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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. In terms of N64 platformers, imo, it goes; BK > BT > M64 > DK64. May just play a bit of Banjo tomorrow.
  2. Yeah, I was supporting Germany from the beginning but I have to admit Spain deserved it tonight.
  3. At this rate we might just get the 2007 results by the start of 2009
  4. Alien Hominid is awesome in coop.
  5. And if I may be allowed to go on about Radiohead for just one more post;
  6. I got the feeling she was really bricking it, seemed very worried that the crowd were going to hate her. After the first couple of songs she relaxed though. The crowd wasn't exactly going crazy but there was a decent applause after each song.
  7. Dunno. When she was announced as the support I checked a couple of songs on Last.fm and wasn't very impressed. I suppose going in with low expectations helped me enjoy it even though I don't usually like that sort of thing.
  8. Gizmo

    Diablo 3

    I'm one of those people ashamed to say I've never played Diablo before. Really should but just one of those things I missed at the time and have never gone back to. Will almost certainly play this though. I have one friend in particular who was absolutely in love with D2, and still goes back to play it on occasion now, so I'll definately have someone I know to teach me the ropes anyway :p
  9. Highlights of last night; singing acapella to Karma Police to get them back on for the second encore, moshing to "Everything in its Right Place", the cheer that came up when they positioned the drums for There There (and the song in general), Thom's dancing to Myxamotosis. Only downside for me was that they didn't play Street Spirit. Also, Bat for Lashes weren't as bad as I was expecting. Not my kind of thing but not terrible. Also, one of their instruments was a saw. Like a proper woodsaw. Played it with a violin bow, then bending it etc. Pretty cool. Bolded ones are the ones we managed to mosh too, from memory so it may not be 100% accurate. Yeah I was worried after what you said, but it really was awesome from start to finish. Agree on both parts. On moshing, I agree it's lost something, but it's still bloody fun And luckily they didn't play any of Pablo Honey. Most we got was a short Creep sing along heading towards the exit afterwards.
  10. Shit man Radiohead were awesome. Every single song is so much better live. Set list was awesome too, and the atmosphere was great. Managed to get near the front, and in some pits Who says you can't mosh to radiohead?
  11. Both sides are the gay side. Jewellery on dudes as a general rule looks ridiculous. Exceptions being wedding rings and watches.
  12. Vote:Nintendohnut I think he's the more immediate threat, since it's possible he can kill.
  13. Am I? Completely lost track. Woops.
  14. lulwut. I sent mine in.
  15. Edit; apparently I'm dead so ignore me.
  16. Hush, don't shatter my dreams of actually good players joining. Venegoor of Hesselink is world class!
  17. I say "it's all good" alot. Meaning something like "nevermind". "Yeah, x happened, but it's all good"
  18. Going to them tomorrow. Really looking forward to it. Hope they play a good set list. What do you mean by "half dead crowd"?
  19. I always thought RB was his preferred position. He's right footed, no? I'd love Celtic to sign him though, I've loved the guy ever since that goal at Germany 06
  20. Hahaha, knew it. Went out after this post and promptly fell and buggered my leg. I almost typed "I injure myself in some way" aswell on the list but couldn't be bothered. Now I won't get the essay finished too. At least Germany went through.
  21. Like the thing from Lost, where Desmond saw Charlie die, and even though he saved him a few times the universe was trying to correct itself.
  22. Today has been a good day. Got the day off school as I was going on a "trip" to see a movie with my Modern Studies class, basically 3 hours of horsing around with my mates in the cinema. Then came back to mine and played a bit of Rock Band and Boom Blox. And just now I got a phone call offering me a job Part time stuff at a Nike Factory outlet. First job I actually applied to aswell Today has been too good though, I'm suspicious. I bet Germany go out of the Euro's tonight, and I don't get my essay finished that's due in for tomorrow, just to dampen it.
  23. So theres only one active investigator?
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