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Everything posted by Gio001

  1. So from what i've read are Nintendo & Sony refusing to licence this game internationally as a whole or just in the countries where it has been banned or recieved an AO rating? Thus allowing people to import the game from countries like Belgium who have not banned it. I don't think Rockstar can edit the game now due to the added cost of doing this and the fact nobody will want to buy the edited/censored version ( i know i wouldn't ) especially with the possibility in the future that the uncut/un-edited version getting passed for release, thus buying the same game twice.
  2. I'm looking forward to it because it looks like i'm going to enjoy it and i think in time Capcom will make a new resi game using the re4 engine for the wii, that is if they have any sense
  3. Seems microsoft have adopted the sony philosophy, make consoles that break down after a year to boost sales figures
  4. Quick, call Capcom, halt production, Zelda Freaks TV is too high for him to play. On another note Mr Zelda Freak, have you ever considered therapy ? You seem to have a lot of anger and venting it on these forums doesn't seem to be working for you. I must admit i wasn't too impressed when i heard it wasn't going to be similar to RE4 gameplay wise but i'm quite looking forward to it now.
  5. Don't worry, they'll all be playin GTA Wii
  6. R can stand for even more than 2 words if you go to game. If you'd have read my post i said i haven't and never will set foot in game again so how can i moan at the staff in the future ? unless you get touchy Game jobsworths reading a forum like this. Great answer lol
  7. Game charge more than the RRP for the remote and nunchuck. Have done since launch. I know its shit but theres a reason one of the 'R's stands for 'reccomended' Yep and the other R stands for '' RIP OFF ''
  8. Game tried to pressure me to buy a bundle at launch, they didn't succeed but 2 weeks later when extra wiimotes and nunchucks were like rockin horse poo i saw 3 wiimotes and 2 chucks behind the counter, i paid by card and didn't realise they'ds charged me £4 extra (above rrp ) each wiimote and £3 extra each chuck. When i went back the manager told me it was because they were scarce and if i didn't like it '' Try E-bay '' I complained to Game head office and to inform Nintendo and never got a reply back from either. I have never set foot in game since and never will
  9. Most of those sales were to people hoping to make a profit on e-bay lol
  10. Yup, that's what i meant, cheers cube The childish version, street racing
  11. I think nintendo should make an all growed up burnout/need for speed type of game after playing this, they got the controls spot on. Bring on Mariokart
  12. Got this this morning, was a choice between this or sonic, this was cheaper (asda), dunno what sonic's like but i'm lovin this, wish i'd got it sooner. I'm only on here coz i'm finally letting somebody else have a go.
  13. Good feedback, was undecided about this, excite truck or sonic?, might nip 2 asda and pick one of them up.
  14. You not sold your Wii yet Ultrajamie or are you not trying too hard to sell it ???
  15. Since you have both Monkey Ball and Rayman, between those what do you prefer? (because if it's better than Rayman, then I guess I should buy it ASAP) I gotta go with monkeyball between the two. Monkeyball gats some gettin used to though and the mini games aren't brilliant. more quality and less quantity in the minigame dspt methinks.
  16. Got it on launch, still gets played everyday, we love it. We have even delayed buying Wario as we are still playing Zelda, Red Steel, Wii Sports, Monkeyball, Rayman,
  17. We encoutered exactly the same on the VC version, 3 players on Bowser castle, was insanely fast
  18. None left on line. Game tried to make me buy a bundle instore on launch day, no way
  19. If we had something worthwile to spend em on we would
  20. Musn't recognise te pad as i use a mixture of classic contriler, wavebirds and gamecube pads ans no probs but i make sure they are connected before i boot up the game
  21. SPOILER I was 70% ish through the game when instead of going to Harry's bar i had a look around the dojo and met a guy who took me on the last level, i completed the game got the end titles but now they are stuck in a loop and keep repeating, even if i switch the wii off and reload my 72% save it goes straight to the end title which keeps repeating so i've had to start again. has this happened to anybody else ? Still love the game with it's little glitches
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