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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. Gizmo

    GTA IV

    If you keep the first one you get from Bernie loads spawn while you are driving it. Find on, steal it, then push it with the original back to your parking space. I did this with 3 of my safehouses so I have one at each :p
  2. I'm too tired to go through everything right now so I won't bother. All I will say is; good luck with your endevours, but I personally think it is a bit of a waste of time on your part. Prove me wrong.
  3. Where is the "neither" option. King of drinks.
  4. 1. So their opinions don't count? I'm just saying, its hard to draw the line of where someones opinion becomes stupid, where it should be ignored. Also, if there are too many people like that, it will become hard to sift through the garbage to get to the real opinions. Are you going to ban those people whos opinions you deem not worth listening to? 2. I don't think a Gamers Seal of Approval would entice them anymore than a 90% Editors Choice Award from Randomwebsite.com Then theres the problem I identified before, where Capcom had huge support from IGN yet didn't use it on their packaging. Surely if it makes a difference they would have including that stuff? I don't see how this seal is any different. 3. Yes, reviewers are all the same. So a 90% from IGN is the same as a 90% from Gamespot. But does that not mean your seal will have the same pull level too? Only difference being your selection process, which Average Joe on the highstreet has no idea about. I don't think the title "Gamers Seal Of Approval" would encourage someone to buy it anymore than a review score. Perhaps this should be tested, on parents and aunts/uncles and so on. 4. How is a "Best Film" Oscar the same as this? The Oscar has a completely different selection process and is awarded once a year. Are you only going to give your Seal of Approval once a year? 5. ...... 6. The review scores for the little guys is the same for the big guys, I don't see what difference this makes. Why wouldn't publishers include that on their box instead? Surely a small time game getting a score equal to Zelda would encourage people to buy it more than this? 7. I just really do not see how this will work. And I didn't mean to insult you, I was just debating things on a forum, isn't that what it's for? The paypal thing was supposed to be a bit of a light hearted joke after a quite long, serious post, but it seems it didn't come out that way.
  5. £1 bet that the day it is released there will be a simultaneous Earthquake in the USA, landslide in Africa, Hurricane in Europe, Tornado in Asia and Tsunami in Oceania? Now THAT is what I call viral marketing.
  6. The obvious ones have to be; Monkey Ball Wario Ware/Mario Party 1080/SSX/Tony Hawk As well as those I'd like to see some experimental sequels, like Deweys Adventure, a new Sonic in the style of Secret Rings, just those average, decent Wii games where the idea was right but the control scheme didn't quite work 100%.
  7. A consensus of who? Any old GameFAQs user who decides to sign up to your message board? Or a stringently maintained "elite" group of people that are chosen to do it themselves? How does a "consensus" make any difference, compared to a group of reviews by professionals? People aren't going to notice that one reviewer gave it a 5 instead of a 9 (see;Gamespot on Lost Winds) because the game makers won't put it on the box (yes Lost Winds is a downloadable game but you get the point) in the same way that the minority disagreeing with giving the award are ignored because you either give it or don't. I don't see what the difference is, other than that the reviewers are professionals who have been given their status due to their expertise in the area, rather than a bunch of random people who have signed up to a message board. You said yourself later in the post, the board effectively has no power. Are you going to go nazi on who you let sign up? Perhaps an IQ test during the sign up process, as well as a "Fanboyism" test, to ensure nobody comes along to diss MGS4 just because its a PS3 exclusive? They don't know what a "Gamers Seal Of Approval" warrants either. How do they know the process which the game has gone through to get this award rather than any other review score? Are you going to do a nationwide advertising campaign to raise awareness? Because otherwise your point is completely moot. In the same way that an IGN score is universal? "oh, there was 90% IGN on the front of Zelda, and theres a 90% IGN on the front of this. I liked Zelda, this must be good too". Conversely if you don't like that argument it works completely against you in the other way. "Gamers seal of approval? Where does this come from?" What makes anybody in the general public think that is any more valuable than an IGN score? See point 1. You're either going to have a load of idiots in the voting process, GameFAQs style, or you're going to be completely nazi about it and be a laughing stock for anyone outside the circle. It will be impossible to find a middle ground to that. It will also be completely impossible to avoid fanboyism and people ruining it for the sake of ruining it. This is a 4chan raid waiting to happen - whether its because its so easy to sign up, and they attack from the front, or because it's so difficult and they decide to ruin it out of spite from the back door. I don't see you getting to that stage at all. You will be laughed at. You won't get that first person including it. It will not explode onto every second box art like you predict. The publishers will see it and think; how silly. And proceed to continue with their boxart with the high IGN score that the game deserves, which as yet has had little effect on sales. I refer you again to Zack and Wiki, which IGN absolutely went nuts for prior to release. They had a "Buy Zack and Wiki" campaign. Yet the game still did not sell millions. In fact, I just checked my Zack and Wiki box and they haven't even got anything from that IGN campaign on the boxart. Do you not think if that would have had any chance of spurring sales it would have gone on the box? Thinking about it now, that says to me that the publishers don't even particularly see much sway on this thing at all; you're award is even more worthless than that. If Capcom (who published Z&W, correct?) didn't include any info about IGN's campaign, why would they pay attention to your approval? You just haven't thought this through at all. It will NOT work. If this works, and in the next 5 years this "seal of approval" appears on a boxart, I will personally Paypal you £100. If you went onto Dragons Den with this idea you'd be laughed at and told to go away. (I realise this isn't a profit making idea and that the DD comparison is really quite irrelevant but I think you understand what I mean when I say it).
  8. I really don't see this working, at all. Nice idea in theory, a title for lesser known games to be given by the gamers to increase sales and therefore encourage more games like that. But do you really think that games journalists aren't gamers? Why would anyone be a games journalist if they weren't? Suddenly because they judge games as a career, they can no longer judge games? You think average-joe casual gamer knows/cares wtf happens at Gamespot.com? And why would a publisher put an acolade from a group of non-professionals on their adverts and boxarts, when they have review scores from people who do it for a living? This isn't going to help sales of stuff like Zack and Wiki and No More Heroes. Look at how crazy IGN went for Z&W. Games that are good will be praised as good online, the thing is the people who you are targeting for this idea to generate sales for underappreciated games wouldn't know about this/pay attention to it any more than they would a "90% IGN.com!" badge. How will this idea help? It's basically aimed at the same group of games that websites will try and hype, except this is an "amateur" version. If anything, that has less sway with the public. Also, who decides who decides? Are people going to be elected like a governmental style organisation, with regular elections to change the representatives? If not, will it not surely just become an elitist group decided on their own opinions? Won't this just become an inside group of people who decide on it, with people on the outside laughing at your futile efforts? And again, why would publishers respect this at all? Sorry, but this just will not work, and even if it did, wouldn't have any sway at all.
  9. Apparently thats what my parents said 16 years ago too ;-;
  10. I ate my dads cooking last night because my mum was out. That was daring.
  11. My frankly terrible attempt at me listening to music.
  12. Can't decide whether or not to buy it now. I'll probably wait for a price cut, even though I have the money for it now if I wanted to get it.
  13. I find myself muting the TV during breaks most of the time these days.
  14. Gizmo


