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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. Just realized the update was out. Damn you, Bloodborne. Will give this a go later : peace: Edit: Seems to be an incredible update. Lots of content, interesting new mechanics. And it's a free upgrade. : peace:
  2. Website Looks and sounds amazing. It plays incredibly well, too. Not sure if there's anything to discuss here. Just wanted to share it with you (even though I think everyone has probably already seen this )
  3. Exactly, and yet Ronnie has this need to ALWAYS bring this other thing up and later complain that the thread has derailed.
  4. Speak for yourself, you're bringing up games on other consoles yet again
  5. Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Pokemon Alpha, Pokemon Omega :zzz::zzz:
  6. Really? You expected the PS4 and Xbox One to sell 50 million in a year? So they would outsell the PS2 in a little more than 3 years? Come on.
  7. Managed to do a nice amount of progress. Level 35, bought Ludwig's Holy Blade - the Axe is still the best weapon so far - and beat the Witch. : peace: Now I have no idea where to go Have a suspicion, though.
  8. Trying to beat the first Chalice Dungeon. Not an easy task when you fight new enemies.
  9. Very tempted, but not sure if my PC can handle it. And then there's Bloodborne....
  10. Coming to PS4/PSVita/PC on April 1st. Metroidvania-style game. : peace: Eurogamer Review
  11. Pretty sure I'm close to the next boss. Taking a break, though as I need to eat
  12. Thanks, this is what I needed. Will order a 2 TB hard drive now and change it over the weekend Thanks to @Fierce_LiNk, as well And dat Spotify app. Just logged in and all my playlists are there. Wooohooo.
  13. Well, if people haven't figured out that you need a weapon (and need to find out how to equip said weapon) after fighting for 30 minutes and dying over and over again...then the Souls games aren't for them
  14. Thinking about exchanging the PS4 hard drive. This has been recommended in a Digital Foundry article 8 months ago. It's cheap and supposed to be an improvement. How difficult is it to switch hard drives? What about the PS4 warranty? How do you install the OS on the new hard drive? With the new firmware out, would it be enough to just backup my files onto this external hard drive and put it into the PS4? [tweet]581511572570443776[/tweet] Apparently available on May 30 Edit: Rumor has it that this is a typo and it will actually be March 30, as you've said. I hope you were right :p
  15. Don't count on the game telling you anything besides the basic controls in the beginning. That's the beauty of Bloodborne (and the Souls games). It's all about exploration, and not only exploring the world but exploring the mechanics (yes, even as basic as getting to grips with the inventory).
  16. Haven't played at all over the weekend I'll have a bit of time over the next few days, though. : peace: Don't even know where to get that music box you've used. Well, something to look for on NG+ Fought and killed Father Gascoigne just now. What an amazing fight. Shit my pants when I got him down to his health threshold. Currently using the Axe (upgraded it three times and added a blood gem). Will farm echoes to buy all the weapons before moving on. Really want to give that Kirkhammer a go as it looks awesome. I mean, a sword which can be transformed into a fucking stone hammer. Got the Small Resonant Bell which you can use to help others. Gave someone a hand with defeating Gascoigne. It was incredibly laggy Hope the next patch gets released soon.
  17. It's a great service, and I think you can use it while playing games.
  18. Beat the first boss just now. What a fight. Died once, killed the beast on my second attempt. I really had to strike a balance between attacking the monster to heal or heal via a blood vial. I'm taking my time with the game. Exploring is great, not only because of the possibility to find awesome loot but also because it's just so beautiful.
  19. There's a custom sound setting for the PS4 headset. Update the companion app and upload it to your headset : peace: Will try it out now
  20. I played this for a bit today. It's actually quite fucking incredible. Can't believe how the small choice of not including shields changes combat in such a major way.
  21. I had the collector's edition sent to my Mom's place as I didn't want the temptation to play during studying time...she just sent me a picture of the game. Lovely, mom. Thanks Anyway, last exam today. Will pick up the game tomorrow. My best mate keeps texting me, as he's already playing the game...some examples: "It's amazing." "It's amazing." "First boss...it's amazing." "The music...its amazing." "Hey, this game...fucking amazing." Yeah, yeah, I get it, you asshole I'll be at his place later today to check the game out, give it a try and probably die immediately.
  22. And you yourself will be, too. But hey, at least this game will have better reviews than The Order.
  23. Decided to get a sick note for the exam on Friday (mostly because I'm pretty sure I won't pass), so it's likely that I'll be able to play Bloodborne Thursday evening. Still won't have time during the weekend, though. Real life sucks sometimes This game seems to be amazing.
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