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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. Well, one of the posts was just "Park Ji-sung" repeated over and over again.
  2. It's official. January 2018 line-up: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (PS4) Batman: The Telltale Series (PS4) StarBlood Arena (PS Plus bonus – PS VR required) That’s You! (PS Plus bonus – PlayLink) Sacred 3 (PS3) Book of Unwritten Tales 2 (PS3) Psycho-Pass: Mandatory Happiness (PS Vita) Uncanny Valley (PS Vita & PS4) Played Deus Ex: Human Revolution on PS3 for a bit but found the bosses to be unbearable, so I never finished it. Think I'll just read up on the story and give the sequel a go,
  3. Same here. Must be the influx of new PS4 owners who set up their new console and not immediately turned off the ads. I don't see why it's a big deal in the first place. It's an ad, there are ads everywhere.
  4. 9 games in 4 weeks. Those 9 games would keep me busy for the whole of 2018. What has become of me
  5. Sadly no. Will be my first VR game when I get a PSVR sometime in the next 400 years, though
  6. Played a bit of Superhot today. It's awesome. This is how you innovate and reinvent the FPS genre.
  7. Started playing The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel. It seems to have a bit of a slow beginning, but that's fine with me. The battle system might become my favourite one in the JRPG genre. Looks like it's pretty deep and has a lot of mechanics to keep in mind. It's also completely turn-based so that's always a plus. Short loading times before and after battles are a little annoying, but don't distract from the positive experience I've had in the first 80 minutes. I also played a bit of Undertale. So far, so good...I'd say? It's a little weird, but funny. And the music is glorious. The latter of the two games will take much less time to finish, so I might focus on Undertale during the Christmas days.
  8. Oh my God, Advice Wars? "Invest in real estate." vs "Invest in Bitcoins." - FIGHT! "Quit the job now." vs "Wait until something else presents itself." - ATTACK! "Ask her out now." vs "Play the long-game." - KILL 'EM ALL! I'd buy that. I think Tiny Metal is basically Advance Wars. Isn't that the game published by Sony Music? Can't believe it's out already...I really liked what I've seen so far, but I'll wait for a sale.
  9. Superhot (PS4) for 9 bucks. Been waiting for that deal for a couple of weeks now. Bought it and it's downloading. Hope it's ready to play when I get home. Also bought Undertale (PS4/PSVita) for 9.50€ aaaaand The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel (Vita) for 8€. After a Vitaless month it's time to pick it up again I think that's the end of the year sorted out. I'll probably only finish Superhot, anyway Depending on how much I enjoy The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel I might pick up the sequel in January, as it's also on sale.
  10. Indeed Already reached chapter 60. The pacing is pretty much perfect. *cough* looking at you One Piece *cough* I think I'll also give the anime a go. Would love to see those fights animated.
  11. https://streamable.com/kwup3 Happened yesterday during a DFB Pokal match.
  12. Really? I read that it's been simplified compared to older titles. Compared to Infinite Warfare the missions are much easier to understand. But IW's Zombies is the only zombie mode I've tried before WWII's. The hardcore easteregg, however...holy smokes. How anyone figured this out by themselves is beyond me
  13. People are pissed that it's 3 regular MP maps (one of which is a remake) + 1 War map + 1 Zombie map. Personally, I like it. I love War, it's the only core mode I play and I can't wait to have another map in the rotation. This year's Zombie mode is the first I've really played and I love it. Another map is obviously great for me. 3 regular MP maps. Fine by me. Never played the older CoDs so I'm not bothered by a remake. I can, however, understand why people are mad. I'm not, though, so I'll probably buy it
  14. Urgh, so we're in for trouble with Sony and Nintendo going full retard next time
  15. Interesting piece from Eurogamer about the second DLC. @Hero-of-Time Would you agree with that? I always thought that Nintendo would, since they got a lot of praise for it, improve even more on that with additional content and eventually with a proper sequel. Personally, I'd actually prefer what is described in the quote, but a lot of gamers don't. If Eurogamer is right, I really hope that Nintendo takes the criticism to heart so they don't disappoint gamers that enjoyed BotW. I hope they ignore the criticism and give me a proper game next time
  16. Speaking of ports on the Switch, I would love to know how many games have been ported to the console until now.
  17. So, with Sony owning everything this generation we can fully expect them to fuck things up with their next console?
  18. I really hope this isn't a trend Nintendo is going to continue. I mean, it's clear that they are ready to implement more and more season passes but it looks like they might go down a slightly darker road.
  19. Yup, that's the way to go I played the campaign on Hardened because I couldn't be arsed to go for the highest difficulty. I don't know what's wrong with me
  20. I'm still waiting for SHG to implement KC to the HC playlist (talk about abbreviations). A couple of days ago I made a post on the WWII reddit about HC and SHG actually responded and passed the suggestions made by the community and myself to the responsible team. Hardcore Kill Confirmed (among other game modes) was a hot topic. Hopefully they will implement it soon. Anyway, check out the singleplayer if you are in the mood for some good old shooting action And if you want to have a go at the Zombie mode, give me a shout. I'll probably have some time between Christmas and New Years.
  21. Badass trailer. Still not so keen on what I've seen from the gameplay...I hope there will be a demo.
  22. Here we go again. Can we just accept that different opinions exist and BotW is an overhyped game?
  23. This is perfect. Thank you very much @Eenuh
  24. @Kav I'm now done with 20 chapters of My Hero Academia. HOLY SHIT. This is awesome.
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