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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. Hm, in the 'travel screen' I'm able to see the areas and bonfires I haven't discovered yet. No names, just "???" but it's still kinda annoying knowing how many areas there are Wondering if this is a bug or intentional Sounds like a good investment, however, I thought that STN/DEX/VIT were more important for me. Better equipment, stronger weapons and still have an equip load lower than 70%. Also...only noobs get hit and need to drink estus :p
  2. Not really, I bought it (after 10 minutes of farming) to see what was down that big hole in Majula. Turns out you can get there later much much easier. Other than that I haven't used that ring. Probably not. But it might get somewhat close. Maxing all stats (Lvl 99, I guess) will take a lot of soul levels :p
  3. Yeah, sometimes the online portion of Dark Souls can be a real pain. But don't let that throw you off! Online is great, PvP is fun (most of the time :p ). I think you can only use them when you're part of a specific covenant. Can't recall its name, though. Not bad, not bad. Stamina is important. Depending on your weapon of choice either put more in STR or DEX (enough DEX to use a bow! Bows are awesome). Since you're apparently more of a melee type, try to upgrade VIT some more. A higher equip load will come in handy. Ah yes, pyromancy Already upgraded my flame to +8. But I don't have a single attunement slot. 50 hours in, this is how I look: The next 6 soullevels will go into ATN. I need that one slot so I can equip one pyromancy. No idea how far I'm into the game. Done some major things, i.e. kill major bosses which allowed me to set foot into one specific area. I won't give away what it is, just let me tell you: It looks awesome :awesome:
  4. Awwwwwwww yeah!
  5. Nope, you can go there via Majula No key required (if I remember correctly).
  6. I'm not sure, but it seems like a shortcut :p The supposedly "real" way is amazing, though. You should give it a go.
  7. Ordered the Vita version
  8. Oh ok. But you didn't like it when I put on my birthday suit. :p
  9. Maybe :p But I didn't want to go on Anyway, maybe some far away day I'll try again
  10. Yeah, I thought that as well. That's why I bought the 3DS version. I sold it after 20 hours of play time. Don't know. Just didn't click for me.
  11. Snake was awesome in Brawl. I hate you all.
  12. :p ZombiU and Smash Bros.
  13. Not happy with current Nintendo games (tried some at a mate's). Only two games that I would like. Nah, no reason to get a Wii U, especially at the current price.
  14. Oh god, what have I done. I just wanted to figure out whether I could justify getting a Wii U...
  15. A lot of those I have never heard of. How many of them are for the Wii U? Since this is the Wii U General Discussion and I'm still searching for a reason to get one (at the current price point) this information might help.
  16. Please do. You said that many IPs on other platforms have similar gameplay to other games. I'd like to know some new IPs that Nintendo published/financed that don't have similar gameplay to others. I haven't been following gaming news when it comes to Nintendo lately, so your list may ignite my love for the company again.
  17. Ok...Well then...I won't tell you I've beaten three more bosses just now. :p That last one was an absolute beast. For me, the hardest boss so far:
  18. I'm in a similar situation with that lady (in case you don't know: she's a good friend of mine and a mate's ex). We had lunch a couple of weeks ago and it was awesome. To quote you: To quote you again: That's the main problem (duh, you know that, of course) and I hate that. No matter what you do/say, everything will change. Either it works out or not, in which case the friendship is at risk. I can't tell you much about my situation, though. We've only been alone once (lunch) and I don't know how she feels about me. We'll visit a zoo, soon (date not set, but as soon as we're done with exams it should happen) and I don't know how I could let her know that I'd like this to be a date. Maybe I'll have something to say in one or two weeks. Maybe not Great, I haven't been of any help to you and I've started rambling about my own problems. Sorry 'bout that
  19. The guide Will arrive in two weeks, but that's enough time to beat the game at least once without help
  20. You lucky bastard :p Whenever I have to fight against 2, I can only focus on one while the other is destroying me with spells Edit: Made some progress today.
  21. There's no argument against it :p Well, so far I can only think of one against it, but that would be spoilers for the first and the second game...
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