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Everything posted by Nicktendo

  1. I also noticed that in the friend's list play times are now broken up into one hour increments for the first 10 hours and then in increments of five like before. Baby steps are better than no steps, I suppose.
  2. Yes. Tied in 57th place with 7 points we have: And now we're getting into the nitty-gritty. Introducing the games worthy of TOP-50 status. Coming in at joint 45th place with a fairly respectable 8 points we have... the first answer to the question, "which is (not) the best 3D Mario game of all time. Also, the game with the worst title of all time, arguably one of the most influential games of the past 20 years, and finally a game I can guarantee* no-one has ever played on original hardware (you filthy pirates!). *Probably, but not 100%
  3. You want more Pilotwings? So do I! And more WaveRace, F-Zero, proper Paper Mario, the list goes on... I can't give you any of those things, but I can give you the next set of games on our list of TOP Nintendo published games ever! With six points and tied in 62nd place we have our first Switch and Wii U games!
  4. Here's a little bit more for you as I enjoy my lunch break. The games which managed to scrape five points and are tied in 70th place, the Pokemon franchise makes its first appearance, as does the first game developed by Rare:
  5. I'm going to include @dwarf's vote because a shake up at the top is always a good thing, especially considering how PAINSTAKINGLY close it is in the top 10, and more votes means more accurate results, amirite? (Plus his vote doesn't affect the results that have already been announced, so that's nice) Here's your next batch of results, beautiful people. Moving on, we have the games that managed four points and are tied in 73rd place: Confession: One game was due to appear on the list above, until I realised some people had used its US name, and others had used its (infinitely more stupid) EU name. Damn you, NOE. So while these games are all tied in 73rd place, the results already mentioned above for three, two and one point respectively can be bumped by one place... If I could edit those posts I would, but alas, we are still bearing the brunt of awful marketing decisions some 20 years later.
  6. Welcome to part two of the TOP Nintendo published games of all time as voted for by you lovely people. So Skyward Sword eh? Only managed one point. A surprise, or generally expected? Honestly it made me a little sad. Lets have a look at which games managed three points then, including the first N64 game and the second Zelda game on the list.... More tomorrow!
  7. Can anyone advise me on how to embed YouTube audio into a post? Cheers.
  8. I watched this too, fantastic video! I should probably get around to playing this someday...
  9. So the results have been tallied and verified by an independent adjudicator... I'd like to thank all 26 people who voted. This is the definitive N-Europe list of the BEST games ever published by Nintendo. Let's start from the bottom. Coming in with a grand total of one point: YOUR favourite Nintendo games ever ranked in tied 94th place: But the fun doesn't stop there! Here are the games that managed TWO points and as a result are tied 89th place: More will be revealed tomorrow!
  10. I'll try and get the results for this tallied up by tomorrow evening. Been extremely busy over the last couple of weeks and ended up forgetting about this... If anyone else would like to vote, you have until tomorrow evening. I'll try to publish the results between 8 and 10pm UK time.
  11. I'm gonna have to skip tonight, only just finished work. Once the clocks go back in the UK, I should be in every week. 10pm is just cutting it too fine to get home in time.
  12. I think the USA not qualifying is a bigger shock than Holland not making it. They have such an easy group and a 2 in 3 chance of at least making it through either to the WC or the intercontinental playoffs. I think it'll be a blow to the game over there, especially considering how well the MLS seems to be doing at the moment and how big some of the fanbases of their clubs have become.
  13. Yep, I got it last night and can confirm it's annoying as hell.. I had the sound turned right down and it was still distracting. Hope they fix it soon. As for the long save times which people on GAF have been mentioning, it's being blown out of proportion. It's certainly no more than the length of a loading screen in BOTW. 15 seconds maybe, but definitely not game breaking. The audio issue is a much bigger problem in my opinion. Loving this game though, already halfway through Spring and just plodding along and enjoying the vibe, last time I focused on mining and farming and completely ignored the town, so I'm going the other way this time and trying to focus on making friendships and finding a wife
  14. Haven't played much Switch over the past month but jumped into Stardew Valley as soon as it was up today and put in a good 2 or 3 hours already. I urge anyone who had any kind of love for Harvest Moon or Rune Factory to pick it up, the game is a masterpiece and easily one of my favourite indie games of all time. £10.99 is a fantastic price for a game filled to the brim with content and things to do. Anyone looking for an authentic SNES experience, kinda in the way Sonic Mania was an authentic 16-bit Sonic experience, you won't be disappointed.
  15. Yep, I was in 3rd and saw it all. Literally cms from the line, great stuff! Really enjoyed tonight's theme, some quality racing in the first two GPs and the last one was pure chaos. 'Til next Thursday!
  16. I dont have the old Mercedes either... Shall I use the B-dasher (closest thing to a 50s F1 car) or something else?
  17. That sounds not a million miles away from the Master League. I generally like these long career type modes which offer some customisation, so I may jump in, but definitely not at the price its going for at the moment. Does the game require you to put in a lot of busy work if you ignore the microtransations, or is it pretty fair? That's something I'm really not a fan of... Obviously. Hopefully there will be a patch to have matches against friends as an N-E league would also make me more inclined to bite the bullet. Probably need to give it a go first, if the gameplay isn't at PES's level then I definitely wouldn't be too keen, FIFA's physics have always felt a bit off in comparison to PES.
  18. So what is ultimate team? Is it like the classic master league on PES? Get together a team and climb the leagues kind of deal? I'd maybe be interested if that's the case.
  19. Got booted out some good games tonight. My Wi-Fi is dodgy as hell though. Took me 5 mins to get in the MK room. Gonna have to find myself an Ethernet adapter I think. Maybe up for some more games on sunday!
  20. Wow.... 85 seconds and it couldn't find any other players.
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