    I'm *still* waiting on anyone telling me what makes this fun other than the controls.
  15. I really hope it's back to the board game style, rather than just the basic quiz. Was alot more exciting I thought!
  16. Can't remember any glitch with that, but I don't think I ever got 100 notes on that world, but more from being too young and being overwhelmed by the size. That and Rusty Bucket Bay I don't remember at all well, because I always lost interest before or was too rubbish to get that much from them. On the other hand I can remember the game pretty much perfectly up to about Freezey Peak, at which point it always started getting to hard for me and I slowly lost interest from the mansion level onwards. Despite that I still managed to complete the game 2-3 times. I remember absolutely adoring the gameshow/boardgame part! Much better than the Tooie one.
  17. I have been inspired to go back and play the first game. Man I love it. I can still remember the location of everything (or at least, I managed to get 100% on the first three levels easily). Probably won't remember the later levels so good mind.
  18. I made a deal with my Motherwell supporting mate the other day, we'd beat Hibs and give them the UEFA cup spot if they could get something off Rangers. Now we are 3 points ahead, Rangers have 1 game in hand, but our goal difference is better by 7. We lost the league by one goal a few years ago, looks like a bit of pay back might be on the cards now!
  19. Yeah, I'm talking about the Doki Doki Panic version, not the Japanese one.
  20. Gizmo


    I wouldn't say CoD4 or GoW are good comparisons in length terms considering the potentially endless hours of gameplay in the online multiplayer And I haven't played it, so this might be completely wrong, but from what I've seen (videos, screens, etc) I'd tend to agree with that summary. Other than the initial coolness of the control scheme, it seems clunky and inprecise to me, I haven't seen any videos of particularly interesting gameplay and length is definately an issue.
  21. My friend offered a nice theory on this. "This is the SMB2, the Zelda 2 for BK. Big departure from the original, but they went back to the old style after."
  22. B. Don't see how anyone can vote anything else if they've ever played the first two.
  23. Only 40 songs on disc, none of which are masters, and the omission of singing. Seems pretty bad to me.
  24. So basically a shit version of Rock Band or Guitar Hero IV then.
  25. And that is exactly why I'm dropping Modern Studies next year It's a load of bollocks anyway. "Y'see, theres two types of Sheltered Housing for Elderly people to live in. Sheltered, and VERY sheltered." "whats the difference?" "in very sheltered, they have meals provided" ohmygad useful info.
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