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Everything posted by Gio001

  1. HD etc etc.... who cares when it's so much fun, since launch day our wii has been permanently on from morning till night, myself, friends, family I'm glad it's not like the jack of all trades master of none PS3 as everybody is too interested playing games on the wii than watching movies, playing with photo's music etc. We'd have a riot in our house if we used the web to browse the net etc and not have a game on the go. That's what a console is about innit ?
  2. Then there was none Then there was none, my mate has been after one since before launch day. glad i got mine on launch
  3. Well it's a lot better than believing your opinion, always negative which i see every time i scan these forums. Yes your entitled to your opinion but i think we've all heard it by now
  4. I know, i tried to correct it, made it worse, think i'll leave it as is before i take up the whole page. Think i should go back to bed but i'm at work in an hour.
  5. Teppo Holmqvist Considering that average Nintendard like you would buy only 1st party titles, it would spell catastrophe on the longer term, as 3rd parties would stop* supporting VC. And I find it incredibly amusing how some of Sega's, Hudson's and Konami's finest works are "lesser titles" to average Nintendo fanboy. * And after that, you would probably be complaining in another thread how it is Nintendo's fault that 3rd parties are abandoning VC. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't agree Teppo considering the majority of comments on this forum suggest that yep, a lot of people are waiting for and wanting nintendo classics like myself ( mario Kart 64, super mario world etc ) but from what i've seen the majority of wants seem to be for games from other systems. Surely if they are ''Fanboys'' they will have all the Nintendo Classics and won't be bothered about the virtual console. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't agree Teppo considering the majority of comments on this forum suggest that yep, a lot of people are waiting for and wanting nintendo classics like myself ( mario Kart 64, super mario world etc ) but from what i've seen the majority of wants seem to be for games from other systems. Surely if they are ''Fanboys'' they will have all the Nintendo Classics and won't be bothered about the virtual console.
  6. Looks like i'll be saving my Wii points for a long time
  7. Can i just say how silly this argument is, the Wii has only been out for a month, it's a risk you take when you are a launch day buyer and don't wait till it's been out for a year. On party games the visuals serve their purpose. Remember what they did with resi 4 on cube, the Wii is more powerful than the cube so when developers put some effort in which they will do coz it will still be a lot cheaper than utilizing the power of the PS3 & 360 we are gonna get some stunning games.
  8. Yeah before xmas my local game store put the price of nunchucks up to £17.99 and wiimotes up to £32.99 and the manager basically said '' if you don't like it try e-bay '' i got em normal price at my local Gamestation. I agree about the website though!!
  9. 1. Twilight Princess 2. Resident Evil 4 3. Metroid Prime 4. Super Mario Sunshine 5. Wind Waker 6. Mariokart DD 7. Monkeyball 8. Beyond Good & Evil 9. Eternal Darkness 10.Burnout 2 That's my current top 10 as it varies, Resi4 and Twilight Princess are actually tied at the top spot as i can't decide.
  10. Family & friends love it so much i can't play twilight princess or red steel anymore unless i go antisocial and play GC version of TP in my room
  11. I can't believe it, i loved windwaker but all i ever heard was how bad/silly/childish/cell shading/ too much wandering around etc etc etc i thought i was the only one out there that liked it. Now T.P is out which i think is an amazing game, more grown up, which people wanted after ww and i am loving it on Wii and gamecube. (something i would never do for any other title) Finaly an OOT matcher if not beater in it's own right, i can't put it down when i start playing it. It just appears to me that no Zelda game, no matter how good will ever beat OOT and WW has transformed from a childish - cellshaded - too much wandering/sailing - disappointment to a marvelous game now there is a new Zelda opn the block to bash.
  12. I only get ripped once by a store, gonna use my reward points though to be honest i'm not too ar$ed about them now & never use em again, even if i gotta go outta my way. It's the principle of the thing !!.
  13. You have to buy 3 other things or you can't have your pre-ordered Wii. Thats outrageous!!!
  14. So, have they put the price of the Wii up to say £220 because it is scarce??? Makes you wonder if most of the Wii's on e-bay are being sold by Game ??
  15. Yep, they r supposed to be £14.99 each, even on Game's own website. £29.99, that's robbery Bluestar. I'm glad we got our remotes from gamestation now at the RRP of £29.99. Think that beats Game's best price Guarantee
  16. As a lucky launch day owner of a Wii from Game in Blackburn, i then managed to get some spare nunchucks from game, paying by visa i only realised they had charged me £17.99 not £14.99, when i rang the store to complain i was told by the manager it was because they were scarce and basically if i was unhappy to try and buy them off e-bay. I am disgusted at this attitude from a major retailer, even more so since after e-mailing them and Nintendo over this situation last week i still have not had a reply from either party. I have spent a fortune in Game and on Ninty products over the years, where's the returned loyalty ??? Anybody else been ripped off by Game ???
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