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Everything posted by Gio001

  1. There's a lot of shovelware on Wii, admittedly but the PS2 was the same because of it's popularity but amid the cr@p on Wii there are a lot of great, original, classic games that you can't get on a 360 or PS3 with a lot of promising titles on the way in 09.
  2. AQlso some 3rd party stuff which looks good / unusual early next year ie:- madworld, fatal frame, monster hunter3, fragile just off the top of my head & is no more heroes 2009?
  3. I noticed in my local game that they had new & trade in games in the sale section so you may have picked a trade in / or they gave you a trade in copy of the game. I think new copies in the sale were the same price as the 2nd hand / traded in copies of disaster.
  4. Congrat's & you've picked 2 good games to christen it with, enjoy
  5. Cheers bud, your too kind lol. Speedball 2 was/ is one of the greatest games ever, wore a few joysticks out playing it. I've owned a couple of versions since the original on Atari ST (1 on megadrive i think?? & the GBA version ) both very dissapointing as they never played like the original but the XBLA version is the closest.
  6. Downloaded half price Halo the other day & also Speedball 2, loved that game on Amiga & Atari ST, oooops!! showing my age now lol
  7. Twas humour my dear but it's true, i haven't needed a ps3 yet, too many games on Wii & 360 to keep me occupied, may get one down the line when they are cheaper. Anything in my post before i said '' but seriously '' was not serious. Mind you, anything i said after wasn't serious either.
  8. Release dates on sites suggest feb 09. I have been waiting for this too but theres not much info on the Wii version.
  9. 1. Not selling my Wii 2. Securing a backup 360, i just know it's going to RROD on Resi 5 release day 3. Not needing a PS3. No seriously 1. Fallout 3 Awesome game, huge & to get even bigger in 09 with DLC. 2. Mariokart WII loved local & online multiplayer & regular competitions online. 3. Pro Evo Wii it's all about the controls. 2009 looks good to with Resi 5, Madworld, Fallout 3 DLC Alan Wake (hopefully), Monster Hunter 3, The conduit & Pikmin 3 just for starters.
  10. Gio001

    Fallout 3

    Fallout 3 collectors edition £24.99 play.com sale 360 & PS3 Metal lunchbox, vault 101 bobblehead, artbook & making of dvd & game. Just ordered one even though i already have the game, will trade my copy in when this arrives.
  11. Mcj, I think what Dazzybee was trying to say is the Wii, whilst not being built from the ground up for fps did consider fps controls as well as wii sports type control in it's design of wiimote & nunchuck (cheers retro) & whether by design or by accident the wii controls do suit fps amazingly well. Just because there have only been 7 fps games since launch doesn't mean it's not made for fps or shooters, the wii had been let down by ignorance & lazy developers but things are changing. Controls are an individual thing, you prefer 360 pad, others the wiimote & nunchuck & some a mouse & keyboard. I personally thought the resi 4 controls on cube pad were perfect but after playing it on Wii it's like a step back now when i go back & play it. I have a Wii & 360 and some games i play on 360, mainly fps, i wish were on the wii or had wii type controls & i don't mean added waggle for waggles sake. As Dazzybee mentioned, i'd rather play pro evo wii than any hd 360/ps3 footy game simply for the controls whereas some people prefer the hd visuals ie they really wanna see how much Wayne Rooney looks like Shrek. I must add sony & microsoft may with the success of the Wii go down the same road eventually contol wise but hopefully, like games on the Wii, support a choice of control methods ie Wiimote & nunchuck, classic pad or gamecube controller. A classic example of this is Mariokart Wii, i use the wheel, on past consoles i've bought crappy steering wheel controlers whereas now i use the Wiimote & if i want to be posh i stick the Wiimote in a plastic steering wheel yet i know lots of other people prefer wiimote & nunchuck or cube controller, it's individual choice & no amount of '' you must prefer this type of control '' is going to change it
  12. Gio001

    Fallout 3

    Cheers Leetpants I'm sure i read somewhere they are releasing 3 seperate DLC in the new year & it's the 3rd instalment of DLC which will raise the level cap. Might be wrong though.
  13. Gio001

    Fallout 3

    Got to level 20 the other day. I was just wondering if it's worth continuing until the '' past level 20 / level cap '' patch comes out next year as anything i do from now will not gain xp ???
  14. Resi 5 box art for North America is up on the Capcom site, would post a link or upload pics of the ps3 & 360 box art but it's not playing.
  15. The demo is only a small taster of the game & i must say i was a little dissapointed when i first played the demo but like i said before i probably expected too much but after giving the demo a good play got more into it & can't wait till March. I'm not looking for a game that's just like Resi 4 because i could just play Resi 4 but one as addictive in it's own way. ( if that makes sense)
  16. So looking forward to this especially after playing through the demo a few times. Resi 4 is my most played game ever.
  17. Resi 5 Madworld The Conduit Fallout 3 DLC Monster Humter 3 Pikmin 3 Alan Wake HOTD Overkill Fatal Frame Just 1 or 2 i'm looking forward to
  18. Meat Chilli Masalla extra hot with chapatti's. I have fried rice with a chinese curry.
  19. Ta for reply, how arsey of them!! Tried another copy & it didn't work, luckilly we have another xbox in the house that isn't online so should be able to still play it.
  20. Have microsoft blocked the jap demo even on disc somehow?? I tried it last night & it wouldn't play, not had a problem before.
  21. First impressions of the demo were better than i expected after some of the nagative feedback on here & my own high expectations of this game but i was a little underwhelmed, i think i expected too much but it is only a demo of 2 areas not the whole game. I agree with some of the negatives i.e aiming is bad in the bright sunlight, having Sheva with me the whole game, especially if she says '' Roger '' throughout everytime we converse etc. Control wise it is a lot like previous Resi's except for the inventory, i got decapped whilst in previous resi mode thinking i could take my time picking a suitable weapon lol but i'm hoping it adds to the tension in the full game & tbh, there are quiet areas where you can take your time sorting your inventory out (and Sheva's) On the whole i'm still looking forward to this game very much, i did enjoy the demo more after a few playthroughs & i think more strategy & quick thinking is needed in this resi due to the on the fly inventory & sharing items between chris & Sheva.
  22. Gio001

    Fallout 3

    So true but i'm the opposite, i have quite a few games on hold because of this game, it's huge, so addictive & time consuming.
  23. Cheers, did it your way & i now have the demo on disc. Got chainsawed already in shanty town.
  24. Excellent post, summed up my feelings exactly. I do hope this doesn't end up as just a good run of the mill game when so many people are expecting a Resi 4 beating Resi game. A lot of the comments from people so far seem to confirm worries people have had, myself included. After such a long wait & expectation i do hope i have to eat my words.
  25. Was £25 new instore at gamestation today.
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