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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. Ends on Tuesday. Edit: This got lost on the last page:
  2. I don't own the game, so no. But more importantly: I really have no desire to play it But I'm looking forward to reading your impressions. But not @Glen-i's because he SUCKS
  3. Just played 20 minutes of the PS4 demo and I can't put my finger on why, but it bored me senseless. Maybe it's the battle system, the bland graphics, the uninspiring music or D: all of the above.
  4. drahkon


    21 bucks in Germany. Might go for it. I'll have until the 12th to decide, it seems
  5. According to Eurogamer it's only been announced for PC. Looks good. Hope it makes the jump to consoles.
  6. Yeah, that baby in Reedus' throat giving a thumbs-up wasn't creepy at all. Oh my, I want this game now. Edit: And the Decima engine...hhhhnnnngggggggg!
  7. Ok..so I guess I'll play alone Anyway, you can download the beta now.
  8. Phew, that is indeed impressive. I wonder what the sales will be like when the PS4's price will be reduced again in one or two years...maybe, just maybe Sony will reach PS2 numbers. 100m is a given, though.
  9. Seeing the Switch being a success.
  10. Sooo...anybody up for trying this on Saturday? I'd be happy to go in with you guys. Mainly because you can tell me what the fuck to do
  11. Well...triple-dip it is. First the originals on PS2, then the remasters on PS3 and now for PS4. Because why the fuck not.
  12. Awesome. I've recently watched Season 2 and (aside from The Waldo Moment) it was incredible. "White Christmas" in particular was outstanding.
  13. I just want a Death Stranding gameplay trailer
  14. I'm German, so this shouldn't come as a surprise.
  15. Well, I apologize. But this is the drunken thread. Things like this happen. I don't really see a reason to delete or lock this. If people don't like it, they can just stay clear of it. This thread has been here for 7 years now and as far as I can tell no one has a problem with it. Well...apparently one has.
  16. Ob nun muss my way yo yo the Club Paaaartyyyy awesome . Awesome. Drbk drunk. Hi
  17. That Lady Just Said: I'm probably tio tired tomorrow. Well...fuck it. I don't have time for this. As Foo Fighter'$ Leader Singer once Said: done, done, onto the next one
  18. Almost drunk. Fuck Mobile Phone
  19. Spoken like a noob
  20. Well...in 90 minutes I'll have my first beer of the day. Tonight our student association is throwing a party and it's kind of a tradition for my best mate and I to drink the whole day and then go absolutely ape shit in the club.
  21. Next one on my list: Yeah, chastise me all you want for liking one of the most hated franchises (at least for some) It's actually a very good game. And an extremely good Call of Duty. It suffered from a horrible launch (i.e. servers were busted, certain features had to be disabled, etc.) and both Activision and Sledgehammer Games were rightly criticised but the experience is stable now. Some issues still have to be ironed out, but I'm sure the devs are working on it. Why is it one of my GotY? My answer is threefold: The campaign. Emotional, action-packed, fun. Nothing special but highly entertaining. The multiplayer experience. My best mate and I completed the Zombies map and it was a blast from start to finish. Figuring out what to do and how to succeed was one of the best experiences I've ever had in gaming. We still have to do the hardcore easter egg, but we're working on it. Then there's the "regular" multiplayer. The gunplay is awesome. Playing Hardcore modes is where it's at and it's fun. And what more could you want? Audiovisually it's very impressive. Especially the sound is incredible. I tend to ignore the loot box problem, because I'm not affected by it and to be honest I don't really care, aside from the whole enabling gambling to kids aspect (which I've covered numerous times).
  22. Just watched Triangle. Supposed to be a psychological horror thriller but it wasn't actually that scary. And that's coming from a guy who is a real pussy when it comes to the horror genre Anyway, I loved the movie. It's a real mind fuck, which is exactly why I enjoyed it. Some scenes felt a little low budget but it didn't really matter. The premise made for a gripping experience with pretty good acting.
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