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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. Won't be home for the next few days Sorry, looks like we have to delay our game. Could do Sunday, if that's ok with you?
  2. Can we do our match in the afternoon rather than later tonight? Edit: If you see me online just gimme a quick invite. I'll probably only have time until 4pm. Sorry, something's come up.
  3. HHHHNNNNNGGGGGG. Great book Loved it from start to finish. It is beautifully written.
  4. This year I'll try to reduce my body fat. Mainly with jogging and I'll also start weight training again. A combination of building up muscle and reducing body fat will be my program for the first 6 months. Depending on how it went I'll focus on building up muscle for the latter half of the year. Need to buy some good running shoes next week. Went for a run just now and had to stop after 15 minutes as my left ankle hurt like hell Damn my flat feet
  5. When are Pro Club nights? And could I join spontaneously whenever I find the time? It's time for me to join a bit of the NE-fun times : peace:
  6. Happy Birthday : peace: Have a good one!
  7. Hm. Tonight's not good for me. Other than that I can offer Thursday evening.
  8. @Sexual Chocolate If I can find the time tomorrow evening would you be up for our match?
  9. Urgh that's the worst. And that's someting that may (eventually will) happen with me and a lady I know. We made out yesterday and it's clear that there's something there between us. We both even said so. However, she doesn't want a commitment right now. In the end we decided to be friends-with-benefits and just continue treating each other like we have done in the past few months (i.e. we just click. It would be the fucking perfect match if she wanted to be in a relationship). Thankfully I'm able to put my feelings aside for quite a while, so I'm happy with our arrangement. As soon as my head loses against those ugly little suckers called "feels" I'll have to stop. Anyway. I'm rambling about myself again. It's never simple. Especially when there's something else going on in your life. However, you will be able to move on eventually.
  10. Buying a Wii U + Smash. Worst gaming decision I've ever made. Hope 2015 will give me at least one Wii U game I'll enjoy.
  11. Great to hear Continue at a pace you're comfortable with and it will all fall into place.: peace: I broke up with my girlfriend. This long distance thing just didn't work out for me. It was horrible looking into her eyes and saying: "I have to break up with you." Her look said more than any number of words are able to say...It was the right decision for me to break up, but I hate how I had to hurt her. But it ended without a fight. I decided to not stay in touch with her (at least for a while - I didn't tell her the last part, though). It's always better this way (in my experience).
  12. Yeah those tackles. Man, you annoyed me to no end with them Continue playing like that and you'll get your win. : peace: Here are the highlights:
  13. Indeed. Very, very close game. Could've gone either way. Currently watching the highlight video while it's uploading (will take forever since my upload speed is out of this world... -.-'). We both had amazing chances. Could've easily ended 3:3 or 4:4
  14. No idea, haven't really thought about it. I'll just invite you then
  15. Will be online again in about 30 minutes. If you see me online just gimme a quick invite : peace: And again, I don't have my headset with me
  16. @Fierce_LiNk I suppose you don't have time tonight to do our game? :p
  17. Season one and two are currently for sale (23€ total). Are they worth the price? And do I need to know anything about the TV series?
  18. Fuck, I'm late. Belated Happy Birthday, you two : peace:
  19. Lel, sorry I must've missed your message. Have played The Binding of Isaac directly after our match :p And I'm at my mom's place for the holidays. My headset is at my flat
  20. Back home. I'm up for our game @Esequiel : peace: Edit: drahkon 1 : 2 Esequiel Goals like your equalizer make me want to quit Fifa. Seriously...your first goal. My goalkeeper...meh. Call me a sore loser, but that was just grade A bullshit :p Your second goal was fine. And me hitting the bar... Well, good game still. Forgot to record, as well -.-'
  21. Christmas dinner at my sister's place. Tomorrow evening getting wasted with mates. And that's basically it. Merry Christmas to you lot
  22. Can't say for sure. I'm at my sister's for Christmas dinner. No idea when I'll be back home. I might also go out for drinks with a couple of mates, so I may have no time at all I'll try to post here if I find the time. By the way, add me if you haven't: drahcon Might be easier to set up a match if we're PSN friends
  23. No idea where to put this, so I'll just leave this here.
  24. Maybe he should. And - because everyone can see how The Crew is subpar, how AC: U is one of the worst gaming releases in history and how Halo MCC had a broken multiplayer mode in the beginning - everyone would agree.
  25. I agree. I agree with Flink a bit more, though :p There's just too much out there to remember it all. And with that it all comes down to personal taste: The games you enjoy the most will stick with you. When reminded I remember everything: The moment I saw my PS4 library I remembered the enjoyment of running around Seattle with superpowers in inFAMOUS, sneaking around the base in Ground Zeroes, blasting my way through pixelated enemies in Hotline Miami, being amazed by Rayman Legends' creativity. However, I also remember games I didn't enjoy, games I found boring. Max Payne 3, Super Mario 3D World, Skyward Sword... So, what exactly makes a game memorable? Is this a question you can answer objectively?
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