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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. I'm too weak. Just ordered it!
  2. I feel so sorry for Sutil, he deserved his p4 today. So frustrating! Good race though.
  3. I think (from us having a quick look) theres a co-op quick play and a "duel" mode of some sort. Frustrating since the single player is just GH style doing a list of songs. The world tour stuff is multiplayer only.
  4. Gizmo


    Yeah, I'm pumped waiting just for the Creature Creator, never mind the full game.
  5. Went round my mates earlier to play it and...wow! Amazing. Drumming is so much fun, and not as hard as I thought. I was forseeing myself having problems co-ordinating the pedal but it's really not that bad. My ankle was very tired after a long session though. Also, why is there no World Tour online co-op? Still though, amazing game, and great fun in multi.
  6. Dyyyyyyyyyysoooooooooooooooon Oh Dyyyyyyyysoooooooooooooooooon
  7. I really, really hope that was supposed to be ironic. Bets on it being ~£280 when it comes out over here? "oh it costs so much to ship all the way to your tiny island"
  8. What, no more staying up until the wee hours to watch a boring conference awaiting the announcements that never come? Disappointing
  9. The bewbs are back then.
  10. How come the day hasn't ended yet, didn't we hit majority ages ago?
  11. So anyone who doesn't live right next to the team they support isn't a real fan. Right. Gotcha.
  12. http://uk.pc.ign.com/articles/875/875963p1.html Damn that looks amazing. Can't wait just for the creator, never mind the actual game!
  13. 1-0 Aberdeen, looking good for us now! Edit: 1-0 Celtic too, to lose Rangers and Dundee would have to score three between them. In the bag! Edit2: 2-0 Aberdeen. Got it.
  14. Man, why have I only just realised how awesome Rise Against are? I'd heard of them before but never particularly knew what kind of music they did / if they were any good, but I was playing Guitar Hero yesterday and noticed how awesome The Shadow And The Refugee is. Checked some more on Youtube, and damn, they're amazing.
  15. This. We should get it really. No reason we should be beaten by Dundee United but you never know with this kind of game. Do it for Tommy.
  16. Exactly. Listen to this man, people.
  17. I just wrote 24 sheets of A4 paper in less than 4 hours. My finger hurts.
  18. It's not even that. By stalling his run up, he makes it more obvious for the keeper what way he's kicking it and gives himself less chance to get power on it. As someone who played keeper in a Sunday League team I loved it when people did that, they think they are being really clever but I don't think I've ever NOT saved it when they do that. rofl.
  19. Modern Studies for me tomorrow. Looking forward to writing 10 pages of A4 in 2 hours. Good times.
  20. Shame that the game was decided by the rubbish pitch. People had been slipping all night. Also, I'll never understand why players do that paused run up thing. It only makes it easier for the keeper. Soon as he did that I knew he was going to miss.
  21. xthemusic's Lets Play?
  22. No beak buster, no talon trot, no egg pooping, no Banjo Kazooie.
  23. Orly? I've been neglecting visiting that site since I got my set-up modernised last year, will need to check for this voucher of which you speak :p
  24. And PS3 was first with motion controls because it was released 3 days before Wii, right? I'm sure I read somewhere Iwata or someone stating that a "true" Wii Zelda was being experimented with even before TP's release. When he talked about possible first person view, etc. If you're really trying to say that TP is a true Wii Zelda you should be checked out by a doctor:heh:
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