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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. By the way, I know nothing about the game, so you gotta point me towards the secrets necessary for 1000000000% completion.
  2. I'd be available earlier, too, if you're up for it. In 40 minutes?
  3. Finished it. No Blue Coins, no optional Shines. I liked this game a lot more as a kid. Playing through Super Mario Sunshine now is not very fun. Did capture a couple of highlights, though: (I actually remember this happening when I played the Game Cube version as a child)
  4. Nintendo's sitting on a gold mine with this. Add Super Mario World and Super Mario Bros. 3 to the mix, sell it for 30 bucks (or...make it f2p with a battle pass.......................) and boom, profit. Then again, please don't add Super Mario Bros. 3. I'm so good at it, people will hate playing against me and drop the game very quickly.
  5. Alright, gonna say 7pm UK time. Just gimme a shout once you know whaaaaaaazzuuuuuuuup. Oh boy, I slipped into 2000 for second.
  6. I could do tonight.
  7. Oh. *checks the other thread*
  8. It's what I do and what I expect my friend to do.
  9. Didn't get a call, as expected No idea if I have Covid or not. Can't give my best mate any info which sucks, because it's his mom's birthday today and he's not sure whether he should go given that we've spent time together last Sunday. He's not sick and doesn't have any kind of symptoms but it's still annoying not to know. I feel fine again. Have been sick for 3 days last week but right now I'm symptom free. My mom hasn't been sick at all (she was also with us at my sister's place). This is just weird
  10. Do you need some cuteness in your life? There you go This is just lovely
  11. I pretty much always go for a Shopkeeper kill in the Caves now. Made some progress, found some new items, reached a new area, got killed immediately. Anyway...*starts new run*
  12. Problem is, until that point is reached it's just Fire Flower city...nobody's going down
  13. I've been quite impressed with our efforts towards keeping Covid-19 in check here in Germany. However, now that I'm involved in the procedure I gotta say: Kinda sucks... I'm waiting for some kind of information regarding my test. Called a few doctors in the hopes that I can get tested but all of them told me I gotta wait for a call from the local health authorities. Been waiting for 6 hours now. And tomorrow is holiday. I highly doubt I can get tested before Monday Doesn't seem like a very efficient way to break the infection chain...
  14. Anybody else have games that just won't end? Everybody running around with Fire Flowers... The end game is really boring
  15. My sister tested positive for Covid. I've spent a few hours with her last Saturday so chances are I have it, too, especially since I've been sick since Tuesday. Contacted my doctor and they told me I have to wait until the local health authorities get in touch with my sister and eventually with me ??? Why can't I just get tested? Anyway, already notified my best friend. I've spent Sunday evening at his place. And my flat mates are in the know, as well. Thankfully this is all the contact I have these days.
  16. Ladies and gents, we can now officially say: PS5 is out next month.
  17. Quite like it. I can see it become even more intense in later levels. Nintendo needs to get their shit together and not remove it in March...
  18. So...killing the shopkeeper is a game changer. Only realized this after a million runs. Getting a shotgun lets me progress much further. The end of each level gets a little more difficult but it's manageable.
  19. Played Genshin Impact for a while and I really want to dive in more, but the controls are atrocious. Circle to attack? R1 to dodge? Menus can't decide whether to use the analogue stick or d-pad to control? Urgh. Seems like it was made by someone who's never played a console game in their life. Unless customizable controls get patched in, it'll be a game I want to play more but simply can't
  20. Thanks for the heads-up, but for new releases I almost never go digital.
  21. Started my FUCK YOU, BLUE COINS! I'LL NEVER COLLECT YOU play through of Super Mario Sunshine. 10 Shines in. For whatever reason, I remembered the Sand Bird Red Coins shine to be quite difficult. It wasn't. I'm the best.
  22. My family told me that I should keep my PS5 pre-order given that my birthday is less than two weeks after the console's release. Sooooo....looks like I'll be joining the next gen sooner than expected
  23. Looks like it'll be a blast Can't wait to give it a go
  24. Yeah...we need a Legendary Pokémon Battle Royale.
  25. In Spelunky 2's case, no, as Sheikah explained. Anyways, credits have rolled on my Hades save file. Can't give this game enough praise. Supergiant Games are masters at their craft. There's still an epilogue to unlock, but that takes a considerable amount of time. Think I won't go for it for now, got other stuff to play
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