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Everything posted by Gio001

  1. Thanks for the coments and hope more people get involved with their own photo's to. Might need some rules though. The first thing that sprung to mind when i saw you top photo, which i like, was two words actually Global Warming I also like the empty park bench looking out over the landscape. As for a DSLR have you thought about a micro four thirds like a Panasonic GF1, G1 or GH1 How about '' Stuck '' He's wide awake, she's sleeping. He could be doing something else or be somewhere else.
  2. OOOps i think i re-sised the original too much, came out a bit small.
  3. [ATTACH]3319[/ATTACH] Just for fun. After looking at this picture i wondered what 1 word other forum members could come up with to either sum up this photo ( cr@p is not allowed lol ) It could be a name for the photo, how it makes them feel or what they think it means. Try not looking at other ppl's posts before you post your own so as not to be influenced. As i obviously i took the photo, i have my own interpretation of it but that is influenced by knowing the story behind the photo. I just thought it would be interesting to see an outsiders interpretation of what is going on or see how different people interpret 1 image. Hope all that made sense, oh & you can criticize the photo all you like once you have named it lol.
  4. Just been on Game website & every PS3 bundle shows out of stock? Is there a shortage or is there a change a coming i.e price, specs/update ?
  5. I've been looking at the GF1 but will defenitely have to wait a while before i get one. Is your budget fixed at £500 max because although the GF1 & pancake lens is about £650 - £750 they do a GF1 with 14 - 45 mm lens kit for around £550 if you shop around. & you could always get the pancake lens at a later date. Also the GF1 has no image stabilisation & relies on image stabilised lenses The smaller more compact 20mm pancake lens, though making the camera more compact & from what i've heard is a cracking lens, does not have image stabilisation, but the 14 - 45 mm lens & the other range of lenses have image stabilisation. Don't know if stabilisation is important for you or what you will use it for but it's worth considering as it made me a little wary but i still want one. If not the LX3 appears a very good camera from what i've heard especially in low light. UK Digital do the GF1 with 14 - 45mm lens for £549 plus £50 cashback making it £499 & GF1 with the 20mm pancake lens for £695 plus £50 cashback making it £645 eventually when you get the cheque from Panasonic. Sorry no link.
  6. Love the picture of the diner even in that location. I took pictures of one in New York a few years ago but i can't find them anywhere. You're right they are identical & they just transport them to a location, we had just eaten when we saw it but still had to go in when we saw it. Some great pic's on this thread, will have to dig some of mine out sometime.
  7. Sod the box art, has anybody seen any good pre order deals on this or is it still too early ?
  8. Gio001

    Fallout 3

    I missed no 3, it's the only one i missed. I completed the game & most DLC before i looked at a guide & realised i'd have to start again to get it.
  9. Gio001

    Fallout 3

    Cheers, late 2011 then.
  10. Gio001

    Fallout 3

    When is the new Fallout game due out, is it this year ?
  11. So true, i have HOTD 2&3, Overkill, Umbrella Chronicles & Extraction. I've had more than my fill of on rails shooters & Resi cash-ins no matter how dressed up they are. I've a bad feeling we'll never see a proper Resi game ( with Resi 4 controls ) on the Wii now.
  12. in no particular order 1 Resi 4 2 mario galaxy 3 HOTD Overkill 4 MarioKart 5 NSMB 6 Wii Sports 7 guitar Hero 5 8 Excite Truck 9 Warioland Shake Dimension 10 metroid Prime 3 close contenders go to Disaster, Umbrella chronicles & No More Heroes. Twilight Princess isn't included as i only played the Gamecube version.
  13. My copy arrived a couple of days ago, i've only played through first 2 levels. Looks promising & at least it aint on - rails.
  14. Yay!! just battled through the snow to get home from work & RATM no1. Radio1 should play the unedited version just to celebrate. As for favourite RATM tracks i love the whole first album & sleep now in the fire & people of the sun from the others.
  15. killing in The Name does have a message but i agree Take The power Back or Wake up would have suited this cause better, especially Wake Up as non RATM fans would recognise the music from The Matrix.
  16. He won't tolerate a threat to his evil empire & as for only makin a profit from the single the X factor show & phone votes make him millions.
  17. They be ways round it though i guess. Especially if you got the money.
  18. Surely Simon Cowell & his minions will buy / download enough to ensure another x-factor no1
  19. You're first name isn't Cliff is it ?? No parent could be that cruel.
  20. what the hell, just downloaded RATM even though i've been a fan from day 1 & already have it. I'm a 65p rebel & decadent to boot.
  21. I hope you get to transfer wiiware & VC games from your Wii to your Zii.
  22. Gio001

    Fallout 3

    I've had to bury this game in the back garden because if it goes anywhere near my 360 i loose days of free time.
  23. RE2 was my favourite Resi game but Resi 4 is my favourite game ever, be it a resi game or not in some peoples eyes. I played it to death on GC & again on Wii. Whatever people think the resi name provided the budget for this classic & ensured more people played it than would without the Resi name. one things for sure, the control scheme of Resi 4 makes it almost impossible to go back to the archaic controls of the previous Resi's and this game is still prefered in many peoples eyes to the newer HD, all whistles & bells Resi 5. In my opinion the control scheme for resi games needed to evolve whilst keeping the tension, puzzles & panic of previous resi's. Maybe for the next resi if they use Dead Space as a template with traditional Resi settings & zombies i'd pre-order it now lol.
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