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Everything posted by Gio001

  1. If it's as good as Fallout 3 then that's my gaming life taken care of next year. I still haven't cleared my backlog of games caused by Fallout 3.
  2. Couldn't stop singing that song all night Grrrrrrr !!!!
  3. Gio001

    Fallout 3

    Love Fallout 3. Defo 10/10 game. I downloaded the pitt but i'm waiting till i'm bored of Resi5 before i dive into it.
  4. Forgot all about that trailer. Though i love Resi 5 (still not as much as 4 though ) i wish they had kept it single player with maybe a 2 player mode as an extra. The halluciations thing in that trailer reminds me of the more recent trailers with real actors with Chris being interviewed and having hallucinations & being haunted by Kijuju. He didn't seem that screwed up at the end of Resi 5 so i'm intrigued to see what they were planning with Resi 5 before they got swayed by Gears of War.
  5. Not at all, i support an inferior team apparently.
  6. The sending off made up for the joke penalty in the first half. Felt sorry for Harry Redknapp..... Not !!!!
  7. Gio001


    Shame, doesn't bode well for future new ip's or games that aren't mini game waggle fests. I hope i'm wrong as i want to see more games on Wii like resi 4, NMH, red steel, zack & wiki etc but they seem to get lost amongst the mountains of shovelware filling the shelves. Maybe having a console that's cheap to develop for is a bad thing eh! or maybe it's a lack of quality control on nintendo's part allowing any old sh@te on their console. A lot of my friends who have had every nintendo console & missed out on getting a wii on launch couldn't be bothered getting one when they became available no matter how many times i told them about or shown them games such as metroid, mario galaxy, mariokart, nmh, pro evo, etc etc so maybe there aren't as many so called hardcore or informed gamers out there who have a Wii as we on these forums seem to think there are.
  8. Nice 1. Didn't get me but the gamecube europe page was cool & made me wonder for a second. well done!!!
  9. Interested to know your impressions on Broken Sword or Mushroom Men.
  10. Gio001

    Fallout 3

    Glad i wasn't home to download it.
  11. Gio001

    Fallout 3

    According to CVG Bethesda's removed it off live until they sort it.
  12. Ha ha, me too, can't say i wasn't disappointed. MCJ Metroid should scour the net for a wifit topless video to make up for it.
  13. Just completed it & got a pathetic first attempt on mercenaries.
  14. Gio001


    Great advertising, just wish i'd have found one of the severed arms. Seriously it's all getting a bit pathetic, won't be long before they have a violent videogame tax. Won't solve anything but hey!! they'll have more money to spend on wars, health & safety officers & so called do-gooders.
  15. Gio001


    Mine arrived with t-shirt, just as i'm on my way out for a blast on my bike. Will be straight on it when i get back.
  16. Were they in game graphics??? I see they've gone for the Madworld visuals.
  17. Gio001


    My preorder from Game is being processed at the moment so looks like i may get this early. Better get on with Resi5 before it arrives.
  18. I own both versions aswell, my most played game ever, though fallout 3 is catching up.
  19. You need motivation to play resi 4 !!! Also it's a great game for people to watch while your playing.
  20. Loving this game, the demo did the full game no favours as did the dead space demo. Only on chapter 3.2 as i'm taking my time wth it.
  21. Gio001


    I also preordered too late i think but so looking forward to this.
  22. So true & it isn't like we have'nt heard their opinions before, again & again yawn!! Who Here Actually Owns A Wii? is the title of the thread.
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