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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. I just used the headset. I tried to get the RB mic to balance between the Yellow and Green but it wasn't for happening.
  2. Cheers muchly! Was considering buying them, not particularly a Disturbed fan but the track I heard sounded like it could be fun for the game. Also, anybody tried Vocals + Drums together at once? I got bored earlier doing the Solo Tour, decided to give BWT a go with it and ended up loving it. Tough on songs I don't know the lyrics too, but I'm yet to get less than 4 stars with both on Medium, and I haven't failed one instrument a single time yet Still Alive = the best song for Singing and Drumming, btw. Lyrics are easy to remember, beat is relatively simple, but still very fun. Hardest part is getting enough breath!
  3. You know a couple are good for each other when this is the kind of thing they argue over.
  4. I don't like any of the CD's or bands in that list. Does that mean my opinion doesn't count?
  5. Problem with this thread is Google. Like, I just googled yours and immediately got the answer.
  6. Gizmo


    Nice stealth edit dazzy, but I quoted your original post already :p
  7. lulz, the only one on that list that I have is Jack Johnson. And even then its #50.
  8. Ugh. Lack of Axe midget = fail. A hell of a lot of time was put into Golden Axe as a kid. Me and my friend co-op'd that game so much.
  9. Gizmo


  10. Dyson has lost interest in this, or what?
  11. Whether you like the guy or not, stealing anyones ashes is pretty fucked.
  12. I waited 4 days for my game to arrive after the instruments came.
  13. Best part was Janitor as an FBI interrogator.
  14. There were three Football fans involved in a plane crash. When they ran out of food, they decided to honour their clubs. The Liverpool fan decided to eat his Liver, and consequently died. The Hearts fan decided to eat his Heart, and consequently died. The Arsenal fan decided he wasn't hungry and consequently was rescued when a boat sailed past 5 minutes later. the old classics are the best
  15. It's quite clearly Alan Wake. >_>
  16. I believe France has alot of them. Brest, Bitche, Condom, etc. And I've heard of a plce called "Likswang" in China too
  17. It's the same rumour that has been reported elsewhere, eg Kotaku as shown by my link, a month ago now being incorrectly posted on J-F as a new rumour. Satisfied?
  18. Like jammy said, it's not been announced, it's a repost of the same rumour from a month ago. Only this time it's getting a different reaction because of the timing.
  19. http://kotaku.com/386928/ubi-considering-wii+specific-prince-of-persia-version
  20. So now the PoP spin off, despite there being no info, screens, any idea of what gameplay will be like, is instantly them not trying? And I'm pretty sure this has been in development since before the whole explosion of hatred, so don't say its them trying to "keep fans sweet". And anyway, even if it was, isn't that what you want? You finally get a game and then you're moaning? If this does turn out to be a minigame compilation or any such bullshit is that I'll take it back. But hating it on before anything is known at all?
  21. Explain to me detailed reasons you're angry and I'll respond to them. I can't decide if your being sarcastic or not
  22. It should also be said that if they are going to do subtitles they need to actually match up to the video. Bioshock for example has awful subtitling. Then again, it's better than none for sure.
  23. wah wah wah companies arent making the games i want so lets spam their forums with complaints wah wah wah I was pissed after the announcement of BK:N&B. It's not the game I wanted. But I didn't start mass emailing OXM editors and spamming RAREs forum. I got pissy in a thread on this forum, and then got over it. Even then, it's different, as RARE had promised "Banjo Threeie" and gave a wildly different game (but lets not start that debate again). Someone point me to where Ubisoft promised anything. Get over it. Now go ahead, call me a 360 fanboy, say I only came from the off topic board to shit on the Wii, whatever. Fact of the matter is; I own 14 games for my Xbox 360, plus I'd say roughly 10 XBLA games. I own 23 games for my Wii, plus roughly 15 VC games. So yeah, I'm definately a 360 fanboy.
  24. I think I get what my problem was. I was pushing it all the way down into the cushioning when you're only supposed to put it about half way down. Still, I don't like it, I'd rather have a click to confirm I actually strummed it.
  25. Well it would come up itself but it's so cushioned it would take too long. Also, my RB guitar does click, though not as loudly. Do you have to push it all the way down until it clicks or just part of the way?
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