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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. Online Hacking is freaking amazing. My heart races whenever I'm in the process of hacking. The only hacking I've 'won' so far was awesome. I approached with a Taxi, tailed him a bit and then I turned around the corner, exited the car and began intruding his smartphone. The progression bar fills soooo slowly The guy searched and as the area became smaller and smaller my heart beat faster and faster. I managed to hide behind a larger stone pillar and when he got close I simply stayed out of his sight. Fucking intense. They should make a full game out of this mode. It's that good.
  2. Sweet Jesus that's amazing. I might just get Towerfall Ascension soon : peace:
  3. Happy Birthday you wise man!
  4. A mate brought over his Wii U and Mario Kart 8 yesterday. We played a couple of Grand Prix, I've seen all the tracks and while the game looks absolutely fucking incredible I have to say: Meh. It's Mario Kart, alright. And that's about it. I've come to dislike the Mario Kart franchise as it's really the same game over and over again. Here I thought it would be a potential system seller for me *hoping for Smash Bros* And people, before you bash me into oblivion and back: It's a good game, I appreciate that Nintendo still has what it takes to make good games. It's just: My taste has changed and Mario Kart has begun to bore me. I guess when we have 4 player races next Saturday it will be fun, but I got sick of playing after 1 1/2 hours yesterday, so let's see how long that will last :p
  5. Am I reading this right? You can use a PSVita as a controller for that game? @Fierce_LiNk Add me: drahcon
  6. Next Saturday my mate will bring over his Wii U and a copy of Mario Kart 8 and him, his girlfriend, another mate and me will play the shit out if it
  7. Nothing some patches can't fix : peace: Will pick up my copy tomorrow and then I'll have a nice 4 day weekend ahead of me. :awesome:
  8. Well, I would've used your advice, but it kinda didn't work out that way Yesterday she spent the night, we watched some TV, got closer and eventually we made out. And I thought: "Man, you should tell her what this is about" so I said: "If you want more, I'm not sure whether I can do this." Her response (with a cheeky grin): "Don't worry, this is just about sex" and then she took off my shirt. I guess I don't need to go on describing the events that followed :p A little anecdote: I always wanted to have sex to the following track: Later that night, I put on a She Wants Revenge playlist and, well... Edit: Fuck, didn't see that this would be a double post -.- Doesn't matter, had sex.
  9. Dude, you look smexy as hell! And no, I'm not talking about ReZ's photo
  10. It's incredible. The art and music are beautiful. And the gameplay...the battles are awesome and fun as hell. The DS4 is used in a great way, again. After it had been revealed I feared that the speaker/light/touchpad would've been just gimmicks, but Transistor is another game that uses them - at least the first two - amazingly well.
  11. Why can't Nintendo just make a proper Zelda game like this Link looks awesome.
  12. drahkon


    Man, I remember seeing that first trailer...dat music Audio But shift to 2D? Noooooooo /sad
  13. A friend of mine broke up with her boyfriend last Friday. There has been quite a bit of flirting between her and me for the past few weeks and rumor has it that she's broken up with him for me... I don't want a relationship right now, though. Should I approach her and talk about it? Or should I wait and see whether she makes a move and if she does, tell her then?
  14. Kinect-less X1, now Halo 5 announcement. Do they have anything left for E3?
  15. Taking risks is fine, but there's one thing that's at least equally important: Making decisions based on current trends. And they seem to fail at that...sadly. You're right. And being a family-friendly and accessible company is good. However, I highly doubt that open voice chat would change that image. It would change nothing in that regard. Anyway, this discussion has drifted away from the actual issue/game.
  16. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Congrats, man : peace:
  17. 1) Have the restriction active when you start up the game for the first time: Protects kids. 2) Have the option to disable the restriction for the more adult community: Everyone's happy. Two easy steps. Anyway, game looks great, reviews sound great. Such a shame that I started to hate Mario Kart games and don't own a Wii U.
  18. So, what was this all about? Edit: Never mind, it was Arkham Knight.
  19. Thanks guys. Now I understand the situation a bit more. : peace:
  20. Sorry that I quote a video gaming news site, but The Wall Street journal webpage has their article locked for non-registered people. VG247.com VG247.com What exactly does this mean? To me as a layman it sounds like they are in deep shit and will go down the toilet soon, but I assume this is wrong. As I'm not that good with businesses and I can't even comprehend figures like "$1.2 billion", could someone here help me with a little explanation on what all this means? Sonny are cutting down/selling several of their departments, meaning they do not diversify much anymore. Their gaming division is doing well, but will the poor performance of their other divisions impact it in any way? I think @Daft and @Goron_3 have a thorough understanding of the industry and businesses. Care to chime in with anything? :p
  21. Nononononono, 120 luck is more than enough...No idea why (I actually knew the math back in the day, but I can't remember), but having a higher luck stat than 120 is useless.
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