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Everything posted by Gio001

  1. I'm enjoying this more than i thought i would after playing the demo. I'm doing leon's campaign and had a go on mercenaries. Did anyone else get theirs from play.com? Just wondering how you get your pre-order bonus? I just hope it's not by email as i cant log into the email account i use for them!! I must say they are better at delivering their pre-orders, got this on day of release and Avengers assemble 4 days early. Defo improvement!
  2. Avengers Documentary coming soon!!!! Featuring politics & the meaning of life!! Prepare to be bored Quimless.!!!
  3. I Guess the reason i enjoyed this film so much is because i already knew, when i went to watch it, that the action would be far removed from real life.
  4. Went to see this again. Still amazing. Don't understand all the anti - Captain America comments, thought each character was portrayed very well & all have their place in the team. I must admit though, as a kid reading the comics Captain America & Thor were my favourite characters but in the movie, although i liked each character, the Hulk & Iron Man performances did stand out a bit more. Don't think i'll ever be able to watch another movie with just ONE Superhero in again! Tempted to go & watch it again but running out of people to watch it with :0) Roll on the Blu-Ray release.
  5. Awesome movie. Read all the Avengers comics as a kid & never believed i'd see them on the big screen, especially in a movie as awesome as this & I must say the prequel movies leading up to this were very well done. Don't watch many films more than once or twice but can't wait to see this again & it's a first ever for me day one movie on bluray purchase.
  6. Thanks HOT I do play the online quite a bit but i was unsure what exactly it was you got for your laying out that much up front as opposed to picking up the extra DLC as i went along. I did end up getting the season pass last night, thought wtf, i've certainly got my moneys worth in playtime from the game so far.
  7. Is the season pass worth getting? I've tried to work out what's free & what's discounted if you have it. From what i've seen it looks like Raam's shadow is free so far but are Fenix rising & Horde command pack free or discounted ( cheaper to buy with the pass ?? ) Won't be back till tommorrow now for any replies so not being ignorant. Any replies appreciated as i want to download some dlc.
  8. Cheers Shorty & Cube 1840 points .... Gulp!!!! Gets Wii out from under bed. Think i'll wait for a sale & get Code Veronica.
  9. Could i buy Resi 4 with points or do i have to use a bank card or paypal? I'm sure i read somewhere with download games you could at checkout use ms points but it doesn't give me the option to ( i have 1510 ms points ). Is it because i don't have enough points? Don't want to put my card details on their hackable system.
  10. Nice impressions, i've pre-ordered this & quite looking forward to it. Just wondering how it controls, i know you can run & gun but is it intuitive. Loved the Resi 2 intro.
  11. http://gamerant.com/resident-evil-operation-raccoon-city-achievements-list-ts-126583/ Achievments
  12. http://gamerant.com/resident-evil-6-player-co-op-tao-126655/ Rumour 6 player co-op
  13. If this is to be more action oriented i hope they update the controls. GOW type gameplay with clunky RE5 controls is not survival horror it;s frustration! Why couldn't they with 2 resi games out within the year ( console not handheld ) make one a COD / GOW type of game & one a more traditional but updated survival horror type of game & keep everybody happy!! ??
  14. Mmmm!! Don't know what to make of this, my mouse pointer has hovered over the pre-order button a few times. Think i need to see more gameplay trailers or a demo!
  15. Upgraded my 60gb premium with the gears of war 320gb console today. Transfered the licence, transferred all my stuff over using the link cable & had a play. Just downloading Crysis 2 which also came with it & which is taking forever ( somebody playing modern warfare 3 online on the other xbox ain't helping lol ) Loving it so far, the size compared to the older premium, the artwork on the console & pads & most of all the extra storage space. I'm in no rush for the Xbox 720. There's plenty of life left in the 360 yet.
  16. Tried online for the first time last night & got absolutely marmalised!! No headset but i could imagine them saying '' Get the noob!! ''
  17. Thanks Shorty & S.C.G. Like yourselves i've only used the one account up to now. You'd think a live account (Gold) would be linked to a console, oh well !! Thanks for the quick replies.
  18. Is there a way of having multiple profiles on the 360? I've always had my 360 in my room with my profile on it but i'm getting a new 360 with kinect for the living room which is going to be used by multiple users. When i tried adding another profile on mine it added it but they had to play without the xbox live as it seems live is attatched to just 1 profile. Is there a way round it or it that the way it is? The wii seemed easier with the Mii's for multiple users.
  19. Hi has anybody tried the cloud save system on the new dashboard yet? Do your achievments register to your profile if you gain them on another xbox 360? Does it automatically sync your saves when you go back on your own Xbox? I haven't been able to try it yet as my gold has just run out & i'm waiting for my nrw 3 month to arrive!
  20. I'm intrigued, can't wait to see some more especially actual gameplay. The guy seemed very Drake-esque!
  21. Mmmmmmm!! A few xbox's usually bite the dust after an update aswell lol!!
  22. Well no dash update yet but my xbox has stopped syncing with my pads !!
  23. Game are doing the red 3DS + Mariokart £159.99.
  24. Thanks for the feedback! How annoying, Get it swapped, you'll never be happy & always focus on the dust.
  25. Ordered the black 3ds & Mario 3ds from Game. Should arrive tomorrow. Although Game did the Black 3DS + Mario bundle for £169.99 I ordered the black 3DS for £129.99 & the game for £32.99 which came to £162.99. I also noticed the red 3DS + Mariokart bundle for £159.99 but if the red 3DS screen is tainted/duller then ....... Let us know how yours is Aneres 11 when you've finished playing with it.
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