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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Signed too Will be posting the link on my Facebook also.
  2. Heh, you always look like you've got on some sort of pink lipstick :p
  3. heh, even I know the story about Ashley+the thief/arrest story and I'd still consider myself relatively new around here :p
  4. Got results back from a set of exams I did. 2 A's (including english, yay! ), 3 B's and 2 C's. Happy out Tá mé ar bharr na gaoithe! Oh! Almost forgot, I've been nominated for 'student of the year' too I'm just, like, so popular.
  5. Frank


    ...*rereads* dammit, never mind. Only read the part about the blog. I need sleep To think I wasted a good gif too.
  6. Frank


    How does writing a blog = I-pad 2?
  7. Frank


    My my, I'm surprised. Usually these "debates" last at least 2 pages. Well done everyone. New record.
  8. I guess it does... *new idea* I'll be on stage and sing the entire song. I can represent my entire year. I'm sure I'll persuade them. Prepare to be moved emotionally, bitches.
  9. Hey there Jimmy. Don't think we've ever talked properly. Yes, it was time for that old name to go. Sounded as if I was 12. I was sure the avatar/sig would hint of my alias :laughing: It's usually all I notice for some members :p

  10. We regret nothing In the simplest of meaning of course. There is more to the song. In theory, I'd imagine the "Non, Je ne regrette rien" line to be the only thing understood by our year so it's the best suggestion I could think of quickly. It was in Inception too, so I'm being a little modern
  11. Shut it you. Weeeeeeell, I had this is mind... (naturally) I feel so judged, so misunderstood. Don't judge me. Either that or something by KISS. Also, who're you calling Hipster? Diageo or Me?
  12. Frank


    This one perhaps?
  13. Frank


    Oh dear, you've done it again. Prepare yourself to be "Giffed"...
  14. Sometimes I cringe at my school year, or their musical choices/obvious "I-Want-To-Be-Cool" vibe should I say. We're supposed to choose a song to represent us as a year, somehow, and there have been a few who've suggested "Glee - Don't Stop Believing" and "Adele- Someone Like You" ??? Why!? Ugh, (pointless vent). I usually project my anger on abstract things to take my mind off stuff.
  15. I think that's her way of "inventing" a new genre though. I've heard she's after a techno/rock sound. So, I think it suits the song. The country/techno is a nice, unusual twist. I think I prefer the country road version. As for the original, like Pancake said, the pop version is a slow burner. It's really growing on me.
  16. I like the layout of my siblings. I'm the middle child with a younger brother and an older sister. Both of them being 3 years apart (20 and 14). Nothing against only children but I prefer having siblings. Dynamics are more interesting. Plus, I'm fairly close to my older sister
  17. So perplexed about that vegetable thread... I feel like I'd be terrified to uncover the rest of the dark, damp history of N-E. I know so little.
  18. @Jay, let's say I was referring to Eddie :p
  19. Yep that seems to be the one Jay. I'm not sure what else she's done but I'll say it again, it's quite amazing She gave my Mam her e-mail et cetera in case we want to visit her how surreal
  20. How cool My mam's a waitress in a fairly respected restaurant near where I live. Very often she somehow chats to most of her customers. Last night she found out she had been talking to the person who edited Madonnna's "Vogue" video. She(or he, I'm not sure) also frequently worked with Michael Jackson. So awesome. They then invited us to their home(B&B I think) for a holiday in the U.S. #notgoingtohappen still cool
  21. Urm, I think he's just quoting Scrubs
  22. Quite ordinary with my habit. Usually 5-7 times per day. Love to just wash them when I feel dirty. But, I do like the fact that I always use my own towel that I store secretly and non-conspicuously in my room. The thought of using a towel that everyone uses...waaah!
  23. Ah, je vois. Je le trouve vraiment fascinant. Alors, quel genre de comique préfèrez-vous? Tout genres? Ajoutons à cela, je vis dans votre maison bien sûr! Je te vois tout le temps mais tu ne me vois jamais J'ai fait, souvent. Donnez-moi de la nourriture, s'il te plaît De plus, la gare?! C'est près de toi! Juste fermer vos yeux et...imaginer! Mon dieu, I'll be stunned if I haven't made any mistakes :p
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