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Everything posted by Frank

  1. I'm trying to think of some movie but I can't. I suppose I'm one of those people who isn't a fan or re-watching films.. Apart from old Disney movies which are Just GREaT because of pure notalgia. I think books should be mentioned too. I've always enjoyed re-reading the Harry Potter series. Probably due to psychological escapism, or...you know.
  2. I began in the gaming threads and now I rarely leave the general boards. I find conversation here much more personal, interesting and amusing. I visit the creative gallery frequently too though and I wish it was more active. I do lurk the gaming thread every now and then though. I think I've made some posts recently but when I say "recently" it's probably a few weeks ago I do still play games whenever I get the chance to
  3. I think I love him! :p Personally I thought he was hilarious and I loved that he talked about something which I haven't heard before. Such a cool guy I love his message too. It's nice. By duh way, Shane Dawson is fantastic! Probably my favourite youtuber.
  4. In my defense your eyebrows are quite dark making it slightly difficult to see :p But I'll change my comment... Nightwolf and Chairdriver are possibly the only people I've seen who can pull off an eyebrow piercing. There we go I hope you don't think I'm rude or at least think I'm stunningly rude (I'll stop now...)
  5. I said possibly, you know I was JUST going to mention you :p I wasn't actually aware you had one though. I'm sure it's absahlutely stunningly Stunnin'
  6. Possibly the only person I know who can pull off an eyebrow piercing
  7. I'm probably just being unfairly balanced :/ Please ignore me. And have mercy on my soooul, But she's just not my taste, I guess. I do like how she raps though.
  8. You certainly like artists that all sound slightly Jamaican when they rap Paj! :p This Nicki one...Rihanna...Willow However, I find her quite boring to be honest Until now I've never heard any of her songs, I've just seen random pictures of her in trashy magazines. I'll admit though that her verse in "Monster" was the best part of the song, it really was great . Otherwise, she seems just completely controlled by her record company and has no individuality. A little abstract notion but a rant I've been craving to rant. I'm getting quite sick of these unspoken themes recurring in mainstream pop music. It's driving me nuts how everyone is doing the same thing just barely different. Take for example, recently how many musicians(not artists as there usually known *pet peeve*) are trying to act "creepy" like Rihanna's "Disturbia" or when I was watching a Nicki video, it was her surrounded by spiders, snakes etc. Then there's this 'love yourself, you're perfect' i.e. Katy Perry's "Firework", Pink's "Raise a Glass" and Gaga's "Born this Way". Of course then there's a lot of people preying on fashion in music nowadays to get noticed along with just really simple stuff such as Gaga having a song called "Monster", then Ne-yo has a song called "Beautiful Monster" and then Kanye West's "Monster" I'm probably just babbling and rambling and people will point out a million reasons why I'm wrong but meh! *blows raspberry*
  9. Urm, this is awkward, I think the point of the thread is to RATE the song ABOVE Slaggis. I'm sure you just forgot :p @Goron_3 Yes! I did like it It wasn't as good as the 1st one but as far as hip-hop goes...I hate to admit that it was pretty good.
  10. Darn, most of the music I listen to is fairly "well-known". I think so anyway...best example that I can think of is this (?) maybe. I listen to it now and then and I'm unsure whether or not many people would have heard of her.
  11. Frank


    Slightly off-topic, but would you mind sharing what editing software you use, Goafer, when you edit your pictures? Recently I've just been using whatever I find on Google and I'd love to know as you're pictures are always edited so annoyingly good :p P.S. I was pretty annoyed also that I couldn't find any stats for this new software such as mega pixels etc.
  12. I might weigh in my thoughts later but just thought I'd say quickly, I never understood this "I love my friends but if you cross me I'll never forgive you" or the whole "You have 2 chances and if you screw up, I'm not your friend" It just seems...wrong. I dunno...surely it'll depend on the situation of events and the person in question. I can relate to you though with the whole trusting in people (nearly) 100% who I really shouldn't :p
  13. Frank


