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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. Gizmo


    What is it that makes this game fun? From the gameplay videos I've seen it's all basic platforming without any holes to fall into with some very simple Fire/Water puzzles, and the wiimote jumping looks awkward.
  2. No, I don't. I'm just disappointed that we were told they were making "Banjo 3" and we get this spin-off game. Quite possibly the most depressing thing I've read in a while. http://uk.xbox360.ign.com/articles/872/872701p1.html
  3. Hoping thats true, it's got the three things I want; 2. Option to promote Child Account from Family Settings. 5. Introduce a group chat (4) for Private Chat and conferences through Video Chat. 11. Option to remove payment information from gamertag.
  4. Removing the old moves is basically proof that Banjo and Kazooie are completely unnecessary. We were promised Banjo 3, and we're getting a new game in a BK suit.
  5. Gizmo


    NMH wasn't censored, the makers changed it for Europe voluntarily.
  6. I've only got one poem and one short story learnt. If the questions don't fit, I'm basically screwed. Will just have to roughly fit something to it, no matter how abstract. But I kinda agree that alot of the Higher English stuff is stupid, and the fact it's needed for most university courses is stupid. Why does analysing a poem help me with a Comp Sci course? Yet I must do it to have a hope of getting in. Also English isn't compulsory here, it's strongly advised but not compulsory. And Maths is the same, but more people drop it.
  7. Well I don't like voting randomly but I guess we have nothing else to go on, so... Vote:Strider
  8. So we have nothing today then? Do we actually want to lynch Strider, or just trying to get his attention?
  9. I'm just really hoping this isn't the real "Banjo 3" and that somewhere down the road we will see a game released called "Banjo Threeie" with the classic gameplay. Hopefully this is just a spin off, like Grunty's Revenge or Banjo Pilot. Edit: The rubbish character design isn't just restricted to Banjo and Kazooie either ;-;
  10. Gizmo


    http://kotaku.com/5008698/sega-and-platinum-games-join-forces Looks like that was true.
  11. I'm sure it will be a great game. Where you a fan of the N64 games? Because the reason for the disappointment people here are feeling stems from the nostalgia for those games, and the fact I and most others were hoping/expecting a new game in the same vein. "If it ain't broke don't fix it." The same way Zelda games have remained mostly the same all these years. This could easily be it's own game alongside a new Banjo.
  12. I'm sure it will be a great game, the thing that disappoints me from what I've seen so far is that I don't understand why it isn't a new IP. It's really un-Banjo (so far, at least) to the point where they could have made it a completely new game rather than completely change the formula of an old game which so many people love.
  13. http://gamevideos.com/video/id/18831 Man, I take back my DO WANT post. I'm sure if this game was a new IP just being announced at this conference everyone would be going nuts for it, but it's just not Banjo.
  14. Too Human August 19th, apparently.
  15. Gizmo


    All around me are familiar faces, Worn out places, Worn out faces...
  16. wat. double wat.
  17. Yeah, it sounds like it's a new game idea RARE had with Banjo stuck on at the side. Probably put off by the sales for their other new IP's recently (Kameo, Grabbed By The Ghoulies) and thought putting Banjo in it would increase sales. I'd rather at this point see two games - a "proper" Banjo Threeie, staying true to the first two, and then this with it's own set of characters and storyline.
  18. I can't help but think they could have made a new IP for this, rather than using the Banjo name. I shall reserve judgement until I see gameplay videos at the very least.
  19. Or keep looking for the exception that proves the rule.
  20. I am so stealing that line. I predict it will become immensely useful. Ona semi-related note, I have recently noticed that girls looks and girls personality seem to go exactly in inverse proportion. Like, I know a girl who used to be a really nice person, but wasn't particularly good looking, but now she is good looking, but an arsehole. It's a realisation that has somewhat depressed me.
  21. Last edited by Caris : Today at 11:26 PM. Today, 11:24 PM Hero-of-Time H-o-T wins :p
  22. I experimented with the quadratic formula, but without adding that 100, and got nowhere:heh: Thanks though, thats been bugging me since Thursday.
  23. Guess my prediction was right, if said a bit late :p I do like the sound of the customisation, I hope its fully independant though (ie, not everyone will go through the same progression mentioned above) and I don't like the wording of "large focus on vehicles". Nevertheless I'll be buying it anyway no matter what so more fool me.
  24. Hmm, ok. I'm only at Standard Grade Maths though, we have done a little Higher Stuff to fill time because we were a bit ahead but I have no idea why thats come up in a SG exam:wtf: But at least I'll have a head start now for next year I guess:awesome:
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