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Everything posted by Gio001

  1. We come in to share our impressions of the game without spoiling it for others, thus the invention of the spoiler tag. Other people have seen fit to use them on this forum & thread.
  2. Other people have seen fit to use spoiler tags on this thread so far Zell. It was a surprise for me & by the sounds of it, other people as well.
  3. I'm on 80 stars, like to find my own surprises in a game & not on a thread which offers the ability to put things in SPOILER TAGS!!!!
  4. Now Now luke, just coz you want the goodies for yourself:shakehead
  5. I got the red Mario Galaxy Wii, i also got the gold plated DS and diamond encrusted Wii-motes. Missed out on the Gold plated screensavers though, they went really fast
  6. Worth a try or swap the disc with a game you've completed.
  7. I think the 360, and even the PS3 will do well over here due to the Wii shortages leading up to Xmas, especially with some of the bundles on offer for the 360. Most importantly, a large majority of parents who get a 360 for their kids because they can't find a Wii aren't exactly gonna go out and buy a Wii when they become available. I don't think so anyway!!
  8. I totally agree, you summed it up perfectly (are you sure you haven't got the game lol ) It's kept me off mario for the last couple of days 80 stars ) Oh!! and i must get back to MP3 aswell. Can't understand these people who say they are bored with the Wii and haven't touched it in weeks!!
  9. I Would say so, though it is an on the rails shooter it's got the storyline, the resi enviroment. From what i've played so far it looks to have replay value, it's not easy but not frustratingly so & requires a little strategy.
  10. I'm playing it on normal and it aint easy but i'm enjoying the challenge and the strategy side, i.e what weapons to use and when to use them. It's not resi 4 (not many games are!!) but it's fun.
  11. I enjoyed the Gamecube thoroughly and i am equally enjoying the Wii. I think the Wii has had a great 1st year and i think gaming was going a little stale with the next generation offering only HD graphics. A Nintendo console is always worth it for the Nintendo exclusives, anything else is a bonus. Oh by the way i do own a ps1, ps2 and after xmas an xbox360
  12. Picked this up today, just off to play it now
  13. Got 67 stars, not fighting bowser till i have to.
  14. Thanks for the quick reply Jordan. Cheers
  15. I'm thinking of getting an Xbox 360 elite next year for myself, mainly for Resi 5 and xbox exclusives Halo, PGR etc. I'm in no rush to get one as at the moment there's lots of games on the wii to keep me busy such as mp3, galaxy, umbrella chronicles. I would appreciate some advice as i'm thinking of getting an xbox arcade for xmas for the kids bedroom and i would like to know if the arcade games that come with it are either on the memory card, are downloaded to memory card as theres no hard drive or do you have to be online to play them as you only get 1 months free subscription to xbox live ? And has it got slower load times due to it not having a hard drive ? Thanks in anticipation
  16. I know, i'll have to buy a 360 at some point just for resi 5
  17. Just over a week to go. I really want this but still got to finish metroid 3, mario galaxy won't let me eject it from the drive and i still want a social life. I don't need to pick this up on release but i probably will as i will have just been paid & will be on my days off and it's Resi!!
  18. Taking my time with this and enjoying every minute. Got 46 stars so far. No guide for me either.
  19. YaY !!! Had a feeling i'd win something today.
  20. Will Links crossbow training be eligible ??? if so i think that will do well
  21. America week 1 = SMG best selling game UK week 1 = SMG 3rd best selling game. I also did geography at school and seem to remember America being a little larger in size than the UK
  22. Need to continue playing this as it's an excellent game but can't bring myself to press eject on mario galaxy
  23. True LOL. I was getting worried there
  24. America got better taste than Europe (& Japan) Shocker !!! Super Mario Galaxy tops American Charts with 750k in its first week beating Assasins creed in 2nd on the 360 with 585k. AC on PS£ got no6 with 226k. (both in their first week ) Umbrella chronicles bravely being released in the same week as galaxy got no11 in it's first week with 128k. WOW!!
  25. Had this since Thursday, 19 stars ( Damn Work !!!! ) Awesome game, all my doubts about playing this with the wiimote & nunchuck instead of a pad were blown away in the first few minutes, Perfect !! It reminded me of Resi 4, I thought the controls were perfect on the gamecube and couldn't get any better till i played the Wii version, but games like resi 4 & metroid are shooters, more suited to the wii's controls, but Mario !!!, a platform game !!! ?? Wii controls !! Give me an analogue pad....... Wrong!!! the controls are so perfect & intuitive, the gameplay is so addictive, i don't think i've said wow!! as much in my life till i started playing this. W0W!!!
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