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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. Generally stupid people are happier because they don't realise what's wrong. Being intelligent only leads to problems, in general. One thing I find myself doing constantly and hating myself for it is overthinking something; on holiday it took me 5 minutes of standing at the side of the pool deciding whether I wanted to jump in or not, because it was quite cold. This is a problem that's been bugging me for awhile, so the next night I told myself I was going to just jump in immediately without thinking; it still took me about 30 seconds, but it was a huge improvement, and I was quite happy with that. Now, if only I could do that with everything in life. "Sometimes I think that I think too much. I think..." Gone off on a bit of a tangent here but meh. I think there is a happy middleground in this; smart to the point of being successful, but not to the point of alienating others/yourself, and good looking enough to be happy with yourself and a partner. Looks matter in relationships and anyone who disagrees is just kidding themselves To actually get around to answering the topic title; I'd rather be ugly and smart, but only because that's the smart answer. If I was stupid, I'd probably rather be stupid and good looking no doubt. So there is no real answer to this one, I don't think.
  2. I think it was something like Activision asked Nintendo's permission, and Nintendo said no. Even though Nintendo have no actual power over the decision, Activision didn't want to piss off Nintendo so refused Microsoft. Or something.
  3. Rise Against is all I need to see. Except maybe more Muse but I think they are a dead cert for future DLC so I'll let them off.
  4. As awesome as Massa is I don't think he quite has enough to win a championship. Him and Kubica should swap teams; Kubica gets a car that can win races consistantly and Massa gets a car that will let him be outstanding every now and then
  5. Woah I missed this while on holiday. How much did we end up paying for him and how long is his contract?
  6. Hmm. 1. Julia Stiles 2. Boris Johnson 3. Matt Bellamy 4. Henrik Larsson 5. Kiefer Sutherland A hot girl + my heroes, what more could a man want? Probably just 5 hot girls but that would have made me seem more of an ass than I want to give the impression of on here
  7. Aren't those all basically the same thing? :p
  8. Hahaha, well played chairdriver.
  9. It does somewhat surprise me that very few people made an attempt to answer the riddles, especially that last one about impending doom. With that I would have expected the town to have a full discussion and make sure to find an answer. They were virtually ignored the whole game other than a few people.
  10. I'm in for this. Hopefully chair's experience in hosting the mafia games should reduce the amount of wasted time etc.
  11. Damn, this is awesome. The only thing stopping me from replaying BK and BT is the damn N64 controller which is simply rubbish by todays standards. That and the promise of Stop'n'Swop, I can't wait for this. What are the chances of Tooie on XBLA too?
  12. So if it's all the same thing, why not just keep the old stuff instead? :p
  13. Ep3, Portal 2, Left4Dead, CS3, OP2. I'd buy that :p
  14. Hopefully balance board isn't mandatory with PunchOut because I don't have WiiFit and don't fancy paying £100 for a boxing game. Also I really hope PO and AC aren't all Ninty have for E3; I'm still holding out hope for Pikmin 3 and Kid Icarus.
  15. How does the University results scale work? Like, is 2:1 the highest you can get?
  16. There'll probably be a new "Orange Box" type game with Left4Dead, EP3 etc on it.
  17. I've fractured my left wrist once and my right wrist twice. My right arm twice. My fingers and thumbs a total of 11 times. Left big toe once. Best one was playing Football, I was the keeper and did an overarm throw out to my defender. Thing is everyone was still running out from the corner and my follow through took my hand right onto the opposition forwards back, bending my thumb back and breaking it. My fingers break easily, not sure why. But yeah, over all ten fingers I've had a total of 11 fractures and breaks.
  18. Hiatus is more of a "split indefinately" isn't it, basically with the chances of reformation quite small? While Incubus are just on a break, and have every intention of making a new album? I know that basically sounds like the same thing.
  19. Nobody is judging it really. Me and a few others are only expressing disappointment at the direction it's taken - it's like a spin-off now, rather than a new installment to the series, like we were expecting. Hence the disappointment. I'll still no doubt buy it day 1 and love every moment.
  20. I still don't see this as Banjo 3. Looks like it will be a great game, but it isn't Banjo Threeie.
  21. So they say. I'd still hold out for E3 though.
  22. Unfortunately other people lost interest in the games while they were still fun for alot of us. But continued to join them. Thus we are all now bored of them due to lack of interest from 50% of the people playing slowing it down. I also don't think it helped that we had hosts too busy/forgetful to keep up to date with them :p
  23. Gizmo


    I don't have the energy to get really deep into something like this right now, and since I've only been here about a year and a half I don't think too much has happened to change me. But then again maybe thats the problem?
  24. Looks distinctly average to me. On the evidence of that I don't expect this to really surpass the previous games like Nightfire.
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