    Haha, I get you I've thought about how pricey this is going to be also. As an "amateur" photographer or just someone who dabbles in photography I really want it! Polaroid, for me, is the symbol of photography and I'll probably get it if it's under €400...hopefully. I similarly love it as it's old...yet new. Paradox!!
  14. As someone who has only put one toe in the pool of hip-hop I have no issues saying that that was, possibly, my favorite song to rate on this thread. I never "liked" hip-hop or just never really got into it but I loved that! Maybe it's because it's slightly jazzy. The beat and the chorus with the girls voice = heaven. ( I even pressed "repeat") She's FINALLY BACK!! I know this was released in November or something...whatever. It's a strange tune but...it has charm...and I like it. I've a feeling not many will "get" it or just think it's shite though
  15. Creepy/...odd I went on to your profile, Chair, just now as I noticed I hadn't seen you comment in ages. Then you left a comment just a few minutes ago. *cue music Audio Welcome back indeed. How did that raising money thing go? I think it was for HIV /AIDS and digital death, right?
  16. I've been thinking of buying one of those really old Polaroid cameras for ages. I saw some quality-looking ones from Amazon but I haven't got around to it yet. Plus, film cartridges are ridiculously expensive since they stopped making them. blahr blahr blahr *my opinion* etc. I have noticed that there are a few Polaroid fans on this site so I want to know what you lot think of the "new" Polaroid? They just announced a pair of sunglasses that take pictures/video. A portable printer. And a new Polaroid camera that's both digital with a printer. Personally, I think they look fantastic and I love that they're coming into the digital era yet they have kept their tangible nature of a printed photo. The risk of voyeurism with the glasses will probably be quite risky/ controversial but in general, I love whaddaya think, eh?
  17. Had a pretty shit day yesterday. I was on the go from 7.00 - 6.30, studying in the library by myself as 2 friends decided not to take the day off (I hope it doesn't sound like I'm mad at them...I'm not :p). I also thought this girl was going to be there but I never found her (It's a huge library/college). Anyway, now for the positivity, later that day I saw a drunk man singing in the train station and then it snowed Usually it snows in Limerick but never where I live so I was stunned to see a mass of completely untouched white snow everywhere. I was the first to walk in it so it was amazing! I arrived back at my house with my hair looking like I died it white.
  18. Whenever I read one of your comments it's THIS voice that I head in my head. It's perfect
  19. Interesting, I'd imagine that Dublin would be much better as it's the capital. Do you mean it's patchy all over or just in the little sections like jazz/metal etc. I think the fact that not many people buy CD's from the jazz section also helps :p Yup, nothing better! :P I either go to the one of Cruiser's Street or the one in the Crescent which is just as good. I never buy/look very often at games so I can't comment there. Like I said previously, most of the movies I buy are from the 1930's - 1970's so there quite cheap, heh, :awesome:
  20. Meh. I think he's good-looking...i.e. I would. I enjoyed the first Spider-Man, I think. I disliked the sequels/ they're faint in my memory. I haven't heard much about this movie but I hope it does Spidey justice. A more stylised, fantasy style would be interesting. Rather than gritty realism.
  21. I don't get the HMV hate :/ I always love going to HMV when I'm in town. I've bought most of my CD's, which are...pretty old Jazz records and HMV always have the best collection and even update the jazz section from time to time. It's so handy as they aren't exactly popular in other shops I mostly go there to drift aimlessly though, I could easily spend over an hour in there. So please don't close!! D:
  22. Hope you enjoyed whatever you did for your birthday Oh, and Happy Birthday!
  23. Literally made my day...the other day. I found out that Lady Gaga's new album is coming out May 23, the very same date of my birthday. It's fate (I really should work on making my fanaticism more introverted...)
  24. I'd like to add Inception to my list after watching it just a few hours ago. Ah...such a good movie :') It wasn't as confusing as I thought it was going to be (as everyone who watched it said) but I also made sure to pay real close attention through-out. Just a well made film Quite strangely, I felt really emotional whenever I heard "Non, Je ne regrette rien" being played As soon as I heard the opening DUM-DEE-DUM-DEE DUM-DEE DUM I suddenly got really teary eyed, shivers ran down my spine and I got butterflies in my stomach. Such a sensation! (I also watched the quite sad movie "La Vie En Rose" a few days before so maybe that's why? )
  25. Some quick snaps I made during new years. It was a little quieter than usual but with my family that's still...loud :p
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