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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. I wonder, if you have more than one person playing as the trainer, will the Pokemons damage be multiplied by weaknesses? Eg, Charizard would do 10% damage with a fire punch to Mario, 5% to Squirtle, and 20% to Ivysaur?
  2. I still really can't get excited about this. There are way to many other games coming out this year. If I can find it going really cheap, I'll get it, though.
  3. Ahh, sorry guys! I coulda swore I had it in spoiler tags!
  4. At Conzer! Sorry :P
  5. It was those law fearing folks at Nintendo who pulled the plug overe liability costs wasn't it?
  6. Oh I remember that. The Ice Key, the eggs, and the island off the shore in the second world. And then when Tooie came out, they left the island and eggs out completely, and the Ice Key was obtainable from ingame anyway. I remember being really excited for that, and then really disappointed when it was left out. BK and BT are two of my favourite all time games.
  7. If it doesn't get released over here and they continue to prevent Freeloaders, I am going to personally kill the pets of all Nintendo employees.
  8. Pokemon is a handheld game. A console RPG wouldn't be superior to a handheld version in any manner other than graphics, yet would lose things such as local trading, ability to take to in-store events, and simple portability. Pokemon games are designed for dip-in-dip-out. Really, what could they do in a console version other than expensive, time consuming 3D graphics?
  9. Really? When was this? I only did it around 3 weeks ago, and I've played Alien Hominid in the last two. There was an update last week or so? I'll need to get to the hats now.
  10. Blood+ is so good. Got 5 more episodes to watch, gonna get through them all tonight. Then I'm on to Bleach.
  11. I was tempted to buy one just for the name.
  12. If your after the achievements, play the game through on easy first. When you get to the last level, sign into an alternate account, and when you're just about to ill the final boss, hit start and sign in your main account. You'll gain the achievement for beating the boss on X difficulty on both accounts, and for doing it without using any credits on the one you signed it right at the end. Repeat for Hard and Medium, signing in your main account when you're almost done / if you are almost out of lives on P2.
  13. Definite buy from me.
  14. Isn't that the same date as Assassins Creed!?! Thats crazy talk. Edit; Thinking about it now, I think Assassins Creed is the 16th. And a quick check on GameFAQs confirms. But still, damn this Autumn is crowded.
  15. Hahaha, three days ago something like that happened with me and my friend. I said "Right your dead now!" and did the Kirby stone attack. My friend rolled out the way just in time and says "No, you are!" And grabs me, unfortunately he spends too long kicking before the throw and I get free, suck him up, and jump over the edge, killing us both. :yay: When Brawls out I reckon the two of us are going to live at each others houses playing.
  16. Nah, let them release it now, then we can wait until summer to buy it, and get it at half the price!
  17. Yes yes yes I know. FPA and all that crap. By FPS I meant a first person game that shoots things. The GameCube pad did not lend well to aiming a gun in the first person.
  18. I beg to differ, I've had some great help from people (especially McPhee : peace: ) in the HDTV thread. The best site I've found in my search is http://www.dabs.com (am I allowed to link there? If not, lemme know or edit it out). As for brands, Samsung are excellent, but can be pricey. I'd recommend probably to stay away from unknown brands.
  19. That was possibly the most disturbing post I've ever seen outside of 4chan.
  20. This game will be so, so, so fun. Just pure gaming fun.
  21. Ironic that this comes out right after Matt Cassamassina writes an article about the lack of advertising surrounding this. But I still can't get excited about it. I played about an hour of the first Prime, was completly bored, and never played any more of it. Just never got into it. The same of the 2-D games. I'm half tempted to get this on hype, and of the supposedly "perfect" controls. That was one of the things that put me off the original - the GC pad was not an FPS pad, imo.
  22. Well I've been in to Curries, and I'm gonig to Comet tomorrow. I've worked out that the size I want is 23", rather than 26", as 26 is only 1 smaller than my living room TV and would definately be oversized. And earlier in this thread I was thinking of getting a 32"! Since I'm now going for a smaller set (23" I believe is the biggest size which wouldn't look oversized in my room) I have a bit more leverage for getting a high quality set. This Samsung seems to fit the bill perfectly, other than the price tag :p I was thinking it may be worth going a bit over budget, so that I get everything that I wanted, and more. I need 1 Component, 1 Composite (A/V, could also be replaced by an extra SCART), and 2 SCART sockets. With this, I get 1 Component, 2 SCARTS and the freeview built in - which means that with A/V into SCART blahblah, it's got the perfect amount of sockets. With 3 HDMI it seems future proof for if I have an "accident" with my Xbox and get a HDMI version, a PS3, etc. It also has a far higher contrast ratio (4000:1) than I was looking at with other sets (1200:1 mostly, and in Curries the highest seemed to be 800:1, which I thought sounded rather poor in comparison). The third extra is the features it has. However, how useful are these thnigs, like Game Mode, DNIe? Another thought that came to me is the freeview (in general). Do I need to get a cable to run through my wall and connect to the aerial we use for the other freeview box, or will the TV pick up a signal from my room? Finally, can you tell from the figures on that page how high quality the sound system is? I have no idea, and while it isn't a huge deal, it would be nice to know. Wow, probably my longest post on this forum I know I'm asking for alot
  23. Wasn't it 70 blocks? In the video posted back a little in this thread I'm pretty sure it was 70. Anyway, I hope they put out a playable demo too. That would be a real step in the right direction. Then, they can give us playable demo's of Galaxy and Brawl, too.
  24. I hated it >_> I couldn't find any street signs to tell me where I was, the map was useless, the characters babbled on too long, the aiming cursor was too small and the darkness powers like summoning minions wasn't explained properly.
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