I think my favorite would be Jo Brand: Barely Live. Side aches from laughing and tears rolling down my face :p
  12. that 80's styled one was actually pretty good I thought. Glad they put her through. Much better than most singers on the show, and by that I mean it's usually 'who can sing the loudest?!" I lolled when the woman "singing" Mercy admitted it was mostly ad-libbed! Also I was telling my sister it felt like an exorcism so I'm so glad Simon said the same...maybe I should put that in the coincidences thread :p
  13. I'm finally getting some of my inspiration back with regards to my art! woo I'm in a nice part of my life where I'm just kinda enjoying my own company and doing some nice artistic things and listening to some rockin records, so what's to complain about!?
  14. Such an under-rated film compared to other Disney movies. One of my favorites ^_^
  15. I think "celebrities" (I use that term very loosely) are just so much more annoying these days. Especially most American ones. gah! I won't even begin because I probably wouldn't stop. Also, recently I seem to have this utmost dislike for most things American. At the risk of insulting some who might be American, I won't go into too much detail :p When I was younger, all I watched was Disney and Nickelodeon and looking back I feel like I was slightly indoctrinated :/ I was so immersed in American culture that all I thought about was moving to America when I was older which almost made me ashamed, in a sense, of my own country. Now it's gone completely the other way, and while I enjoy some things in America like Oprah and Ellen :p, Obama, the culture from about the 30's to 60's, and simple things like the Simpsons which make fun of American culture, I just find myself a little disgusted at the present culture which then makes me feel a little guilty :S America - land of the free, my arse! Also, just remembered. Drives me bonkers when American's think that they don't have an accent I'm not fond of their accent either.
  16. Paj! Is that Katy Perry in your sig!? From what I've read in the past few months on the forums I thought you had better taste :p
  17. haha. I made this sound very dirty in my head...
  18. It's 'no', not 'know'. (Fail!) :p
  19. I'm not exactly his biggest fan. But I haven't really watched anything with him in it, so I guess I can't really judge :/ Also, I don't know why, but I tend to get annoyed easily at British comedians/or famous people in general who try to go Hollywood and become all famous in America. I did see him on Alan Carr the other day though with some other comedian, and I'll admit that he was pretty funny!
  20. I'm presuming then that you don't know him from Youtube then. He does all these Youtube videos about, essentially, celebrity 'news' and gossip. Quite the internet celebrity he is :p Glad you enjoyed it ^_^
  21. Thanks for the replies! Especially you Jayseven! It seems you love your little essays :p One more question though. Do you think that there will be any more house-hold name artists in the future? I'm not talking about directors etc. I'm talking about artists that are famous for painting/sculpting for example. It seems that era has long gone now and an artist must do much more than 'just' paint. I think it's like what is said on this thread, that in the future newer art forms in place of painting etc. are simply going to be more recognized and appreciated.
  22. Echoing what aimless said, I think the main reason is simply because it is so much simpler for people to put others into categories of what they 'should' be. I'm not sure but I think many people just can't be bothered to give some issues some actual thought and actually think what makes sense. Out of pure curiosity, a few days ago as I was flicking I decided to watch a few minutes of some sex education show on E4. A nice experiment they did was have 5 men on a screen and asked an entire room "Which one is gay?". Obviously for the sake of breaking stereotypes the more 'masculine' one was gay and lo and behold, the group of teenagers were shocked as they thought all gay people had to dress femininely and take care of their bodies and wear ear-rings ¬_¬ I feel that this video also ties in with the thread nicely...
  23. My final year of school starts in 2 weeks, then it's the Leaving Cert in 10 months time. God help me
  24. Night is the only time that I can get peace around the house, so generally, I like to stay up late for just that A lot of the time though, I just never get tired! :p
  25. Frank


    aw! Poor Autumn. Definitely my favorite season. The temperature is stunning, as it's just right and generally in Ireland we get more sunny days in autumn than summer :P Also, how can anyone not find the colours of leaves just amazing in Autumn. The best part is walking along a street and hearing the *crunch* *crunch* as you stomp on dry leaves
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