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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. @Hero\-of\-Time [tweet]493159143159525376[/tweet]
  2. No idea, to be honest. I think being online will be enough. Might get a message sometime tomorrow or maybe even tonight.
  3. Doubt it. It was just a normal green weapon. The reward will be the emblem. Also: [tweet]493149432523657217[/tweet]
  4. That's the one. Awesome, wasn't it? When the doors opened my mate and I just said: "Damn, shit's about to go down" And by god, we were right Thralls, Knights everywhere! We're currently trying to get into an Iron Banner game...no luck Guess the servers are really not ready, yet. Good that it's happening in the beta. Gives bungie time to iron things out.
  5. Not sure, but I think you only need to be online during the specified time. Or be online once...no idea. But dat story mission. Good lord it's epic. Be sure to set the enemies to a higher level (9 I think). It's awesome!
  6. Thing is: You have to have to be careful at how much you should 'slow down'. Also...different women like different men...
  7. World 4 has to be the most boring, slow and annoying world I've ever played in a platformer. Almost made me stop playing the game But the rest of Tropical Freeze has been good so far, and I'd like to see the final worlds, so I stuck with it. That "fucking finally...I beat the level" - sensation is really present with me and this game. Anyway: Getting the KONG letters opens up the secret levels and I assume beating them opens up one or more levels, right? What about puzzle pieces? Are they only there to unlock art, music, etc? Or levels, too?
  8. So, if you want that emblem, play a new story mission or enter the Iron Banner be sure to log on! And: Thank god. Great to see that Bungie are using the feedback to change the game and make it as good as it can be on release. : peace: Source: bungie.net
  9. Thanks for all your advice. I started watching Steins;Gate :p It's about time travel and I love time travel.
  10. That is awesome I really hope that GTA V will have a similar mode. AND a video mode of the same caliber. Would be so freaking great.
  11. Indeed it was... Personally, I'd just forget about her. She sounds - how should I put it - nuts. Of course, you can't be sure, but she appears to be really clingy... So, no. Don't pursue. You seem to have others on the hook and you're awesome. :p
  12. Alright people, here I go. Looking for a new anime to watch. On my list so far: Cowboy Bebop (supposed to be the greatest Anime Series ever made; if it is, I'd love to watch it on DVD or Bluray but can't find a complete edition) Steins;Gate (actually started it once, but had to stop during the first episode as something had come up) Code Geass (a friend recommended it; however I have no idea how much she is into animes and whether I should trust her in that regard :p Well, she may start watching Neon Genesis Envangelion after I recommended it to her, so..) Berserk (somehow, when browsing anime sites, this series always pops up, no idea what it's about) Hunter X Hunter (is apparently a loooooooooooooooooong series and also got a remake? I may save it for later) Anyone would like to recommend me one of these? Or even one I didn't list?
  13. Everybody knows it, but this sums up Nintendo perfectly. And every time I read something like that, it makes me sad For me, what's even more baffling is the fact that a lot of indie developers have captured gamers' imagination more than Nintendo in the past years. I mean...indie developers have given the gaming community so many creative, amazing, beautiful, imaginative games. Antichamber, Gone Home, Hotline Miami (I still want everyone to play this game ), Rogue Legacy, Papers, Please (!!!), The Stanley Parable, Guacamelee. better than Mario These are just a few. Come on Nintendo. Show me what you got!
  14. This, so much this. Make the most of your life. Everybody should. And people shouldn't be afraid of failing. This man knows it. He's talking about acting but it also has a deeper meaning. No idea, why I'm all emotional right now, but I enjoy my life and really love to see others (especially here) doing so, too. Thanks, I guess you're right. Thanks @TheBard, too.
  15. 2-K Bopopolis What a horrible level. I get that the new Donkey Kong games have a reputation to be difficult games, but this level is simply unfair. Difficulty has nothing to do with having to memorize how to jump/time your jumps. This level shows bad game design (not bad level design, it's nothing new, but still pretty cool). Practice is key, but when you only have half a second to figure out a) how to continue your jump b) where to go c) how to time your jumps it's impossible to do everything at the same time and THEN put your 'plan' into practice. The worst, however: If you finally mastered one jump there will be another one to master 3 seconds later. Naturally you fail and you have to start all over again. So by the final few difficult sections you will have seen the first 80% of the level sooooo freaking much it really gets on your nerves. Here's my idea: Have the option of checkpoints, so you can practice sections individually and if you want to get the price for the level you have to turn off checkpoints and do a perfect + complete run. You could make the levels even a tad longer. I consider myself a good gamer and I love challenging games. But this...no, that was not fun at all. When I finish a game/level and say: "Finally, FUCKING FINALLY" this is no indication of anything remotely fun. This is not what a game should make me say. /rant Game's good, though.
  16. Both for PS4 Aaaaaaaaand: Four tickets to Gamescom For 3 ladies and me : peace:
  17. But do you keep having sex repeatedly and regularly? No? Noob.
  18. I've been thinking. As great as it is having a friend-with-benefits I'd rather have a real relationship again. It's been 1 1/2 years now since I've loved someone. I miss this feeling /sad Anyway, I might stop this "I'm not actively searching for love - attitude" that I had and...well, start looking for someone. Getting out there again and talk to women with the sole intention of finding a match. The problem is: The sex is good and I don't know if I should stop while searching. Or would it be morally okay to go on until I've found someone/have a date?
  19. I have that legendary hand cannon. Only played one Iron Banner match and won it Would love to have it in the full game :p I doubt we'll get to carry over anything, though. Started a Warlock this morning. Level 4 now, will try to reach level 8 tonight.
  20. This game has to come to consoles!
  21. I seriously can't wait to get my hands on the full game. The one strike and the one PVP mode are so much fun and I've spent sooooo much time on them already. Imagine what will happen when more content is available.
  22. Alright. I'll keep an eye out for strong mints. : peace:
  23. Not yet. I'll get back to it after finishing Tomb Raider.
  24. Peeps, I need help. Recommend me some good exclusive Wii U eShop games Thinking about getting Pullblox World. However, I don't seem to get the 30% discount promised for people who own either 3DS Pullblox game.
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