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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. Remember the lady I talked about a couple of days ago? My mate's ex... I have a thing for her now. It just feels great when she's around, even though we've never actually been alone. So yeah...fuck.
  2. Oh yeah, I remember that I have quite a few Steam codes left. Let me make a list and get back to you
  3. FFX will be incredible. 260hours of playtime for my PS2 version. And I still haven't beaten - or even fought against - Penance. But he will go down on my Vita! FFIX was my first FF game, too. My first RPG even. : peace: It does. Absolutely beautiful. Buy it. Now! I'm going to buy FFVIII now.
  4. Speaking of sales: The Humble Store sometimes has some really nice deals. Also: Starbound - Terraria-esque.
  5. Braid - you should've played that already. If you haven't...well, you suck. :p Hotline Miami - same as Braid. Edit: Jajajaja, @gaggle64 Risk of Rain - rogue-like. Spelunky - rogue-like. Gone Home - no words, just play it. Torchlight 2 - if you like Diablo, you'll love Torchlight. Volgarr the Viking - the Demon's Souls of platformers. FTL - Faster than Light - rogue-like, strategy game.
  6. Please don't. It's the worst thing you could do. I've been single for a year now, haven't had any luck with girls, too, but fuck me, there is no way I would ever give up. If I don't try, well, what's the point in getting up every morning? Yes, I have no idea what it's like to have social anxiety as you said you have, but still: Don't you ever give up. Let me tell you something: I don't consider myself attractive, I don't have a well-toned body, I can be a real asshole, I like to talk about myself (as you may have already figured out :p ) and when it comes to talking to a girl I'm always a nervous wreck. But I still try. If I hadn't I wouldn't have found so many great friends a couple of months ago. If I hadn't I wouldn't have had two relationships that made me who I am now. Even if things don't work out with one person (no matter if you want to date or just meet people to find new friends), there are thousands in your vicinity who you can get to know. It's just as @Animal said: Even if it doesn't seem like that: There is someone out there for you. In fact, there are many out there for you and it's only a matter of time when you will meet one.
  7. Well, so far it's nice. I mean, I'm 30 minutes in so there's not much I've seen. Will give some more impressions as soon as I've played some more.
  8. The game just arrived. I have to study for the exam next Wednesday. No studying today, though I suppose I'm in for a nice RPG-treat?
  9. And another option: Drop the Gamepad, add a classic pro controller...£139.99 (169.99.€). Same with Smash Bros. instead of MK.
  10. Never played Skate before, so the controls are new to me. I will get used to them, though. Just need some time. Started FFIX. The memories. I love Sony for giving me the opportunity to play the games that defined my childhood on the go.
  11. Care to elaborate? :p
  12. Yeah. Damn you Tony Hawk! And every other game that uses X as the jump button. Remember: You can also begin tricks with tilting the analogue stick left/right/up, as well!
  13. OlliOlli. Played it just now. Only 10 minutes. Seems like another fine example of a "just-one-more-go-game" But damn, those controls are weird, or rather original. I think it will take me a lot of time to get used to them.
  14. All for PSVita
  15. FFIX : peace: Bought Muramasa just now. Didn't know it is on sale And tomorrow it will be time for OlliOlli
  16. First exam (inorganic chemistry) next week and because I'm a lazy fucker I haven't studied at all until today. Went through shitloads of material to summerize and write down all the important formulae (formulas?). 1 1/2 topics remaining. Of course I don't remember all of it, yet, but fuck me that stuff is awesome I'm so glad that I decided to begin studying Biotechnology. Will be stressful 1-2 months from now on. 5 exams, haven't done anything for all of them (except chemistry, of course), but I'm quite a good learner, especially under pressure. May fail one or two exams, though, but I don't mind. I wasn't really prepared for the amount of stuff I have to learn and I didn't know how to organize all of it. Everything is just a learning experience and I'll know better next semester. tl;dr: Stress, pressure, huge amount of stuff to learn, but it's awesome/fun/great and I'm happy with it.
  17. Wow. That's amazing. Awesome matches. I have no idea what's going on, despite having spent over 800hours playing melee. And the crowd? Fucking mental!
  18. Good lord, I'm 24 and I really do feel old now. I did pretty much everything from that list at least once
  19. You don't plan to do it, you motherfucking do it! What do you think? Women did! Nothing to be sorry about. There's much more to life than sex. And it would have been only that: sex. Two scenarios: She thought that, for me, it would've been more or she just didn't want to do it because of the other guy. If the former is true: Well, it wouldn't have been more for me, so her loss :p If the latter is true: Good for her, and good for him. In other news: My very first girlfriend (from 5 years ago) wants to have sex with me again.
  20. Holy crap, that I haven't thought about that. Forget everything I said before. This is the thing I want.
  21. Indeed. I wonder when @nightwolf will arrive. OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Double post. : peace: Edit: Automerge : peace: Well, that was a waste of time. Nah, she came over, we talked. Strangely we talked about her guy-issues. Then we kissed, and she said "Sorry, but I have to go." I think she really has a thing for that guy we talked about, so it's better that nothing happened. Well...better for her :p
  22. I'll just leave the following What'sApp conversation I just had here (not verbatim, but pretty close): Female friend: "Hey, what are you doing?" Me: "Hi, drinking beer, playing video games." Her: "cool, mind if I come over?" Me: "Not at all" Her: "Great. By the way: I want sex." Me: "You ain't getting any, though." lol I think you can guess my response. No, you're awesome!
  23. That blew my god damn mind. Awesome.
  24. So it would be the same as it is now?
  25. Let me use this as an introduction to my thoughts. To make this clear from the getgo: I have no idea about business/development/costs/profits/etc. So this will be just musings of a passionate gamer. Nintendo going 3rd party. To some it appears to be a thing of absolute horror, to others it may well be the Second Coming. It could be the best thing that ever happened to video gaming – at least to my video gaming preferences. What I would love to see: Nintendo should continue developing new gaming kits – both home consoles and handhelds. That's my 50cts considering hardware. Moving on to software: What if Nintendo made a new Super Mario? 3D, HD, no 'gimmicks' (i.e. second screen, motion controls, etc) – just pure platforming genius. Let's face it: Nintendo are capable of creating Jump 'n' Run masterpieces (generally masterpieces of many genres). Some better than others, but they recently proved that they are still king of the hill (haven't played Super Mario 3D World, yet – but reviews are generally favourable). Now, what if Nintendo released this game on their home console (Wii U, or a new one) and on – let's only take Sony – PS4. Hardcore Nintendo fans would be butthurt, hardcore Sony fans would go "What the fuck is this shit? Kiddy game blahblah.". But these are (just an assumption, can't provide any evidence) the exception. What I assume would be the response of a gamer who only owns a Nintendo console: "A new Mario? Awesome!" The response of a gamer who only owns a PS4: "Fuck me, a Mario on my console? Amazing!" The response of a gamer who owns both: "A new Mario? Awesome!" (all of this may apply to other genres – e.g. brawlers, cart games, party games) As I've said above, there will be people who continue to be butthurt and decide to be stubborn. For the rest, this may well be gaming heaven. And I'm pretty sure this 'rest' is 70%-80% of gamers. What effects would this have on their business/software sold/hardware sold; no idea and that's not what I wanted to share. What I wanted to let the gamers here know: There is a potential of Nintendo going (partly) 3rd party that no one can/should dismiss. Of course, there are also risks that currently outweigh the potential. In the end, tough, it's clear that Nintendo will never go 3rd party, so it's just wishful thinking (at least for me :p ).
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