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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. Now I know what you mean. They are history now, though Same goes for the next boss. That 'one' was great. Amazing fight. First try and I won, but I used at least 20 life gems (which were a pain to use effectively; you'll see when you get there...or read the spoilers :p).
  2. Don't know who/what they are, but I don't like the plurality Just defeated a boss and...well, now I don't have to find out where to go.
  3. Maybe they'll add it with a patch. Currently pondering whether I should use Titanite Shards to upgrade my weapon. I have 9, but so far no enemy dropped them and the blacksmith only has a limited supply. Don't want to waste them. Anyway, I just beat the two easiest sub-bosses in the history of gaming (well, not really, but for Souls standards they are very easy to kill). Don't worry, I won't elaborate :p Edit: Had a great session. Don't know how long it took me (sadly I didn't check the time) but I completed an area in one sitting. Such a great experience. Didn't die, but good lord...it has been close. More than once.
  4. Another boss down, found a nice shield (need to upgrade some stats, though) and more online items. Yeah, that's really annoying, Most of the equipment you can buy sucks, though (at least I haven't found anything useful in shops except for some rings). Also, your avatar is amazing.
  5. That controller looks ugly and really uncomfortable I don't think Amazon could compete with the three big ones these days.
  6. First boss down. : peace: Not that difficult. Now I have to figure out where to go next
  7. Using a Human Effigy may "revive" you, i.e. turn you into a human meaning you have full health, though I am not sure that's what Human Effigies are used for. Haven't used one so far :p Another option is to be summoned and help kill a boss. I have done that and it works :p Also gives a nice amount of souls! Now that the online portion is up and running it's time for some summoning action (PSN, however, decided to sign me out with no chance of signing back in currently -.-)
  8. I don't see the problem. Whatever floats your boat :p I think the Souls games' approach to gaming is how it should be. No lengthy tutorials, no characters telling you where to go, what to do, which button to press, how to take a breath... Everything done by subtle clues, atmosphere and tone. Also: The way you describe your experience in Sen's fortress...clearly it's not a game for you. You should stop playing. I don't know Probably took the right path as I haven't encountered any enemies that are too strong.
  9. I've done everything.
  10. Yes, gaming at its finest. This is how it's supposed to be. Not knowing what to do, not knowing where to go. There's always this constant fear: What will await me around that corner? A saint? An enemy? Pure horror? That risk when you go exploring. Should I go there? Will I find useful equipment? But what if I die? Will I ever get back my hard earned souls? There are soooooo many aspects of the game that have to be discovered! These and many other things (atmosphere, music, tone, what you make of your playthrough) define the Souls games. Played Dark Souls 2 a bit. Died a couple of times (mainly due to me fighting against a huge enemy almost right at the beginning). Love it. This weekend...no studying. Just this one video game and the joy of figuring the game's mechanics out by myself and then discussing them here.
  11. In two years? Probably won't be a problem. Most people will have switched to next gen at that time. I also doubt that Sony will shut down their online service for PS3 anytime soon. There are still games coming out. What other developers do with their online services, no idea. Sure, service for older games will shut down, but not for newer releases any time soon.
  12. Sounds like Nintendo dug their own grave.
  13. No. If Nintendo offers a good/acceptable online experience with their games and maintain their great local multiplayer offerings the "fun gaming" will not die. Should've been the case for a long time now, but sadly...it isn't. No. 'Sony and Microsoft gamers' know that there won't be many local multiplayer games and quite frankly, they don't need them. For PS3/360/PS4/XBox One online multiplayer is where it's at. And it's pretty much perfect. Also, at that time new ultra consoles will be out/announced, anyway :p
  14. To start off with, I have this - admittedly stupid - phobia (dislike using that word here, but it's the only one that comes to my mind) of being in space (or the ocean) without being able to control my movements, slowly drifting away without any possibility of stopping (you can probably see where this is headed). It's stupid because I highly doubt I'll ever get into a situation like that - obviously -, but even thinking about it makes me feel anxious. So I watched Gravity just now. It was intense. And for me it was incredibly horrifying. Edit: Steven Price deserved that Oscar. Brilliant and perfect score.
  15. Same here. The parcel service may not deliver it tomorrow. Maybe it will.
  16. You should watch some Bundesliga matches They are goddamn ruthless... (last few matches: 6:1, 5:1, 4:0, 4:0, 2:0, 5:0, ... ; every time with a near perfect performance - except for that 6:1 where we only played well for the last 30 minutes) Today it felt like we were just doing the necessary amount of work in order to win or rather secure reaching the quarterfinals. Well, we succeeded
  17. Don't forget to vote for me. "Most horrifically revolting person".
  18. Geez, I just came to this thread to post about how I passed an exam that I thought I failed :p Apologies for ruining your lives.
  19. In this particular case (Maths): 79 points total. 26 needed to pass (i.e. 4.0). 57.5 points or more = 1.0; 57,5 = 1,0 54 = 1,3 50,5 = 1,7 47 = 2,0 43,5 = 2,3 40 = 2,7 36,5 = 3,0 33 = 3,3 29,5 = 3,7 26 = 4,00 Meaning: 1/3 of the points needed to pass, 2/3 or more for 1.0 and in-between lies the rest of the grading scale. Other exams are rated differently (e.g. Biotechnology, 30 points total, the highest achieved score of all = 1.0, half of those points = 4.0, grading scale in-between). Edit: Or, you know...@Shorty's post :p
  20. Not sure if serious :p Is the grade system in UK universities different? Here in Germany it's: 4.0 = passed everything above = failed everything below = better (1.0 being the best, of course).
  21. Fuck. I have two exams at the end of March and I just realized that Dark Souls 2 is coming out next Friday. Needless to say...I have just pre-ordered it, so yeah. Or rather:
  22. Hasn't there been some discussion about the game running at 1080p/60fps on PS4 and not as good on XBO? Not sure if I remember correctly. Maybe all this talk does have an impact on sales? Or maybe it's just that there are more PS4 users
  23. Urgh, feel like crap Probably Gastroenteritis -.- Will see a doctor tomorrow. I have an exam in two days. Probably won't be able to attend.
  24. Had an exam last Wednesday (Mathematics for Biotechnologists) and I thought I failed. I didn't. Actually got quite a good grade (2.7)
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