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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. My favourite GameBoy game. I played this when I was 5 or 6. So the following: ...might be true now, but back in the day, I found Super Mario Land 2 very difficult :p Especially
  2. Episode 7! "That's so two years ago." I loved it.
  3. I bet you a gazillion dollars that an announcement of a WiiU "main Pokémon game without all those social aspects that you say are mandatory" will fucking break down the internet and will jump start WiiU sales instantly.
  4. Maybe...maybe I'll be there. Money is the only issue, though
  5. Aw man, sounds sooo good, but never going to happen
  6. It's a simplified 2D-side-scrolling-MOBA-like, I'd say. Matches (3 vs 3) take 10-30 minutes. This video might give you a general idea. Never played local multiplayer. The only way to do it is playing in the same team against bots or going online. So VS matches offline are impossible (I think, but I'm quite sure). Aiming is easier on PC, naturally. But there is supposed to be the possibility of twin-stick aiming in the console version (though not the standard setting; don't know what the standard is like; also: I can't confirm this, haven't played it yet/the store isn't updated, but I read it in several forums). What do I think of the game? It's awesome 370 hours speak for themselves. Having friends as teammates - or anybody you can communicate with via headset - makes things much easier. I played the PC version with a mate and we owned I asked him (he only played the game together with me), we clocked in 250 hours together. If you play online solo, you generally rely on your random teammates as there is not much you can do alone. So if both your teammates suck...well, it's difficult to win. That's one of the two gripes I have with the game. The other one being that sometimes it can be a bit like "rock-paper-scissors". Depending on which nauts you and your teammates have and which nauts the enemy team has you might have a really hard time. Not impossible to win, but some characters can counter others quite well. However, you do not know the enemy nauts beforehand, so...rock-paper-scissors. If you decide to play it don't take Awesomenauts too seriously, i.e. if you play this game to win every single match...you will rage. A LOT. But it is a fun little game. reading through that mess of a post...I will never become a reviewer Edit: Downloading now, will give some further impressions later, if I find the time to play it. Edit²: Played an online match. Oh god, those noobs :p Unfortunately my teammates haven't played much either, I observed. Anyway. Controls take some time to get used to (I also changed the standard button config) and the game has some frame rate drops when things get hectic, which is quite embarrassing for the devs. The PS4 should be able to handle it. The PC and PS4 versions don't have the same patch applied, which sucks. Balancing isn't as good with the console version as with the PC version. Hope the devs will do something about that. It's still great fun Good old Awesomenauts action
  7. Maybe going to the zoo with that lady sometime next week. Might will have to ask whether I can/we will see this as a date or not.
  8. Audio (best song ever) Awesomenauts Assemble releasing on PS4 today Man, I clocked in almost 370 on the PC version. Gonna get the PS4 one, too, I think. It's...awesome Also: FEZ coming to Vita/PS3/PS4 (cross-buy/cross-save for all platforms, I think) 26th of March!
  9. You make it sound like it's the devs fault (not sure if you want to ) Well, if that's the choice...spend/waste resources on optimizing and all that or take the simple route and easily produce products of respectable/good quality. I can see why developers opt to go for the latter.
  10. Watched Episode 6. Absolutely brilliant.
  11. Dude, you already had the right words in your head, you only had to modify them and use them on the girls. "I get it's big, I know it's big, but you would never expect this." And boom, there goes the dynamite. For added effect just drop down your pants.
  12. Is that a good sigh? Should we be glad? Should we be happy for you? I'm confused. In case it is a bad sigh: What is wrong with you? Please love me. What? :p Get her number, call her, have dinner.
  13. Ah, didn't know that. Doesn't make it any better, though.
  14. Yup, shows what aspect of gaming they focus on. Let's hope there's still some left for good old - as people like to call it - hardcore gaming.
  15. Episode 3... Some of the best 90 minutes I've ever seen on television. And that cliffhanger...
  16. Only 3 per season? Well...maybe I'll make this a weekly thing.
  17. Well, she has commitment issues, so a relationship is probably out of question. Time to nail her.
  18. Had lunch with that lady last Wednesday. It was awesome. She is awesome. Fuck.
  19. I was looking for a new series to watch, so I browsed the forums. Found this thread. Watched the first two episodes just now. Brilliant. I love it. How many seasons are there? Do they all feature movie-length episodes?
  20. You don't want free games? Don't get PS+. And do not even try to argue that you need PS+ for multiplayer. If you bought PS+ for that alone don't complain about extra free games. People complain about everything...
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