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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. drahkon


    Finally have my PS4 available again. Downloaded the add on (also bought the season pass of course). EXCITED! Edit: How fucking awesome is Demolition? Best mode ever. And Survival? HHHHHHHHHHHNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGG
  2. Went to a club yesterday with a couple of my fellow students. Most of them are girls and some of them were clearly flirting with me (classic signs; laughing, touching, kiss on the cheeks, blowjob...wait). Shame that they aren't my type, though. They are pretty, just not my type. And while I was dancing I noticed some girls looking at me/watching me, also smiling. No, not because I suck at dancing. Because I'm fucking awesome. :p However, I hate talking to girls in clubs. Still, it's nice to see that I'm apparently quite attractive. /shamelesslyinlovewithmyself :awesome:
  3. I'm in tears. The fucking merry-go-round
  4. No way, I missed @Animal's Birthday. Happy belated Birthday you crazy and amazing animal. : peace:
  5. Holy shit Flink, you look sexy as fuck. Pretty much have the same goal as you. But I'm currently only working on strength and building muscle. Getting lean will come later (possibly starting in 3-4 months). But first, let me take another selfie (oh how I hate that word, but I was freaking drunk and the gloves pretty much made me do it ).
  6. drahkon


    System seller, right there.
  7. drahkon


    YES. Local Coop. YES. More Trophies. YES. Ship Editor. Hall of fame. Don't care :p I love Housemarque. They listen to their fans, it seems. : peace:
  8. I don't consider them to be as different as you - and others - do. They are platformers and pretty much play the same. Some are 2D, some are 3D. Don't get me wrong. The Galaxy games are great. The rest I don't like. Yet, they are all very similar (i.e. Mario Platformers) And I say it again: Being on 4 different consoles doesn't mean they are not annualized games, which Serebii was referring to. Maybe I'm alone with that opinion, but I don't think this is a rant at Nintendo, at all (sometimes my - and others' - wording may make it come across like that, but it's not my - our - intention; apologies). It's perfectly reasonable criticism, and we also give alternatives to Nintendo's current approach to gaming (as seen in many threads over the past few months). As @Daft says, other companies get their fair share of criticism, but they also have several 'attack points' (negative: new games of a series each year - positive: also new new games; Child of Light, etc). EA sucks. Still, I buy Fifa every freaking year
  9. Still makes them annualized games. You like lists so much, so here is one :p 2006 - New Super Mario Bros. - Nintendo DS 2007 - Super Mario Galaxy - Wii 2009 - New Super Mario Bros. Wii - Wii 2010 - Super Mario Galaxy 2 - Wii 2011 - Super Mario 3D Land - Nintendo 3DS 2012 - New Super Mario Bros. 2 - Nintendo 3DS 2012 - New Super Mario Bros. U - Wii U 2013 - Super Mario 3D World - Wii U And yes, people get fatigued with them. Please don't counter with others do it, too or it's on different consoles. Yes, others do it, too and they are to blame, doesn't mean Nintendo shouldn't be blamed. Yes, different consoles, still every bloody year pretty much the same game. People want something new from Nintendo. Take inspiration from others. You might find that abhorrent but it isn't something to be ashamed of. Take risks - i.e. do things that are new to you and see if it works or not.
  10. Well, I can't read your mind. I just assumed you meant what I thought you meant as your sentence was ambiguous in that regard :p Still I don't think that the games are as different as you'd like to think. When it comes down to it they are put into genres (the gameplay defining aspect). It's the same with CoD, AC, Gears of War, etc you mentioned.
  11. Shouldn't have used that word. Mario Kart. All racers. Mario platformers. All...well...platformers. Paper Mario. Platformers or RPGs. It is not the way forward. But it is a way forward. And a good one.
  12. I'm sorry, I won't do it again. Actually, tomorrow...I will. You'll always be perfect to me. /smooth
  13. Indeed, so it wasn't actually that bad she denied me her number. However, she did flirt with me, so the mixed signals confused me Anyway, if I ever see her again (which might be next Wednesday at a party) I will try again. If I'm not successful then, I'm done with her and on to the next :p Currently I really enjoy being single. The sex with the lady is still going on regularly, so it isn't that bad I haven't found a girlfriend. If I find the perfect woman, though, I will try to have a relationship with her.
  14. Have seen that video this morning. I want this so badly. NOW.
  15. Indeed. Looking forward to Evolve, Evil Within, AC Unity, Alien (to agree, because I'm already scared as fuck), Destiny, Far Cry 4, Battlefield and GTAV. And some people still say 3rd parties don't matter :p
  16. Come on, peeps. Where is the love for this game? :p I don't want to be the only one posting here My progression wheel shows a whooping 62.8% ! And I still haven't finished Act 2 Sooooo much to do. Got all the online trophies (Decryption doesn't net you trophy, but I will try it out soon!), ctOS breaches, 9 out of 10 weapons trades, 15 out of 17 QR codes, 5 out of 8 burner phones, all Gang Hideouts, 10 out of 18 criminal convoys....maaan tooooo much
  17. Oh, it is on brah. I'll destroy you!

  18. I feel fucking great. : peace:
  19. My my. Here I was at a house party, flirting like crazy with a lady, she flirting with me (everybody saw that), and yet, when I asked: "Can I have your number?" she said the two worst words..."Sorry, no". What the frack? How can a woman flirt so obviously and not give me her number I know, I know... She was perfect, though. This ain't over. #TedMosby
  20. drahkon


    Sadly no I was also missing The Witness. Well, here's hoping for Gamescom
  21. Good news. Also...I find it kind of hilarious that this thread is just above the "The Walking Dead"-thread....
  22. Almost. When you get a trophy you press the home button (or whatever it's called) quickly go to notifications, select the trophy and it brings you to the trophy screen (that's how I remember it, might be a bit easier). Sounds like it'll take a lot of time but it's actually done in less than 5 seconds.
  23. It's great, isn't it? The only problem I have, though: Gameplay capture doesn't always seem to work. Sometimes it records gameplay and I can save the video clip when I press the share button. Sometimes the record simply doesn't happen and there is no video clip for me to save. It can be bypassed by manually starting to record every 15 minutes, but that's a bit of a hassle.
  24. Of course I will, and of course we'll have to : peace: I'll beat your ass. And then I'll defeat you in FIFA.
  25. Shit, haven't thought about that. I don't know, I took the first release dates I found. /professional
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