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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. And there it was. Now I'm officially in quarantine until Wednesday. The lady thanked me for being responsible and putting myself into isolation, even though I haven't been put into quarantine initially. Yeah...big whoop, I knew I should stay home... Anyways, sent them the list with people I came in contact with, which means: I'm done dealing with them. Still have a stuffy nose and my sense of taste and smell obviously haven't come back, yet, but I'm feeling much better today.
  2. Works for me Can you host again?
  3. Did some reading around various forums and it seems that everything that's in the game right now can easily played without paying a cent. Grinding isn't really necessary, either. If you want certain characters then you'd be better off just paying for a chance to "roll" them. But you get a few characters for free as part of the story progression, so there's that.
  4. Played it on PS4 (the Switch version still doesn't have a release date, as far as I know). Biggest issue for me: The controls suck ass. Seriously...seems designed by someone who's never played a console game. This is actually why I stopped playing after 3 hours. In my limited time, however, I did get some positive impressions: it's a beautiful game soundtrack is amazing lots to do and see exploration is fun combat is awesome The game is an action JRPG at its core, though, so if that's something you don't enjoy you should stay away from Genshin Impact. And yes, it's free to play. New characters can be acquired by loot boxes (gacha mechanics). Can't say anything about whether you can play the game nicely without paying a dime, though.
  5. Well, there is at least one:
  6. @S.C.G I have time all day. Let me know when you're up for our session
  7. It couldn't. In other news: My mate and I finished Ghost Recon Breakpoint. What a mess this game is But we enjoyed it. We had a lot of fun in hour 30 hours of coop play time What now? I might finally give Mark of the Ninja: Remastered a go. And I have to decide between Half Minute Hero and Final Fantasy VI. I've already started the former but need to see more.
  8. Pretty sure we all do, but the PS5 itself can't change that. If a game doesn't have uncapped framerate the "brute force approach" won't magically increase FPS. Both PS5 and the new XBox can't do it. It'll be up to the devs to unlock the framerate. You can be sure, however, that games capped at 30 fps which suffer from unstable framerate will run at a constant/stable 30 fps on the new consoles.
  9. No way It's not an incredibly difficult game. I was just horrible today
  10. If you can find a list of games with uncapped framerate then you have your answer.
  11. So BC will be as expected. Sony delivering the goods. First the teardown, now this. Next week UI? Personally, I'm not that interested in it but I'd obviously still check out the news.
  12. Yeah, I figured, but I was already tilted
  13. Sorry @Glen-i I'm getting frustrated It's not even that the levels are a little more difficult, I just completely suck at everything today. Need a break for now. I'd be up for another session tomorrow, if you have the time
  14. @Glen-i just FYI, I have another playing session lined up in about 60-90 minutes.
  15. In 10 minutes?
  16. UI hints?
  17. @Glen-i since I won't be leaving my flat for the weekend, you up for another session? Do we have to replay some levels for the DK coins, by the way?
  18. Source 10 PS4 games not playable on PS5. Thankfully My Name is Mayo isn't on that list.
  19. Ehh...excuse me? Pendulum is back? AWESOME!
  20. I'm still able to "experience" spiciness and the likes. I just can't taste the food itself, if that makes any sense.
  21. I will now start to complain more on the internet... My doctor called and the test was positive. Not surprising. What now? YOU GUESSED IT. Gotta wait for a call from the local health authorities. Then I'll most likely have to send them a list of people I got in contact with and then I'm pretty much done...I hope. Thankfully, it's been only three people I've seen. My two flatmates (though, they've spend the last 10 days with their partners) and my best mate. Also: I figured out that I can also taste chocolate a little bit. Yay.
  22. It is. I'm able to taste soy sauce just a little bit. Other than that...nothing. Thanks I mean, I can't speak for the entirety of Germany, but it has been very annoying and exhausting for me. Everyone on my sister's contact list has gotten a call from the local health authorities last Friday, they all got tested the same day and have gotten their test result later that day or the Monday after. My timeline: Got a call from the local health authorities the Monday after. Was able to get tested the day after. Still waiting for the result. I have no idea why it's been such a shit show...
  23. I also like the Series S/X design. SO? WHAT NOW?
  24. For me it'll be: A nice looking console that is insanely good at cooling (apparently). Then again, @Glen-i just told me that I have no taste so...who am I to talk...
  25. I think I've passed the "high point". Still got the sniffles and feel a little weak, but health seems to be improving. No taste and smell will be annoying, though, especially since the latter will take approx. 2 months to recover. In other news: Still haven't gotten my test result. You'd think they'd be fast with the tests given it's a pandemic... What a shitshow this has been for me.
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