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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. At light level 269. I should've bought more Three of Coins. I used the 10 I bought on my Vanguard Strike Playlist run and only got two exotic engrams...SUROS Regime and The Jade Rabbit. Will do some more Heroic Strikes to increase my light level. : peace:
  2. Yeah, had to do that. I also like to drop the relic, kill two enemies and pick it up before it gets reset.
  3. Reached light level 260 : peace: Will do some Heroic Strikes now. Edit: Nevermind...people apparently are too fucking stupid to understand what to do...it seems to be too difficult to figure out that you need to PROTECT THE ONE WHO CARRIES THE RELIC because he is BASICALLY UNABLE TO DEFEND HIMSELF. And a guardian died? Let's all jump into the crossfire to revive him and die...
  4. Currently at 230. Not sure when I'll hit the required/recommended level and have suitable equipment. I've mostly been playing alone, bar the activities which have matchmaking. Now that I have my headset I will probably enter party chats if nobody minds. Also: If people see me online and like to join my fireteam, feel free to do so.
  5. So much for balance...Shame, I really liked PvP. The new strikes are awesome. Can see myself doing the vanguard playlist tomorrow for hours. Still only the level 36 one, but I think that's the best way to get better equipment right now.
  6. What the fuck happened to crucible? I used to be quite good with my SUROS Regime. It was my first Exotic in The Taken King and was very happy when I got it yesterday. However, I'm getting wrecked in PVP. Yeah yeah, git gud... I'm still not bad, a bit rusty, yes, but most enemies seem to have weapons that only take 2-3 hits to kill me. In year one items didn't matter that much in crucible but from what I've played in the last couple of days this has changed quite a lot.
  7. Awesome @Hero\-of\-Time : peace: Destiny has taken (heh) me over again, so MGS in on hold.
  8. Reached Level 40 : peace: Only at light 200, but will do some more quests and the strike playlist to gather better gear. Would it be possible to reach light level 280+ in a week? With maybe 2-3 hours of playtime per day? If anybody wants to create a new character and go through the whole Destiny experience, let me know. I want to create a Hunter soon.
  9. You should buy the The Taken King Legendary Edition which includes Destiny and its three expansions. After you've created a character you can level him up to 25 with an item to acces The Taken King directly. However, if you've never played Destiny I'd recommend playing through the entire story. You get to grips with the mechanics, understand loot and gear, level up your subclass of choice, etc. Even though I've completed the "old" Destiny story a year ago, I've still enjoyed it with a new character I've created a couple of days ago. And it was actually great to understand some of the new things Destiny has introduced.
  10. You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse I've uploaded 3 of my 4 Super Mario World levels. Quite happy with them The last one will be a castle, of course. : peace:
  11. I see, thanks I thought patrol missions gave materials at one point in Destiny history. Well, after 5 hours of non-stop-playing I should really eat something That first mission on The Dreadnaught was everything I wanted in Destiny. Nicely paced, no waiting and killing in rooms to proceed, great sense of exploration. Reached level 34 now. Can't wait to be level 40 and access all that awesome gear and reach a light level which gives me access to the Raid. When I'm equipped well enough I will ask for some old-Raid action. : peace:
  12. I must be missing something....aren't patrol missions supposed to give you materials as a reward? Or did that have something to do with Grimoire cards? I don't get materials for completing patrol missions...
  13. I've created a Warlock and done some of the old story missions...reached level 15 when I remembered there's a new subclass...so all the XP I've gained so far went into Voidwalker. Nothing too bad, but I actually wanted to do the old missions for XP to level up Stormcaller. Well, I used that special item to level up to 25, done the quests in order to gain the third subclass and will continue with the old story. : peace: Oh, that first The Taken King mission was awesome.
  14. There isn't a lot to it. You build platforms for your base: Command Platform R&D Platform Combat Unit Platform Base Development Platform Support Platform Intel Platform Medical Platform Out in the field (i.e. during missions) you can "capture" soldiers. The higher their ranks the better they are. Example soldier (ranks from E to S++, E being the worst): R&D A+ Combat C Support C Intel C Medical B Base Development A++ You can decide to either manually put them on a team, or let the game do it for you. In both cases this soldier should/will end up in Base Development. The more soldiers you have on a platform the higher its level will be, opening up more development options for weapons, items, etc...
  15. Yup, will be in Cologne,too. At least that's what it said when I registered the tickets.
  16. £71? Wow...that would be 90€ over here... I paid 62€ for a ticket. Which is acceptable.
  17. I forgot how awesome the shooting mechanics are in this game. Such a joy to shoot and kill. Also...during a bit of patrol I encountered some Taken enemies...fuck they are strong...
  18. Weill it's probably much harder to get tickets in the UK. For German concerts (at least the one I bought tickets for) there were lots of tickets available during the pre-sale. Today, as the sale opened for everyone, it was sold out in minutes, too.
  19. Yeah, thanks @Shorty I'm hooked again The old story missions are the same, but talking to NPCs to accept and complete other quests is a nice addition. And that quest menu is a godsend. : peace: Don't you get materials from patrol missions anymore? And those public events? No rewards?
  20. As a member on Muse.mu you could get a pre-sale code. Used that to order a ticket for me and one for my girlfriend.
  21. Beginning with a new character was a good choice. Done two quests and there's a lot of new stuff already. Will ease into it.
  22. I've deleted Destiny on my old HDD to make space for other stuff. I didn't play it on my new HDD, so no automatic updates :p Pretty sure it will be worth the wait...however, with my luck, the game will be ready to play when the Europa League starts Might do some minor stuff via remote-play then.
  23. Nah, it was just a realization on my part that the Destiny 2.0 update isn't inculded on the disc, meaning I have to download that 17GB patch which sucks with the PSN download speed. Currently the download time switches between 3 and 67 hours...
  24. Speaking of Raids...would people be interested in doing the older raids again with someone who hasn't played them and has no idea what to expect? :p I'll have some time from Monday on until the end of September so I'm looking to get some raid action going.
  25. Will do, as soon as I pick up my headset on Saturday. : peace:
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