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Everything posted by Gio001

  1. Seems although the console prices have dropped, the bundles prices are not that different than pre price drop. Mind you i saw some decent bundles in HMV yesterday (in store, not on line) Game & gamestation bundles were poor, as i said earlier, similar to pre price drop prices.
  2. Don't disturb him, let him play so he can give us his first impressions. I'm waiting to go to town to see if i can pick it up.
  3. I wonder if they had time to put a super mario galaxy style track in there? Would have been interesting with the gravity.
  4. I can't wait for this but it looks like i'm gonna have to learn. We seem to have waited an age for this already.
  5. oooh!!! Nice, i nearly forgot about this game
  6. 1. Resi 4 2. Wind Waker 3. Metroid Prime 4. Rogue Squadron 5. Sunshine 6. Double Dash 7, Super Monkey ball 8. Burnout 9. Twilight princess 10.Eternal darkness Honourable Mentions:- beyond good & evil Second sight Pikmin 2 Viewtiful joe F-Zero GX Burnout 2 Soul Calibre
  7. I Will Not !!!! the bad outweighs the good in my opinion, you wait months for star catalogue items to not be delivered and even longer to reply to e-mails & that's if you are lucky enuff to get a reply. If i ever get a reply from NOE i will frame it & put it on e-bay
  8. So true, the wiimote is perfect, loved it's use on excite truck.Mind you, even before the wii came out i used to steer with the game pad & physically lean going round corners on driving games lol
  9. Better dig excite truck out & get some practice in for this!! can't wait
  10. I agree totally, there was also a bit of strategy involved in UC and i'm glad it wasn't a Bang Bang, complete the game in 20 minutes type game as i think there will be quite a few of them on the Wii during it's lifetime. I'm glad they tried something different and i enjoy playing it though i completed it. I also love Resi4 and hope we see a similar game on Wii.
  11. Still waitin for my DS wallet thingy. Time to start e-mailing NOE Groan!!!
  12. It seems we'll need a 360 or a PS3 for that though and, sadly, we'll lose the Wii's excellent controls for such a game. Unless Capcom have plans to bring a version of RE5, or something like it, to the Wii... *crosses fingers* Resi 2 with Resi4 controls & graphics please!
  13. And if it doesn't sell well due to the lack of blood they'll blame the casual gamers ??????? Can't understand why they've done this.
  14. Next to RE4, lots of games are a huge steaming pile of crap lol. REUC is a different type of game to RE4. I love RE4 but i also enjoyed UC for what it is & it deserves to do better.
  15. Just cut scenes on Youtube, that was enough lol
  16. Gutted, really want this game but feel insulted & short changed, especially after seeing those comparison videos.
  17. It can't be that bad a console, 14 months(ish) into the Wii's life i gotta complete a few games before i even contemplate getting more games such as Zack & Wiki, TR Anniversary, Ghost Squad to name but a few & games coming up such as No More Heroes, FF:CC, Smash Bro's, Mario Kart. Just off the top of my head. Too many must have games to choose from, great variety & must have third party games, can't complain too much.
  18. Great idea. Erm, since it's started today do the entries have to be in by next friday? if not Maiky's won but disqualified for entering more than one picture.
  19. Wow!! great post, sums it up really, game, set & match.
  20. At the end of the day the success of the wii has made this Gen a 3 horse race and brought the price of PS3 & xbox 360 down sooner than if it was still a 2 horse race like last time so we can all enjoy, if we want multi platform gaming. I have a 360 & Wii and enjoy them both. There is only one game i fancy on PS3 (Uncharted) so i don't want one, but i may change my mind in the future if there are enough exclusives (that are worth bothering with) and the console is cheaper. or i may have enough games to keep me happy on what i have.
  21. Completed this the other day just file hunting now. really enjoyed it, still do, got loadsa replay value.
  22. Excellent post & right on the button, now that should be the end of it, but i doubt it.
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