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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. This is something I noticed. Being single and all that. Back in the days (not to say I'm old, but I swear a couple of years ago it was different) I could smile at a woman I've never met before and either get a smile back or the lady simply ignored me and moved on. The past few months I got a couple smiles back, but never have I been ignored...oh no, instead some kind of defense mechanism reared its head. I could read in their faces how they viewed me as some kind of threat. As if I was about to grope them or whatever. I'm not taking a side or anything, just sharing the experiences I've had recently which seem to fit a certain aspect of this development we're seeing.
  2. Sadly no. I keep hearing good things about it. Might have to check it out rather sooner than later.
  3. @Ganepark32 I've only played the first mission, so I can't say much. I'll get back to you when I've played more (can't say for sure when that will be, though).
  4. After a pretty long play session on Wednesday I'm almost at the point where I can say: This CoD is even better than BO3, or rather even more enjoyable to me. BO3 obviously plays very differently to WWII (advanced movement vs boots on the ground). However, the current state of basically everything aside from the gameplay is atrocious. Inexcusable, actually. Lots of disconnects, lots of bugs...I haven't experienced any of them personally, but many others have. It's ridiculous.
  5. Same here. I don't like loot boxes being in games and I especially don't like how it enables gambling to kids, but personally I don't care much. This I didn't know. I haven't had an experience with balance disrupting lootboxes (CoD critics always say that the new weapons added in recent games were "pay 2 win", but that was simply not true) but if this is the case then...urgh.
  6. I ask myself the same. I only paid for loot boxes (or in this case keys to open them) in Rocket League and that's because I got the game for "free" on PS+ and played it so much that I wanted to give the devs something back. But in any other game? No way. As long as there is a way to obtain them via simply playing I'm fine with not spending a single penny on them. As soon as paying for them will be the only way to obtain them I'm out and won't buy the game in question.
  7. I still dream of BotW with this engine.
  8. Haven't had much time to play over the weekend but today is the day As usual the game had/has a horrible launch (server issues) but it seems much more stable now. The new War mode is fucking amazing. It's basically a sequence of objectives you have to complete/defend (destroy stuff, build stuff, "capture the flag", move a "payload", etc.) in a limited amount of time. It's so much fun. Especially since kills and deaths don't count towards players' K/Ds which encourages playing the objective, and it works. Contrary to other objective based modes people don't just sit in a corner without trying to win the game. Looks like War will be a core game mode that I will play a lot. I played one round of Zombies. It seems a little more streamlined for newer players which I welcome. I never really got into Zombies because I always found it a little too cryptic. With this iteration it appears that the "main quests" are easy to understand but still require some exploration. Then there's the obligatory easter egg for the hardcore Zombie players. Hardcore multiplayer is where it's at, though. Still need to learn the maps' layouts but I'm getting there. Campaign...need to get back to it All in all: So far the best CoD I've played since BO3, maybe ever (haven't played every installment, though).
  9. Phew...all's good in the world. @Glen-i SUCK IT
  10. Never change.
  11. At least in video games. Skipping in real life? Fuck right off with that. No idea why, but I'm incapable of doing that.
  12. Day one, I guess?
  13. Got the game today. Currently in the first mission of the campaign and my goodness...the presentation is incredible. And the gunplay is amazing. If the campaign keeps this up it will be up there with Infinite Warfare's single player offering, which I enjoyed immensely. Played one match of Hardcore Team Deathmatch...I love it Here's hoping my best mate will buy this tomorrow. Would be up for a couple of sleepless nights rampaging through the servers
  14. Have you eger ever thought about ab what happens what is happening the moment you take one stePP? I mean...eveyy where in the wuniverse, something is happening . you take just one step. and someone dies (dark, I knoe) someone afalls in love, someone else takes a staep, a puppy tries to catch a ball for the firsst imetime a star collapses, a wavefunction f collapses , ... isn#t it amaizing? I LOVE LIFE. good nigh you GOOD NIGHT you beautiful people.
  15. Here's what'll be next for Voice Chat
  16. Brutal...cannot freaking wait.
  17. Short but sweet conference. With the pre-show it was a very good showing. Nintendo and Sony will most likely dominate the next few years. Gonna be interesting to see what Microsoft will do...
  18. SotC...so good. So beautiful. Yet another game I'll get at day number motherfucking one There's no time...
  19. One of the best trailers I've ever seen. I'm still a little shaken.
  20. Jesus Christ, the Detroid Become Human gave me goosebumps...That was insanely good...
  21. drahkon

    On Rush

    Trailer below.
  22. drahkon


    Supposed to be out today. Might pick this up immediately.
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