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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. Apparently it was a debugging thing that was left in accidentally
  2. It's Great Britain and Northern Ireland, or the United Kingdom. Britain != UK Edit: That means Scotland + England + Wales = Great Britain Scotland + England + Wales + Northern Ireland = United Kingdom
  3. Maybe it's just because I suck, but The Apprentice is so insanely overpowered it's unreal. Like, on Arcade stage 7, he is harder than the "boss" guy on stage 8. And the boss is supposed to be the strongest character with the best AI. It's ridiculous.
  4. The story mode sections are abou 15mins per character, there is the Tower Of Lost Souls stuff I haven't tried yet, and of course an Arcade mode.
  5. Yank guy on XBL asked me where I was from, to which I replied "Britain" He then asked "Britain? Thats near the UK right?"
  6. Wow. Namco really don't get this whole DLC thing. Soul Calibur on XBLA is 800 points. The SC music pack for SC4 is 1200 points. Wtf is that?
  7. Other than the last one I like the way you worked them in :p
  8. "Like a white girl dipped in tea" Hahaha. Love the way he focused on all the sequels and stuff, ripping them to bits, then at the end has the text saying "On the other hand Mirrors Edge looks sweet" :p
  9. I don't get what it is that makes some people hate it so much. My friend's mum absolutely hates me just because I have long-ish hair (not even hanging down long, just a big fringe kinda thing. Like Jonny Greenwood's hair). He grew his hair to the same length as me and she basically forced him to shave it.
  10. Aren't they stopping the Intertoto after this summer?
  11. With all the hype this is getting I think I'm gonna have to buy me some points.
  12. http://kotaku.com/5030926/castle-crashers-and-braid-pricey-for-xbla-titles Much as I love Alien Hominid 1800 puts me off somewhat...not going to discount it before playing the demo but that's 1000 points more than I was expecting
  13. I wouldn't go so far as "couldn't live without" but the likes of Muse, Radiohead, Rise Against, mewithoutYou and Alexisonfire make life a whole lot better
  14. When is the DS version of N due out? I was going through demo's I still had taking up space on my HDD and was thinking about buying it, but I'd probably rather have it on DS for portability :p
  15. I'd rather have a best of pack for Muse, like the Who, because full albums aren't really viable due to slow / piano heavy songs. A ten song pack of; Stockholm Syndrome New Born Knights of Cydonia Assassin Time Is Running Out TSP Supermassive Black Hole Plug In Baby Map of the Problematique Exo Politics Ooh, I'm giddy just from compiling that list. Though its unusual to see a Muse list of any sort without Hysteria
  16. Gizmo

    Wii Speak

    Works for my Xbox and I didn't have to install any drivers.
  17. My primary school was a typical polo shirt / jumper combo, but never shirts/ties/blazers, and I never heard of anyone getting in trouble for hair. My high school just gave a colour guide line, black/red/white, no logo's. I usually wore a black hoody and black jeans. In fact a couple of years ago my friend from England came up to stay for a week while they were on holiday and we weren't and he was amazed at what I got to wear. We got a new head teacher who is a complete cunt now though. Like, S5's have to wear white shirts and school ties. But S6 can wear a white or a black shirt, and S1-4 just have the old normal rules. Wtf is that? I get the whole shirt thing, but why is it S6's can wear black ones but not S5? Black ones are so much easier, no worrying about dropping the tiniest amount of something and ruining it completely. And then the rest don't at all? What is the damn point?
  18. Copy your save file from the folder, uninstall/reinstall, replace save file?
  19. Baa Baaa black ethnic minority sheep, have you any wool?
  20. Any of the MGS games. Ico / SotC Any Resi other than 4 Majoras Mask
  21. This picture reminds me of Donkey Kong Country because of the sort of "layered" background :p
  22. Sounds like that Dinosaur guy from one of the Tekkens, 3 I think it was? I used to play him whenever my friend used Hwroang (sp) because all he did was that high kick :p
  23. I think mine was Toy Story, though I don't remember much about the experience as I was only about 3 or 4. I have a wonderful childhood memory of my Mum falling asleep at Pokemon the movie though.
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