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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. Everyone on Team Behind will be added to my ignore list.
  2. No...don't make Phantom Pain your first... Start with Metal Gear Solid for the PS1 (alternatively Twin Snakes on GC). Then Sons of Liberty and Snake Eater (preferably the HD remasters). MGS 4 after those and then it's time for GZ and Phantom Pain. Phantom Pain is the MGS gameplay formula taken to perfection. Story not so much (I am, however, one of the few who absolutely loves it). If you want to get into the series, do yourself a favour and begin with Metal Gear Solid. Unless you don't care for the story...then do whatever you want
  3. Well, this should be a 100%-0% result.
  4. 17 hours in. If I remember correctly I'm near the point when the game opens up a lot more. Can't wait to get back to the Chocobo mini game
  5. This is how I feel...there a so many games I want to buy.
  6. Only have 1.33€ from the Rewards app, but I might pay the remaining 4.20€. I'll give the demo another chance. The last time I played it, it wasn't really something I'd pay 10€ on. Let's see
  7. "It's Nintendo's fault"
  8. Just read this. What a horrible article. One-sided and it reads like a personal rant. The author might have a point, but the blame is not only Nintendo's to bear.
  9. It's a weird one. I think both are to blame. Nintendo for still not offering an online service that is on par with current standards and EA for not putting in a little more effort. I wonder if this is one of the reasons why reviews for the Switch version haven't been published earlier this week.
  10. Still unsure about this whole situation... I'm unhappy with a couple of things so far this season: we still don't have a backup for Lewandowski (and Lewandowski's ego is too big for his own good; he's one of the best on his position, no one can deny that...but he's become a prick) we don't have a good replacement for Ribery (for Robben we have Coman) and Lahm the last two points boil down to: we need to step up our game during the transfer period in my opinion Ancelotti should've stopped his rotation nonsense a long time ago we had absolutely no clear plan in any of the matches this season - controversial thought - Ancelotti made mistakes on purpose last night...there's a rumour going that he's been offered a very lucrative offer from China For a team likey Bayern Munich, with its ambitions, the sacking was inevitable. I think it was the right choice. Ancelotti didn't seem to have a clear direction. We never really showed what kind of football we wanted to play. We are in a period of a lot of changes (Lahm and Alonso retired, Robben and Ribery almost at the end of their careers) and hopefully this sacking is a step in the right direction. Sign a younger manager, put your faith into younger talents. Focus on the Bundesliga and build a team that - with one or two big transfers next year - can be a threat to any other team again; because quite frankly, this season so far...we have definitely not been.
  11. Can I have her number? I hate you.
  12. MGSV is incredible. Already own it (still have the physical copy), but it's great to see it on PS+. I'm interested in Hue and Sky Force Anniversary. Amnesia...well...I started the first one on PC years ago...almost shat my pants...vowed to never play it again...if I ever have a girlfriend who's into horror I will give all the horror games I have a go
  13. Indeed. My mate and I played the demo for Fifa 18 to death now on PS4 and we had so many great games. Absolute domination from one of us, midfield battles, amazing dribblings, penalty shootouts, games that were dominated by both our defenses...every match was different. I think it's a great game and I have to say: the gameplay itself is quite a step up from the last iteration. So you don't like playing against Real Madrid Christiano Ronaldo every fucking match online?
  14. I've beaten 45 of the 100. In the top 20 it's 9 for me. The rest I've never fought against, or I never played the game.
  15. Look what you've done... Now he's just an H
  16. Who reads the names? It's all about those avatars
  17. By the way, @Hero-of-Time, why does your avatar look like @Kav?
  18. Yeah, but I think I bought it before on a sale for a few bucks I remember starting the first installment and thinking there might not be a lot of substance to it. Good to hear the second one improves on that. I guess I'll just skip the first and go straight to the second. Should I read up on the story?
  19. Will get the PS4/PSVita version next month. Haven't played the first one, though. Maybe I'll give it a go.
  20. Yes.
  21. Almost done with Disc 1. Not sure if I want to try and beat Grand Dragon now...I remember doing it on my PS1 but it requires quite a bit of luck Spent a lot of time in the Chocobo Forest. My Chocobo has blue plumage now
  22. ... Another dude from Germany asked me the same question... But here's the most amazing message I got: I guess it's time to live the dream...make money by playing video games... I've ignored all of them... *goes back to the Festival of the Hunt*
  23. Why not both? Remaster in time for Christmas this year. RDR2 won't be out before the end of 2018 anyway.
  24. Just remaster the first one please.
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