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Everything posted by Gio001

  1. Don't think it's make or break but it can only be good for Wii owners if these sell well to give confidence to people out there thinking of making more mature, hardcore games or new ideas knowing there is a market out there that appreciates quality & effort.
  2. Picked this up for £10 last year, need to get back into it as it ended up in my backlog of games even though i enjoyed the first couple of levels & thought i'd leave it till i could take my time with it & not rush it. Think i'll have to start from the beginning when i finally play it again.
  3. Gio001


    I always thought it was out March 31st, if it is out on 13th then it's between this & Resi 5 on the day & the other will have to wait till the end of March. Game 03/09 Play.com 20/03/09 Gamestation 01/03/09 Does anybody know lol
  4. I defenitely warmed to the demo after a couple of play throughs after initially being a little underwhelmed & can't wait to play the full game. I'm just wondering wether to get it delivered or brave the protesters outside my local game stores on launch day.
  5. Gio001


    Sold, can't wait. My poor overdraft
  6. Was tempted to get the party pack but trying to save my points for Fallout 3 dlc & the future burnout dlc (extra cars)
  7. At the end of the day racism should be eradicated & real racist issues tackled instead of mickey mouse issues. There's been about 7 Resi games not set in Africa & as soon as it's set in Africa they analyse it & say it's racist ??? Did the zombie legend not start in Africa with witchdoctors etc before it got westernised by Hollywood. The aids virus, did that not apparently originate from Africa, & are thousands not still dying every year from aids there. The human race, didn't we all originate from Africa. Therefore isn't Resi 5 not set in the right place, gone back to it's roots like all of us. I never thought of Resi 5 as being racist being set in Africa & after Eurogamers so called argument i still don't. I'll get on with life, play the game & continue not being racist while eurogamer look for racists under the bed. In the game it took a virus to turn the African population into savage monsters. That is not the same as saying that Africans are savage monsters, in fact it is quite the opposite argument. The non-infected African population are perfectly normal human beings and not "sub-human" in any way/shape/form. Of the two parties it is Eurogamer's article that is in fact more racist. To be racist you need to make a distinction between races, which Capcom's Resident Evil series does not. Eurogamer, however, attempt to make a distinction. Well said McPhee, exactly what i meant to say in a round about way.
  8. OMG, how long ago was that, i'm of Italian descent so i must be racist because 2000 years ago my Roman ancestors must have been slave traders. Personally I can see where people are coming from. White middle class American slaughters hordes of poor Africans, turned into zombies. Resi 1,2 & 3 White middle class American slaughters hordes of White middle class Americans, turned into zombies. Resi 4 White middle class American slaughters hordes of poor Spanish / Latin type people, turned into zombies.
  9. Since when have people from Africa been stereotyped as savage monsters / subhuman animals ??? I've never heard as much bullcr@p in my life !!! I think if Capcom did want to be racist they'd set it in China. Sounds like Eurogamer are clutching at straws trying to put a racism angle into the game that ain't there.
  10. Mine will die March 12th, it will get Kijuju'd
  11. Gio001

    Fallout 3

    I do a lot of walking & exploring & found allsorts of cool stuff & places that are not on the map even when you get the perk that reveals all locations. I do use fast travel aswell though but mainly to transport all my pilfered loot to my house in Megaton or to a trader to sell ( i've got over 30,000 bottlecaps & my house is bursting at the seams with goodies ) It can take a few trips from 1 location to transport all my loot even at level 20 so fast travel is ideal for that.
  12. Have you got a SDHC card reader for your pc? Does your camera support SDHC & to what capacity?
  13. I was underwhelmed when i first played the demo but it does get better the more you play & i cannot wait for the full game.
  14. 3 hours is great for a lightgun game ( was Umbrella Chronicles similar? ) & as D_prOdigy said i'm sure i read somewhere it's different everytime you play through it. I will pick this up but not day 1 though the collectors edition looks tempting.
  15. Sales must be slow, send out an update to kill a few 360's. Mine is ok since the update but i sympathise, these days with consoles online etc they can just about do anything to your console with an update & reliability is pathetic. My old ps1, N64, Megadrive, Cube have all been hammered & used & still work fine with no worries over wether it will still work next time i switch it on. Think the PS2 started it though the launch PS1's were faulty but sony soon rectified it.
  16. And so we should. How's the controls?
  17. I've seen the ads on a few channels but they are more frequent on... erm!.. jetix & Nictoons etc. Not that i watch them........ Honest!!!
  18. Hope they advertise Prime as well as they have with Pikmin, seen adverts on cable tv for the last couple of weeks.
  19. Just downloading the demo now, will try it out tonight.
  20. Gio001

    Fallout 3

    It takes a bit to get going until you can carry a bit more & have somewhere to store your gear.
  21. Cheers Dante for all the updates on this game. Still a day 1 for me as i've waited so long for this game & despite all the changes to the resi formula & the co-op & negative comments from the demo i'm still so looking forward to this game though i think i'll have to get out of leisurly fallout 3 mode & being able to arrange inventorys at leisure as this sounds fast paced throughout.
  22. Hope you enjoy it half as much as i did I'm the opposite, i need to play bioshock & a backlog of other games ie Dead rising, disaster, no more heroes & burnout paradise but i can't stop playing Fallout 3. Resi 5, HOTD overkill & Madworld are also out this month & next month. Oh, almost forgot the next 2 Fallout 3 DLC are also out this & next month.
  23. Gio001

    Fallout 3

    Over 100 hours & don't wanna finish it yet. Still got places to explore.
  24. Gio001


    Looking forward to this, great trailer, day 1 purchase for me.
  25. Another bad habit to add to my list
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